Saturday, 31 October 2015

All Hallows Eve!

Could Be Halloween

Yowling, prowling, growling cat
Why do you swish your tail like that?
Why do your eyes flash gold and green?    Could be--must be--Halloween!

Slinky, inky, blinky cat,
Why do you arch your back like that?
What scary creatures have you seen?
Could be--must be- Halloween!

Have a great day All .... I am at The Vintage Bazaar in Frome today and then back home to hand out the sweeties to the lovely children that visit yearly ...... I will be doing a write up of the Vintage Bazaar next week for those of you that can not attend so watch this space...... Happy Hallows Eve!

Have a great time whatever you are doing!

Friday, 30 October 2015

The Vintage Bazaar in Frome

Good Morning All

Well I am home tired and happy.  Tomorrow I will be at the Vintage Bazaar in Frome with my first stall ever.....

It is very exciting and I am getting unpacked from holiday and ready for tomorrow.  I will not be doing a blog on Monday but I will tell you all about it on Tuesday for those of you who are unable to get there.  Then is it will be business as usual for this blog and my stitching.  I have lots to tell you next week and some fabulous photos as well.

I had to get fairly organised before I went away as you can imagine.

So the address is ...

The Cheese and Grain
BA11 1BE

Saturday 31st October
9 - 3pm
£2 entry fee.

I hope to meet some of you there and if you are please come and introduce yourself.  My banner will be up so come and find me.  I will be the one with the Jet Lag and a grin! it is Hallows Eve tomorrow and I think I may look the part with the lack of sleep on the over night flight and the jet lag!  I love make up!

Have a great day and hope to see some of you tomorrow, in the meantime ... Happy Stitching!

Thursday, 29 October 2015

History of sewing trade cards ......and they were beautiful!

Sewing machines and thread were heavily advertised during the late 1800's and, as might be expected, women were the primary target. Trade cards advertising sewing machines usually stressed quietness and ease of use, and thread trade cards frequently showed the thread being used in a fantasy scene which emphasizes its strength.

These have become very sort after and very collectible, I myself have some that I have collected and I am always on the look out for more.  When I have a reasonable collection I would like to have them mounted and framed for prosperity.....

Trade card describes small square cards, bigger than the modern  visiting cards  exchanged in social circles, that businesses would distribute to clients and potential customers. Trade cards first became popular at the end of the 17th century in Paris ,  Lyon and London. These functioned as advertising  and also as maps , directing the public to merchants' stores, as no formal street address numbering system existed at the time.
The trade card is an early example of the modern business card . Some businesses began to create increasingly sophisticated designs, especially with the development of color printing. A few companies specialized in producing stock cards, usually with an image on one side and space on the other side for the business to add its own information. As the designs became more attractive and colourful, collecting trade cards became a popular hobby  in the late 19 th century, since colour images were not yet widely available.
In its original sense, the "trade" in trade card refers to its use by the proprietor of a business to announce his trade, or line of business

This is what I have been looking for on my travels as well and I will report back to you when I am home.  I have to write these blogs and then think of time difference which is a little tricky sometimes so I am saving up details of this adventure for when I return.  I think you will agree some of the cards are stunning.  I do have two at home with birds on and one with a little girl already.

Well I will leave you with these thoughts and I only have a little more time on my antique trail so I must away and see what I can find to bring home. Some of which will be for sale at the Vintage Bazaar in Frome.

Have a great day and as always Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Canterbury Shaker Village Sewing rooms .... beautiful

Tis a gift to live simply

We had such a wonderful time at the Shaker Village and as promised I thought you would like to see some photos of there vast stitching rooms.  The Shaker woman would take turns in doing things.  Some weeks it would be stitching and some weeks in the kitchens baking or tending to the fruit crops and vegetable gardens.

Everyone had their duties.  They shared work and chores and the men took the hard heavy labour. There were four elders in charge of the community two being men and the other two woman. Everything was talked over and discussed and therefore fair and even.

The Shaker woman really were extremely talented in stitchery and art, some wrote beautiful poems and sayings and all were encouraged to be artists.

They made what ever they could and bought what the could not make.  They would make beautiful capes with hoods and these were sold outside of the community as well so that they might earn money to buy things they needed.  They would collect seeds from their vast gardens of fruit and vegetables and these were sold as well ( they were very popular as the seeds were very good indeed) everything they did was done properly.  There saying 'hands to work and hearts to god' was one of their mantra's.

