Thursday, 31 December 2015

New Years Eve and Welcome 2016

New Years Day.  A fresh start and a new chapter in life waiting to be
written.  New questions to be asked, embraced and loved.  Answers
to be discovered and then lived in a year of delight and self discovery.
Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream with
pen in hand ... only dreams give birth to change.

Sarah Ban Breathnach.

It is New Years Eve and I hope that you all had a lovely Christmas.  At midnight tonight a new year starts and we welcome 2016!

Happy New Year to you all and I hope that is a good one for all.  I am excited that I have new designs to play around with and a journal full of ideas and inspirations.  I did receive some beautiful books and stitchery items so I will be able to sort through my work room and make room for new items and get some work baskets ready......  

I will be back here on Monday 11th January when the house will then be back to normal and we have waved a sad farewell to Jo. 

I am having a week sorting everything for my business and workroom and that is why the 11th seems like a great day to start writing again and telling you of my plans and designs for 2016.  Also we plan to put our house on the market in the next month or so and a move will be on its way....2016 is going to be new chapter for us personally and I hope to get an old farmhouse and have a work building away from the house so it is like going to work daily and keep the house free of pins and needles ( well work baskets may creep in on the winter evenings!)  I am excited and really ready to move.  I am hoping to have the strength to do so as well.

Hoping you all have a lovely evening whether it is a huge party or a quiet gathering ....

Thank you for 2015 and all your support, which I hope will continue and grow in 2016. XX

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Christmas Eve & Thank you

“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach!”
Charles Dickens - A Christmas Carol

It is Christmas Eve an everything is in full swing everywhere today.  I would just like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas whatever you are doing this year.

A HUGE THANK YOU to you all for coming along here and reading this blog and also to those of you that take the time to comment, it really is appreciated very much.
This is a very special day in our house and probably the most exciting one because of anticipation as much as anything .. for us it is a few days to all be together.

This year is made even more special as our wonderful friend Jo has come all the way from Australia to be with us, which is her two yearly thing and we all look forward to it so much.

I will be taking a few weeks off and will return here on Monday 11th January when all has been packed away and I can get ready for the year ahead.  There will be a blog on New Years Eve as well if you would like to come along and read.....

I am hoping that I might be lucky enough to get some stitchery presents this year as I was asked to write a wish list to be passed around the family.

To you all I wish you a peaceful time and hope that even if we can not all be with our special loved ones for whatever reason we can reflect and smile about the times we have had with them.

Happy Christmas 2015 XX

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Christmas is coming and the geese are getting fat!

Chill December brings the sleet
Blazing fire and Christmas treat!

Good morning All

Well my lovely friend from Australia has landed safely and it is now time to take time out to be with her and enjoy her company.

I will be doing a blog on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve but other than that I will be returning to work in January.

My health due to a really terrible bout of flu has been a disaster since October and I feel I have achieved nothing literally for ages.  :But I hope to return refreshed, well and with lots of exciting things to share with you all.  My design book is full ( this is what has kept me resting basically .. I felt I was still doing something with stitching) so I will be sharing this with you all along the way.

I am hoping for a few stitchery books and bits and bobs for Christmas and I will be able to share some book reviews with you all as well.

The house is now filled with Christmas magic, with stockings stuffed and presents under the tree all tied with bows.  Vintage Christmas baubles in glass jars and a real Christmas tree that makes the house smell divine!  Cinnamon sticks are at the ready for mulled wine and apple cider and the fires are lit.

There are jars of candy canes and handmade chocolates and twinkling fairly lights and the scene is set for a cosy and magical time with our friends and family.

My stitchery room although extremely tidy with a guest bed made up in it is ready for 2016 and I have some beautiful fabrics, button, ribbons and linens to create with.  My hand dyed shaker threads are ready and safely tucked up in their boxes .. shining like jewels and ready for design work.  The spectrum of colours is amazing and I am very pleased with how it is all there waiting for my return.

