April brings the primrose sweet
scatters daisies at our feet!
And Happy April Fools Day!
Is it going to be April showers? as we have had those in March I believe! all I know is the months are going by and soon, I hope it will be warmer weather for us all to enjoy. I need warm air as I am still, can you believe it, coughing. It rains and I cough, if it is warmer air ... not so much!
Today is all about my workroom and not so much stitching. I am preparing for next week. I am going to get into my work room and take some photos of some of the lovely bits and bobs that I have bought over this last week or so and then pack it all away. Then it is April spring clean for my workroom so that I can get out my design book and make up some work baskets. I have been asked if I can show some of them, which I will do next week when they are made up. It is about gathering (for me) all that is needed including threads and needles. Everything in one basket to be able to stitch and complete each project I undertake... There is something sad about finishing a project because you miss it but equally when you have to only walk into your workspace and find another basket ready to go, it is equally as exciting and wonderful.
I bought a beautiful quilt from quilterdown at The Vintage and Handmade fair in Chipping Sodbury and this has already been photographed so I thought I would show you this today. Nicki bought a vintage quilt top from Jenny of Tilly-D fame and then she rescued it and made it into the beautiful small quilt that you see before you. I love it so much and is added to my ever growing collection. It may well end up as a wall hanging or just sit in the middle of one of the beds .. undecided as yet.
There on the back is Nicki's signature if you will . a little hexagon patchwork of vintage fabric in the corner and her label. The quilt is so beautiful and great for this time of year with those pretty floral lemon colours .....
This is it pictured on our bed with the snoozing hare that I bought from Ayres & Graces ... It is just for the photograph as the quilt of choice at the moment is the one made of paisley that Nicki made that I showed you the other week.
Well I must away and get on, do not forget there is a great tutorial on here tomorrow for the weekend so have a great weekend all and I will be back on Monday with more of my ramblings...
Happy Stitching!
Is it going to be April showers? as we have had those in March I believe! all I know is the months are going by and soon, I hope it will be warmer weather for us all to enjoy. I need warm air as I am still, can you believe it, coughing. It rains and I cough, if it is warmer air ... not so much!
There on the back is Nicki's signature if you will . a little hexagon patchwork of vintage fabric in the corner and her label. The quilt is so beautiful and great for this time of year with those pretty floral lemon colours .....
This is it pictured on our bed with the snoozing hare that I bought from Ayres & Graces ... It is just for the photograph as the quilt of choice at the moment is the one made of paisley that Nicki made that I showed you the other week.
Well I must away and get on, do not forget there is a great tutorial on here tomorrow for the weekend so have a great weekend all and I will be back on Monday with more of my ramblings...
Happy Stitching!
Sigh! a thing of beauty....
and a treasure forever.