They were clever beyond there time as well making wooden sock shapes made especially for each individual to dry them on and to make the right size.  They made all their clothes for woman, men and children.  ( they used to take in children that were orphaned or from family's who fell on hard times... they were were free to stay and work along side them for bedding and board and being part of the community. or indeed free to leave as well when they were old enough)  If you left and returned even two years later, you were welcomed with open arms....

The kitchens and the sewing rooms are splendid believe me and I stared in
wonder at their tools and things they had made to make their stitchery easier, all way before there time it is wonderful.  There are still boxes of threads that were not used and embroidery threads, pin cushions and bits of fabrics... I was in true vintage fabric heaven.  Have you spotted on the first picture stunning fabrics folded on the top shelf and there is some beauties I can tell you.

There are still bits of unfinished sewing and all their tools there as well.  Until the 1990's there was still a shaker lady still alive and living in the village in private rooms.... She was the last shaker here and wanted it all to be preserved for people to see and learn from.

Her name was Eldress Bertha Lyndsy      and it was her vision for future generations to be able to look into bygone times that we have to thank for the preservation that has enabled us to go see and learn.

If any of you reading this get the chance to visit this magical place then jump at the chance believe me......

I hope you have enjoyed your little tour .... Have a great day and Happy Stitching!

Monday, 26 October 2015

Boston bound .... and thoughts of Autumn stitches!

 Delicious Autumn, my very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive Autumns!

George Eliot.

Well we have said a sad farewell to Stonington and our dear friends, we had such fun and laughs with them.  Next year they say they are coming to visit us in England so that will be amazing but now we are Boston Bound for are last 4 days of this wonderful holiday.

Whilst in Boston we will be going to The Boston Tea Party .. not the original you understand but the remake, and of course us being British it should mix it up a bit!

Boston is a beautiful city and has the original lamp posts that have been converted from gas to electric with energy saver bulbs because it is the tradition that the streets are always lit up day and night in this stunningly beautiful city that I love.

The parks and walks here are beautiful and there, of course, is the harbour where there are large ships to take people whale watching and lots of old ships there too.  We are going to go Whale watching whilst there and I promise to take lots of pictures and hope in my excitement not to drop my camera!!!

I have been reliably informed there is a button shop in Boston so I will be going to check this out.  I would like to have a look although I doubt that they are vintage but you never know.

I have been doing a bit of stitching along this trip as we have had some lovely down time just relaxing so I feel very refreshed but still would love to be staying here for a month!
I think this is something my husband and I may look into in the future and that would be amazing.

My sketch journal is brimming with new ideas for Autumn designs and I have been playing with colours and stitches on a scrap of linen I brought with me to do just that if the mood took me.  We have been having time to just sit and take in the scenery as well and I am feeling so refreshed but also buzzing with ideas!

Well I hope that you all have a wonderful day yourself and of course ... Happy Stitching!

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Web Appraisal: 1825 New Jersey Sampler ... a must watch for the surprise!

As I am in America I thought we would stay this way on this Saturday.  Take a look at this amazing family heirloom and what a busy household with children found out.  When a mother who had been handed down this stunning sampler from 1825 through her generations found when her son smashed the original glass of this sampler with a golf ball!

She was upset and I am sure angry with her son until what was uncovered would never have been found!

Why not make yourself a drink and watch this wonderful piece of film which is only a few minutes long.  What an amazing find and it just goes to show we really do not know what fate will sometimes hand us......

I loved watching this and hope you do too!  Have a wonderful weekend.....

And as always Happy Stitching!

Friday, 23 October 2015

Antiques Alley ... The New Hampshire trail.

Morning All from the beautiful New Hampshire!

Well today is a very exciting one for us as we are following the Route 4 Antiques Alley Trail over a few towns and going to all there antique quarters.

There are a list of shops like you would not believe and there are lots of great things to be looked at.

I have found one shop who says they have antique linens and paisleys!!!! I could not believe it.

There is a one shop that sells antique books and collectable papers and my husband has found one with vintage tools and records so he is happy too.

It will be an incredible day out today and we will be going all day having a rummage around these antique shops.  Some of the antiques are English being from the settlers that came here so it will be very interesting indeed ... included in this is a shop with antique quilts so I am preparing to take as many photos as they will let me so that I can do a blog about it all on our return.