I can not wait to experiment with my new ideas for samplers with incorporating cross stitch and vintage papers.

Sorted are all my cotton threads, paisley drawers and linens ready for the off and on that note I hope see you all here Christmas Eve if you can and ready back here for us to share stories of what we had in our stitchery stockings ... I have been a good girl Santa so fingers crossed!

Keep warm and well and have a great time..... Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Early 1900's specimen needlework book .... of C M James.

I have just taken delivery of my latest E bay find and win in the form of a wonderful needlework specimen book.  When young ladies had to learn how to stitch properly and had to samples and stick them into books.

This is a perfectly beautiful specimen in its own right, with tissue paper between pages to keep this beautiful stitching safe.  The stitches are like mice have worked them and I am reliably informed
from the lady I bought it from it is early 1900's and by now looking at it closely I would say she is correct in her dating of this fabulous piece of history.  I do not know who C M James is but she was a great little stitcher.....

The work shown in this photo is of seams, single and double binding, application of lace and a sleeve.  The work is exquisite..

I am going to see on one of my family history sites if I can spot a C M James at all around the late 1800's being born.   I will let you know how that goes.  It of course could be a complete needle in a large field of hay stacks as there is no school name but the book on the front does give a clue to who made the book and it was Robert Gibson and Son Glasgow...... did she come from Glasgow or Scotland .. well it is a place to start.

The pictures on the right are of shaped facing and cross cut hem, openings and strengthening, flannel work of openings and patching.

The pinking sheer edges would have been some of the first as the first patent for them was in 1893 in the United States...

The first photos above are all very delicate old linens and this does help to date the stitchery.  The flannel is however very fine too...

The samples in this photo are again top left of patching on printed linen, strengthening and darning on wool, machine stitched darning and breakfast cut and the last photo this is a piece of work that was not pinned in the book with some teacher remarks pinned to it .. which is delightful.

I am absolutely thrilled with my first of a growing collection I am sure.  To start me off it has been a real joy and pleasure to turn these delicate pages....

I hope you have enjoyed sharing this with me and have a great day and as always Happy Stitching!

Monday, 14 December 2015

Book review ......A school girls work

This book is from the Spencer Museum of Art and Barb Adams and Alma Allen have joined with the museum to share historical schoolgirl cross stitch samplers.  The examples contained within the pages span the years between 1710 and 1841.

I bought this book whilst in America this October and whilst resting up have read from cover to cover and it really is a beauty.

This book wonderful and if you love samplers ( and you know my passion for them) well this book is for you.

There are 24 samplers that are featured and it includes names and dates and a write up of each sampler with some great photos.  You can look at some beautiful needle work ship and to think these were very young girls who
produced such needlework.

The sampler on the left is the work of Sela Sibley, she was aged 11 years old and is dated 1817.  She was born on October the 8th in 1805 in Massachusettes.  She finished this piece of work on July 23 in 1817 right before her twelfth Birthday this beautiful book reliably informs us.  No further information of Sela life could be found but at eleven years old to produce such needle skills you can only imagine what she went on to acheive.

The verse on her sampler reads:

Awake my soul and with the sun
The daily state of duty run
Shake off dull sloth and early rise
To pay the morning sacrifice.

Flowers, house and people with an ABC this is truly a folk art sampler at its best.

There are so many beautiful samplers in this book for you to look at and learn from but it does not stop there my dear readers.  There is a section in the back of patterns and pictures of projects you can make with all the patterns for you do complete each project.

One of these is a sampler called 'where flowers bloom so does hope'  The inspiration for this piece is from a Hannah E Sunderlins work and this is a beautiful one to stitch.  All of the projects are equally as stunning and I can not recommend this beautiful book enough.

I have checked and this book is on Amazon at several prices so check before you order....

I hope you have enjoyed a little look into this most beautiful book .... one for your wish list I think.

Happy Stitching!

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Pom Pom maker ...... Oh this is amazing!

Good morning all and Happy Weekend!

I just wanted to show you my new gadget!  I bought this beauty in Arundel when I was in West Sussex last weekend.

