Hello All
Sorry that I have been AWOL since the weekend but literally on Monday morning I woke up feeling really poorly. I had a cold and cough before I left for America and struggled with it whilst away and only really getting by with tablets ( also not wanting to make our holiday bad by giving in to being ill) Then when I got home it was the Vintage Bazaar and again I was taking things to help me get through the weekend.... finally I decided not to take anymore and see how it would be. The answer Not Good!... I have completely rested and not done a thing until this morning writing this and I will be taking it a bit easy until it has gone all together. So please bare with me for a little while. I am due to be in London next Thursday and Friday and really do need to be better for it.

I have had to cancel going to a fabulous vintage event at The Cozy Club today as just could not muster the energy to travel and also do not want to give anything to anyone because this has been a floorer! Nearly 6 weeks of this has left me drained.
But that said I had a great day at the Vintage Bazaar meeting a few of you as well, which has been wonderful. I had great feed back about my blog and how those of you who spoke to me about it on Saturday look forward to my blog so that cheered me on.
I got there early and we set up my first stall. I had a wonderful friend help me Jenny of Tilly D fame and of course my husband. Jenny helped organise what we needed to do first, knowing I was not firing on all cylinders and helped me reach my vision of what I wanted my first stand to look like! and I hope you agree it looked really good.
My washing line that I had described to my husband and he made before we went away worked perfectly and I was able to peg out a stunning Victorian patchwork wall hanging (now sold) and inspiration packs. The picture above was one side of my two place stand and it had blankets on an airer and the beautiful quilt that I bought back from America as well. I bought with me some beautiful things back from the States and lots was sold.
There were some beautiful untouched feed sacks and some quilt tops made from some as well also a lovely quilt which is a half Dresden plate made from feed sack fabric ... very collectible.

I bought back two antique head dresses from the 1940's one is a bridal one with a beautiful veil and bow in creams plus one that is more evening wear with feathers. The later now has a story attached to it. A lady came along and picked it up and asked how much it was. She was looking at it with such intensity. We were chatting about it and she told me why she thought it would be perfect and I was thrilled. That little 1940's head dress came home with me from the States to England and will be flying to South Africa after Christmas on a photo shoot!! Yes this lady is a photographer and she is also having an exhibition of her photos in London next year!!!!..... I have her email and I will know when that is happening and will be going to see the photos of that wonderful head dress...... Can you see it with Halloween skeleton in the middle of it on my stand along side the wedding head dress, I can not wait to go and of course I will report on it next year. It should be around May or June.

I had such a wonderful day. One of the quilts I brought back from America had the ladies name and date 1922 stitched on it and the Bethlehem star quilt is outstanding as you can see from the photo on the left. It is all hand quilted as well and has a date on it around the early 1900's so a wonderful piece of history indeed.

The venue was packed and there was not just me of course but I am afraid the normal go around and take lots of photos just could not happen as I was so busy. The stall holders had all made such beautiful displays and it was packed with great names such as Donna Flower, Daisy Darling, The Washerwoman, Vintage to Victorian, and so many more. I must get a list to let you know everyone, as I said I have not been great so all my organisation skills seemed to have got up and left me for a while. I have had strict instructions to rest for a while longer so that is what I am going to do. I will not be stitching but I will be able to do some blogs for you as I am excited to tell you all about America and about the antiques in great detail...

I did however manage to snap a photo of this great couple, Gracie and George. They are always at the Vintage Bazaar in Frome and always dress for the occasion and not just the VB. George and Gracie actually dress like this all the time and I have seen Gracie on several occasions now and
OH MY what a wardrobe this lovely lady has. The coats and hats and dresses are literally so beautiful and stunning. I think you will agree she is a most elegant model and is able to wear such beautiful vintage clothes with grace and beauty..... George is very dapper and it suits them both so well....... would love to have a peek in their wardrobes!
So thank you to those of you who came and found me and who bought from my stall, I really enjoyed meeting you so much. A big thank you to Liz, Jack, Clare and Mike for organising such a wonderful event indeed. Do not forget there will be the Christmas Vintage Bazaar on Saturday 28th of November at Devizes at the Corn Exchange. Entry is £2 and it is from 9am until 3pm, so get your diaries out ladies and gents... it is not to be missed!
There will be a blog tomorrow so please come back and look at the incredible Indian quilts and then next week I will be telling you all about my American antiques holiday.......
Have a great day and of course Happy Stitching!