Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Ideas, designs and stitchery...

I can smell Autumn 
dancing in the breeze....

A start to a new but short week.  I had a wonderful time away and have come back refreshed and with lots of pictures and designs, wild flowers for pressing (some I think are beautiful weeds maybe will have to look them up) for my flower journal and I am ready to go with new vitality and vigour... I did me the world of good.  I hope that you all had a great long weekend too.  To be cooked for and poured glasses of wine and told .. sit there and don't move! was just what I needed.

Mum was well taken care of and it must have been nice for her to have others popping in although she said she missed me and I missed her too to be honest but still I benefited from the rest.  It is a shame as our friend is going to be selling the cottage and moving on .. Still in Devon I believe but not written in blood, but I will miss this cosy cottage very much.

Well this week should see me starting one new project by the end of it I hope and I will choose the
Autumn leaves one.  I have the words worked out for it so I can lightly pencil those in place ready for the first tiny stitches .... I can not really believe that it is nearly September, where has this year gone and will someone please slow the earth down a little I am getting dizzy!!

Schools will soon be back and that means houses for sale when Mums and Dads have packed the little darlings off to school once more and they can tidy and open there doors to the general public for viewing ... this is my earnest hope for the next two weeks ... watch this space.

I will be doing some designing tomorrow being that it is Wednesday and I think I may go one stage further and get my water colours out too.  I think tomorrow I will stitch in the morning and design in the afternoon so that I have some more ideas for when my little project baskets are coming to an end.

I have noticed the squirrels in my garden are gathering nuts that I give them.  Mostly through this Summer they have sat eating on the lawn but they are in full  thoughts to get the larders full for the Winter mode! waiting eagerly for me to give them their peanuts in shells and they are running back and forth along the fence over the elder flower tree and off in the distance to where their hide holes in trees are and they are stocking up.  I have noticed its not about digging the lawn and burying them this year (thus far anyway) do they know something we do not? is it going to be a frosty cold Winter? Ah well I love open fires and hopefully it will be another open fire somewhere else ... determined am I to go!

Tomorrow I also want to go through my threads for a little while and do a tiny stock check, it should not take that long but it is something that I need to do.  I want to check on all the reds and rusts of the season.. I am sure I have not written down properly what I have used and as they come from America and I am not picking them up in person this year and I have to rely on the post, well I need to make an order before I run out of something if stocks are low!

I will enjoy taking photos today at some point or tomorrow as I have a few things to show you all.  Stunning fabrics and very old quilt pieces and more ...Its exciting!

So today its head down and stitching away plus taking photos of my stash from my purchases of late .. I have written a list of things to do this week or finish and this has done me good as I can tick off as things have been done, it clears my mind when I do things like this.  Lists are my friend and although it can be daunting when you get a long list, it is
satisfying to be able to cross them off.

Well that is me today I am off to get my sewing out and sort some things so I will see you back here bright and early on Thursday morning.  Have a good couple of days and as always 
Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Glad you had a good rest. Its lovely to be waited on occasionally ...........Well if your friend is selling why don't your buy.....?

    Julie xxxxxxx

    1. Hi Julie
      It was wonderful.. Enjoyed and did not want to return!
      The cottage is too small for us and no garage .. That is a must for my husband.
      We will continue our search in a week or so!

      Sarah xxxx

  2. Glad you had a nice time away and feel refreshed. It's funny because I've also been blogging about Autumn smells and colours, and picking out cosy jumper patterns to knit (well, add to my Bucket List of Knits I might do one day). Although summer seems to be having one last throw here on the Sunshine Isle. Good luck on the house front, let's hope you're right xx

    1. Thank you Sandy!
      Yes it's still hot here but you can feel the change in the early morning or evening.. Autumn is in the air for sure!
      Would love to see some of your knits ... Are the on your blog?
      Sarah xxxx

  3. There are some knits on the gmail blog, but most of my photos are on my website http://sandybelfitt38.wixsite.com/sjbvintagehandknits or my Facebook page
    You have inspired me to do a weekly blog, although I'm having difficulty drafting it (it has taken me a week so far to write the first paragraph!). I admire your tenacity at producing one so often. xx

  4. Oh Sarah, your blog is just what I needed! It's been a devilishly busy week thus far - working long hours and spending to much time sitting at my desk. You seem to have had a lovely time away - it sounds sublime. I am hoping that soon, work will be a bit calmer and I can get my thoughts and creative ideas out of my head and actually do them. Thanks for being that inspiration that I need. Best of luck with the house hunting and glad to hear your mum is on the mend. Xx