There is a little Victorian enclosed shopping mall in Arundel and along with a bear shop and antique shop and lots more there is a little stitching shop.  I went in and saw this great device.  The lady in the shop explained to me how it works so that you can make up to 20 at a time..... the more you make the smaller they are but you can make 4 large ones in one go too.

You choose your wool and tie it onto the frame and wrap the wool around.  Then you divide the sections with wool and cut them off and fluff them up
to make wonderful pom poms! oh joy....

It is such a clever invention and such a simple design and idea I am just surprised no one has thought about it before but I am glad that they have.

I will let you know how I get on after Christmas when I make some and take photos as I go along....

Have any of you seen these before? and if so what do you think?

Have a great day and Happy Stitching!

Friday, 11 December 2015

Hand Dyed Shaker Threads ... my booty from America!

I'm itching to be stitching!  ~Author Unknown

Looking through my beautiful threads the other day was wonderful and I have to admit to spending far too much time doing so.  In my defence I was not only taking photos but also looking at my design book so that I could match up some threads at the same time in the column at the side, this way when I get around, next year, to be stitching them I have some idea as to how to start.

I have some beautiful colours of embroidery threads I must say and with that kind of choice then I am set for next year.

I have recently bought some beautiful cross stitch patterns for me to stitch for our home and I am really looking forward to doing some of that.  I have decided to incorporate some cross stitch in my embroidery and appliqué  sampler designs next year, I have been inspired buy not only looking at antique samplers but indeed cross stitched monograms on French linen sheets that I have in my stash.....! 

Having spent lots of time resting in bed over the last few weeks, which is not a good place to bring a needle, and with watering eyes mistakes are to readily made, I have as you know been designing.  I am pleased with some of the results and I have
incorporated some old papers and book pages along with some paper maché as well .... I am going to give some of them ago which will be coupled with embroidery as well as fabrics.....

I managed to go to the Sarah Moore Christmas vintage barn sale last weekend and that is it for me this year.  This dreadful cough and infection has taken its toll on me and I have to know when to give in and rest.  So all of my work now is on hold for January and I am getting ready for Christmas.

I have now sorted my beautiful hand dyed shaker embroidery threads out and I have put them into colour ways for you to look at......

Look at those reds ... oh they are beautiful and I
do use an awful lot of that colour.  then there are of course greens, greys, blues, oranges and yellows and browns to name just a rainbow of thread colours.

I have a huge box that is clear with a clip lid but I am thinking of down sizing to smaller ones with all the different
colour ways in them which would be easier for me really.  The really useful boxes stack beautifully and it seems it would be a great solution and also a time saver in a way.

I am very much looking forward to starting my 2016 with better health and much more energy than I have at the moment.  I am looking forward to stitching again and continuing with my magazine work....

I hope you have enjoyed a peak into my thread stash and hope you have a great day and of course as always happy stitching!

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Sarah Moore .... Christmas barn sale.

Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, does not come
from a store!

Dr Seuss.

Well I managed to get to Sarah Moore's Christmas barn sale and I am so glad that I did.  I wrapped up warm and off we set to West Sussex on a rather blustery day to be greeted by Sarah and her great enthusiasm and cheerful smile and a roaring open fire with a bench that was outside in the courtyard with blankets and basket of logs.

There were tables outside with tea light lamps and fresh Christmas smelling greenery and as always it look beautiful and welcoming.  You can  tell that lots of artistic thought and work goes into these vintage sales at Sarah's home and all that come are welcome.

The barn was done up in in all its splendour with beautiful and unusual gifts to buy for loved ones and for ones self.  Outside in one of the stables Hector and Fox had set up and they had some amazing Christmas fairy lights made from old shot gun cartridges.... There were beautiful smelling candles ( yes some came home with us) and plants planted into beautiful containers and kissing balls made from tiny cones ... visually and aroma wise your senses were working over time ...

Inside the big beautiful barn at the far left hand end they were all set up for making Christmas wreaths.  There were I believe two classes that day going on and there was baskets of beautiful holly and all sorts of scrummy greenery to make a stunning wreath.

Then as you looked around the barn flowed like one large Christmas shop.  Dressers laid with stunning vintage china and cutlery.  There were beautiful vintage linens and baskets of baubles along side stunning fabrics and makes.  There was something there for everyone and I borrowed a basket and started to wander around looking at all the beautiful things that were displayed for purchase.

It had by now got very busy we were there when it opened at 10am but within 15 minutes or so it was bustling with people all with smiles on their faces and wandering around happily.

The barn had been decorated with lights and greenery and there were tables and dressers that were brimming with Christmas vintage goodies.  

The large barn had a corridor to the side that led to two smaller rooms, one being the pop up Tea Room and the other Sarah's workroom with her own personal stash of vintage fabrics.  Since the last pop up sale they have knocked these spaces into one room and oh my it is beautiful with exposed beams and lots of light.  Stone steps go from one barn to the other and there is also a side door onto this now other barn.  It was laid out as a tea room with beautiful vintage cloths on the tables and cakes under glass domes with piles of vintage china and the smell of coffee.  
Then at the far end was utopia ... shelves of stunning fabrics on display, which are not for sale but indeed for Sarah to create with.  Can you imagine sitting at a table eating home made cake and a cafetiére of fresh coffee and staring at all those lovely fabrics .... it was absolute heaven.

Whilst we were sat having our coffee and cake we met up with some lovely friends B and Julia and had a lovely chat and catch up.  Julia writes a blog and I am going to link it on my homepage here.  This lady is talented to say the least and her writing is warm and funny with facts and help along the way.

It was time then to go back to looking around and getting my final purchases before heading off.  I headed for a table that had to be Sarah,s products with beautiful hand made brooches, bags, cushions, button cards and so much more.

Every time you wandered around you saw something different.  This is the way to Christmas shop with hand made goodies that are not mass produced.  There is care put into each thing made and with lots of soul.  I was very pleased with my purchases and I did buy lots and lots of vintage baubles which I have put into a large glass jar and displayed on the side with a false tea light in the middle which makes all the baubles shine and dance.....
The Christmas wreath class was in full swing and the beautiful smell that permeated throughout the barn was wonderful of all the pine and holly that was being enthusiastically bunched together.

People were taking photos of displays and chatting about the beautiful smell of coffee and cakes that was tempting people to sit and stay a while.

We had a wonderful day and after we left we popped into Arundel to look at the Castle and see there Christmas fair that was going on too......

I am going to leave you with a few more photos and hope that you have a wonderful day today.  I would like to thank Sarah and her family once again for hosting such a great event and everyone else there who makes it all possible.

The pop up Tea Room.

Beautiful vintage glass and china.


Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Welcome December and Advent.......

How did it get so late so soon?
It's night before its afternoon!
December is here before its June..
My goodness how the time as flewn!
How did it get so late so soon?...

Dr Seuss.

The above rhyme just about sums up how I feel at the moment the panic is setting in. It is like I have lost 2 months of time and can not catch up and chasing my tail.....

However it is all coming along nicely really.  I am sorting my stitching room so that the bed can be slept in over the Christmas period with out fabrics, pins and needles getting in the way or worse!

I have managed to do lots of Christmas shopping on line without hitting the shops so that has been a blessing as well.

Yesterday I managed to sort the sewing room into some order to be able to make up the bed in the corner and hang a stocking on the bed post so that is more positive.  But when it rains is pours my lovely sewing machine started to play up so I have boxed it up to go to the menders ( under guarantee) and got out my old one, which now seems slow and ancient so that has further scuppered my list.

I am going to be doing lots of hand stitching and piling it up ready to stitch together ( some Christmas stockings) and starting a sampler I think in my little holiday whilst I catch up on chat with my friend.

I have been asked to write a wish list for my Birthday and Christmas so I have been sorting through my threads etc to see if there are any requirements, my family and friends are used to my quirky lists by now but on the positive side it is nice to give a gift that is needed or useful.

Since I have been back from America I have not even sorted through my hand dyed shaker threads ..... yes shows you how ill I have been doesn't it!!! well today that is to be my list tick .. Plus I am going to take photos for you to see the huge pile that I have bought back with me .. grin!

Life here is turning a bit back to normal and I am getting ready the house to decorate for the festive season.  I am not putting out as much this year because we are at a friends for Christmas Day (in fact four days  in Devon) so I actually do not have to do much then but for us Christmas starts when Jo arrives and there is a get together of friends here that weekend and I would like the the lights up outside and the trees up and the stairs decorated along with fire places.... so there's another goal.

Well I must away to sort the shaker threads and I need to go into the paisley drawer .. yes ladies and gents I could be some time.... I have missed my stitching and my fabrics and threads.

Have a great day and Happy Stitching! x

Monday, 30 November 2015

C T Quilts ..... an absolute jewel of a place!

Blessed are the piece makers! Blessed are the daughters of the piece makers
 for they shall inherit the quilts.

What can I say about C T Quilts ... hmmm where to start there is so much to say.  This shop is just wonderful.  It is pretty from the outside which always shows promise as far as I am concerned and it is really understated too.  I had been in touch with the ladies at this shop and they had said they were
looking forward to my visit and yes indeed there were old quilts. that statement was understated I can tell you.

When I walked into this jewel I noticed lots of different beautiful new fabrics and notions and a smiling face to greet me.  I introduced myself and was immediately warmly welcomed.  I could not help it because as we were saying hello I say shelving unit and there folded and displayed were indeed antique quilts and fabrics.  I could not believe it.

Whilst I was there I was shown and told about the quilt restorations that they do for clients.  This shop really is good.  You can go there and get advice, help, restoration, new fabrics and notions, antique fabrics and linens, threads and so much more.... If this was down the road from me I would be a frequent visitor.  If any of you reading this are lucky enough to live near this shop in CT then go and take a look for yourselves.  If you blink you would miss it but when inside its like an Aladdin's Cave and seems to open up.  It looks very small from the outside but not at all with plenty of fabrics and another room for quilt restoration.

    Address: 27 Coogan Blvd #1c, Mystic, CT 06355, United States
    Phone:+1 860-304-3090

There is a promised web site which is under construction and then all around the world it will be possible to buy vintage fabrics and quilts from them.  I bought a beauty when I was there infact a couple one has the name and the date on it of the lady who stitched it.  I will be selling it next year either at a vintage fair or on Etsy so watch this space......

Anyway I must get on with a few bits today  ... working from my list is the best therapy as you see things crossed off!

Have a great day and Happy Stitching!

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Hello and Happy Weekend.

Good Morning All

Well as you all may have guessed I have been right royal poorly with flu and a dreadful cough and cold.  I tried to go out this week for a little while but the cold air just made me start to cough all the more!

I am feeling better than I was but extremely tired I am afraid.  I have not picked up a needle in weeks which is so unlike me, however I am hoping to get some done next week.

I have so much to do and hate being ill - its such a waste of time I feel.  I have preparations for Christmas to be getting on with and getting ready for my friend Jo who comes every two years from OZ .... Eeeeek!

The trick is I feel not to over do it and just do some jobs daily then early afternoon sit down and do some stitching to feel I am back at work.

I have missed some great vintage fairs on this years calenders and I am really sad about that.  Today is the Christmas Vintage Bazaar in Devizes from 9 until 3 so if any of you can make it then it will be wonderful.  I am hoping that by next weekend I will be able to attend the Sarah Moore Christmas pop up fair at her beautiful farm house in West Sussex but I will have to see.....

I have stopped work for publication this year and will resume in 2016, I am having a few weeks off for Christmas to spend with Jo and  to be able to organise my self for next years punishing diary commitments....

I feel since my holiday in October the weeks have flown by and I have had this cough etc for 9 weeks which is very draining.  I have some new cough mixture and it seems to be working so fingers crossed for me peeps...

Wanting to get on I have written some lists and one of the things to do is get some project baskets ready for next year.  Whilst I have been recuperating I have been sketching new designs and I am pleased with the results.

So hopefully next week I will have some good blogs again for you all to read until I stop for the festive season.

Thank you to those of you who have messaged me I have been over whelmed with your caring words and a special thank you to Jenny of Tilly D fame who contacts me regularly to see how I am and if anything is needed ... Thank you Jenny you have been a great friend and helping me at the October VB when I felt so ill.

Anyway I hope you are all well out there and keeping flu free so take good care and have a great weekend and of course Happy Stitching! xx

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Sardinian Knotted Embroidery

Good Morning

This is a great little film about Sardinian knotted embroidery.  The town of Teulada is famous for it.  There is also a book on the subject which is shown at the end of this short film.

I love learning about new things and to see the blue sea and the warm weather on this film makes me hope for a better summer next year to the one we had this year.....

This is great for ideas for your embroidery and shows you, I hope, not to be afraid to try patterns on things as well.  Have a great day and as always Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Part two of the Antique American adventure ..... Quilts!

We live in a web if ideas, a fabric of
our own making.

Joseph Chilton Pearce

Having left New Hampshire with a suitcase full of vintage haberdashery goodies and a large smile on my face we were on our way to Connecticut and there was so much to look forward to.  One I had learnt of a quilt shop called CT Quilts and the promise of not only a beautiful quilting and fabric shop but also there were vintage fabrics and quilts and they did not lie!

 Oh what a find and what a shop. Also we were going to meet our dear friends at The Inn at Stonington in Connecticut whom we met on holiday 5 years ago and have met up with ever since.....

I wanted to hold, look at and generally stroke what I had found in New Hampshire but it was packed in the car so I sat content enjoying the ride and watching the changing leaf colours that were along the way, we were off to Stonington in Connecticut and I was very much looking forward to my time there at the stunning Inn with the Ocean views and the smell of the sea and the sound of the ting ting ting of the yachts that are anchored there.  There was the beach combing and walks, which I felt would do me some good and of course the chance to visit a quilt shop that had so much promise and of course meet with our dear friends for lots of laughter and catching up.  I had my flu pills and I was not going to give into it..... with one holiday a year I really was not going to be unwell.

I found some wonderful things there.  American feed sacks that were whole and not cut up.  Several beautiful quilts, one of which is the star of Bethlehem and one that is signed and dated by the original owner and maker ...1922.  Also I found two quilt tops and one of them is feed sack pieces.  I bought some wonderful nine patch pieces with some of the fabric from the 18th Century in them.  This shop is wonderful.  I have asked the owners if I may do an interview and blog about them and they have agreed eagerly and are happy to do so .....  So this means I am going to write a blog and tell you all about them and what they do and believe me it is amazing.

I took these bits to the vintage bazaar and sold some and still have some left so I will be selling them on.  I may load them to Etsy and I will let you know when that is done so that you can see them.

We spent a good hour or more in this beautiful shop find and the people who were there that day were so helpful and pleasant and friendly.

I was so pleased to have found this amazing place and enjoyed our hour or so with very knowledgeable people who could have not done enough and were so pleased and helpful.  Always going out the back to see if there was something else that may be of interest to me.

The blog later in the week when I have done a little interview with them and so that I can get some facts as well as my impressions as well.  Do not miss it if you love quilts and quilting and of course vintage.

Have a great day and Happy Stitching!

P.S  Thank you to those of you who have sent get well messsages ... how thoughtful and kind of you.  I am on the mend just still without lots of energy.

Monday, 9 November 2015

My American antique adventure ... Part one.

We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure.  There is no end
to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open

Jawaharlal Nehru

The time spent in America was all together too short but wow did we pack some things in.  We went to the Canterbury Shaker village with all its history and atmosphere and it has a calm and quiet effect on all those who visit.

Quilting shops that had new and vintage fabrics.  We met up with friends for 5 days and had fun and adventure ( I even went on a bike ride, yes wrapped up and full of medication so as not to let everyone down)  

We went along the Antiques trail and also found some better antique shops that were not mentioned on the Internet but oh boy there are some beauties and everyone was welcoming and helpful to say the least.  New Hampshire and Connecticut were brimming with beauty and vintage and of course the leaves were stunning, such a beautiful time of year to be there and I enjoyed every moment.  I know I was not in full health but at least I was away and not having to do housework or even make our bed.  I was determined to enjoy every moment and keep taking flu tablets along the way.

Our first stop after landing was New Hampshire and the Colby Hill Inn ( which is like heaven on earth)  This is the centre also for the Antiques trail.  When we set off on the trail I was clutching my list and watching all the scenery go by as my husband drove us along.  I have to say that a lot of it was disappointing though.  I had asked about fabrics and stitchery before I had left as you know and there was a distinct lack of what I was looking for.  I will admit to being a little deflated especially I suppose of not feeling my normal self on top.  

Over two days we did not find much but what we did find has sold and so there fore I am pleased with it.  I bought a beautiful wall hanging which you saw in last Fridays blog and the other were two little flapper dolls with hand painted faces and they were beautiful.  I took a chance on them and told myself that should they not sell within 3 months I would keep them.  They sold within 3 minutes so I was so pleased with my choices.

My husband then found an antique shop over several floors in a town near where we were staying called Concord, which happens to be the capital of New Hampshire .... Ooh my as soon as I walked in I knew that I had found stitchery heaven ( not quilts that comes later in the holiday)  I found some wonderful things there including the two head dresses that I spoke of last Friday ( see the post on the
Vintage Bazaar)  also there were cotton reels, mother of pearl buttons on there original cards and beautiful cards of popper studs as well.  I found some original leather theatre gloves too that are so dainty and small you wonder what size these ladies were.....

I bought lace, ribbons, buttons, spools which I might add were clarks and JP Coates and some stunning book plates I had a whole haberdashery by the basket full..... this was one happy lady I can tell you.  I kept walking around in absolute heaven.

I had such a great time buying and of course selling them at the Vintage Bazaar.  Not all have gone so I am think of putting them on Etsy to sell at some point and some will be keepers for me.  I think a little haberdashery and quilt shop with some of my makes thrown in will great or I may well push forward with my website that was shelved because of being busy designing for publication this year.

I was still on the hunt for quilts and feed sack fabrics, whole sacks and of course quilts made from them as well.

But that is another story for you all tomorrow........  Lets just say you will not be disappointed with the beauty of what I purchased and some of the stories to go along with it.  Learn about an absolute beauty of a shop in Connecticut and a funny story about the bike ride!

Have a great day and as alway Happy Stitching!

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Handmade Indian Natural Quilts ....This film is amazing!

When I watched this I was enthralled at how clever this is.  First the blocks are carved from wood and then hand printed onto cotton.  The quilts are hand quilted by very talented ladies.

This is fabulous and I hope you enjoy this.  Its worth making a warm drink and settling down to watch this film which is under 5 minutes and it will start your day with enthusiasm and joy I can tell you.  It has given me some great project ideas with embroidery.  Have a great weekend whatever you are doing and as always Happy Stitching!

Friday, 6 November 2015

At last the post about my amazing day at the Vintage Bazaar in Frome!

Hello All

Sorry that I have been AWOL since the weekend but literally on Monday morning I woke up feeling really poorly.  I had a cold and cough before I left for America and struggled with it whilst away and only really getting by with tablets ( also not wanting to make our holiday bad by giving in to being ill)  Then when I got home it was the Vintage Bazaar and again I was taking things to help me get through the weekend.... finally I decided not to take anymore and see how it would be.  The answer Not Good!...  I have completely rested and not done a thing until this morning writing this and I will be taking it a bit easy until it has gone all together.  So please bare with me for a little while.  I am due to be in London next Thursday and Friday and really do need to be better for it.

I have had to cancel going to a fabulous vintage event at The Cozy Club today as just could not muster the energy to travel and also do not want to give anything to anyone because this has been a floorer!  Nearly 6 weeks of this has left me drained.

But that said I had a great day at the Vintage Bazaar meeting a few of you as well, which has been wonderful.  I had great feed back about my blog and how those of you who spoke to me about it on Saturday look forward to my blog so that cheered me on.

I got there early and we set up my first stall.  I had a wonderful friend help me Jenny of Tilly D fame and of course my husband.  Jenny helped organise what we needed to do first, knowing I was not firing on all cylinders and helped me reach my vision of what I wanted my first stand to look like! and I hope you agree it looked really good.

My washing line that I had described to my husband and he made before we went away worked perfectly and I was able to peg out a stunning Victorian patchwork wall hanging (now sold) and inspiration packs.  The picture above was one side of my two place stand and it had blankets on an airer and the beautiful quilt that I bought back from America as well.  I bought with me some beautiful things back from the States and lots was sold.

There were some beautiful untouched feed sacks and some quilt tops made from some as well also a lovely quilt which is a half Dresden plate made from feed sack fabric ... very collectible.

I bought back two antique head dresses from the 1940's one is a bridal one with a beautiful veil and bow in creams plus one that is more evening wear with feathers.  The later now has a story attached to it.  A lady came along and picked it up and asked how much it was.  She was looking at it with such intensity.  We were chatting about it and she told me why she thought it would be perfect and I was thrilled.  That little 1940's head dress came home with me from the States to England and will be flying to South Africa after Christmas on a photo shoot!!  Yes this lady is a photographer and she is also having an exhibition of her photos in London next year!!!!..... I have her email and I will know when that is happening and will be going to see the photos of that wonderful head dress......  Can you see it with Halloween skeleton in the middle of it on my stand along side the wedding head dress, I can not wait to go and of course I will report on it next year.  It should be around May or June.

I had such a wonderful day.  One of the quilts I brought back from America had the ladies name and date 1922 stitched on it and the Bethlehem star quilt is outstanding as you can see from the photo on the left.  It is all hand quilted as well and has a date on it around the early 1900's so a wonderful piece of history indeed.

The venue was packed and there was not just me of course but I am afraid the normal go around and take lots of photos just could not happen as I was so busy.  The stall holders had all made such beautiful displays and it was packed with great names such as Donna Flower, Daisy Darling, The Washerwoman, Vintage to Victorian, and so many more.  I must get a list to let you know everyone, as I said I have not been great so all my organisation skills seemed to have got up and left me for a while.  I have had strict instructions to rest for a while longer so that is what I am going to do.  I will not be stitching but I will be able to do some blogs for you as I am excited to tell you all about America and about the antiques in great detail...

I did however manage to snap a photo of this great couple, Gracie and George.  They are always at the Vintage Bazaar in Frome and always dress for the occasion and not just the VB. George and Gracie actually dress like this all the time and I have seen Gracie on several occasions now and
OH MY what a wardrobe this lovely lady has.  The coats and hats and dresses are literally so beautiful and stunning.  I think you will agree she is a most elegant model and is able to wear such beautiful vintage clothes with grace and beauty.....  George is very dapper and it suits them both so well....... would love to have a peek in their wardrobes!

So thank you to those of you who came and found me and who bought from my stall, I really enjoyed meeting you so much.  A big thank you to Liz, Jack, Clare and Mike for organising such a wonderful event indeed.  Do not forget there will be the Christmas Vintage Bazaar on Saturday 28th of November at Devizes at the Corn Exchange.  Entry is £2 and it is from 9am until 3pm, so get your diaries out ladies and gents... it is not to be missed!

There will be a blog tomorrow so please come back and look at the incredible Indian quilts and then next week I will be telling you all about my American antiques holiday.......

Have a great day and of course Happy Stitching!