The route 4 antique trail is between the cities of Portsmouth and Concord and encompassing the towns of Northwood, Lee, Epsom and Chichester .... yes lots of English names we all know there!

I will be on the look out to bring some back for my stall at the VB as well if its possible.  I will be having a look at early kitchen and folk art today as well.

Well wish my luck dear readers and we are now off for our day out.  Have a great day whatever you are up to and of course as always Happy Stitching!

Thursday, 22 October 2015

CT Quilt Works ..... In Mystic USA

A bed without a quilt is like a sky without stars!

We are loving our holiday and just wanted to let you know that today I am going to Mystic which is just down the road from Stonnington where we are staying.  I am very excited as they advertise this....

An ever changing stock of New and New to you fabrics!  ... That says VINTAGE TO ME!!

Mystic is a beautiful town anyway and is by the beautiful River Mystic in Connecticut.  There is a new village and a Old type village which we will visit as well all wrapped up with a fabric shop...

The picture on the left is on their page and looks vintage enough for me to go and investigate!  I will let you know how it goes.... I did do a little research before coming and got in contact with these lovely people who indeed say that there is vintage fabric here, so fingers crossed it is pre 1950 which is what I love to work with.  I will be taking photos with their permission and when I get home I will do a blog about it and the fabrics that were there for sale.

I thought you may also like to see Mystic and the River .... have a little look at this beautiful photo of where we are heading to today.

Isn't it glorious and I have to say a walk along here is beautiful.  There is also the Mystic Pizza house ( the film with Julia Roberts) and a stunning old world village as well.

So I am hoping for some wonderful fabrics today to stash in my suitcase ... we shall see.  Whatever you are doing have a great day and of course Happy Stitching! and yes the weather is amazing look at the sky! Bliss!

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

The Inn at Stonington - by the sea... a wonderful place to design.

The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever!

Jacques Yves Cousteau

Well we are having such and amazing holiday and I will be able to tell you all about it upon my return about any vintage or stitchery that I have found.

Below is a little film made by The Inn at Stonnington where we will be staying.  I am looking forward to seeing this place again and walking by the ocean.  You can here the jingle of the boats moored in the bay. We are meeting our friend here and they will arrive later.  We have not seen them since last October, although we are in regular contact face to face is so much better.  What fun and adventures will the four of us get up to.  I will of course do some blogs upon my return and after the VB about what we have seen and done but for now I am just going to enjoy my time with these great friend of ours and enjoy our holiday.

My sketch book is getting wonderfully full with ideas and sketches and I know this place will get me inspired for next Summers new ideas for my work.  There is so much life by the American ocean with sea lions, beautiful shells, lighthouses and treasures of the sea. I find such wonder wandering along the coast line here is America.  You look out and just see vast open sea, where as where we live in England by the sea we can see the Isle of Wight and of course Brown Sea Island.

There is something about wandering along another shore line and seeing lighthouses here which are beautiful and picking up
unusual shells and bits to sketch.  I love this place and we are enjoying our time out and just bumbling along and looking at all the leaves change along the Avenue where the Inn is situated, and yet at the back of the Inn our room looks out to sea. it is magical. I got to thinking out of the box and have sketched a shell with a paisley pattern that I am now playing with on my scrap piece of linen ... embroidery is fun and this design of mine is a winner and will play a big part in a new design I am now going to be working on!

I hope you all have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Antiques and vintage fabrics and collectables.... In New Hampshire!

Well wish us luck as today I continue my  hunting down of vintage fabrics and collectable in America.  I have a list of places to visit and it is going to be such a fun day, also aware that my poor husband will have to endure this ( although he loves antiques)  I have found a shop with antique tools (which he loves!) so I will report on all this when I get home.... Look at the the lists of wonderful places we will be going to ...... This is just a handful, I have just been given the name of a place that usually has vintage paisleys and quilts .. Oh Dear!!! we have already found some lovely bits so I will collate what I have and some photos will follow.

An exciting day is ahead of us.

Have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching!...

A Guide to New Hampshire's
Antique Alley
Antique Alley in New Hampshire
is the oldest antiques shopping district
in all of New England.

Antique Alley is located on Route 4 between the cities of Portsmouth and
Concord, and encompassing the towns of Northwood, Lee, Epsom, and

Antique Alley brings together more than 500 antique dealers and collectors from
across the U.S. and overseas to the heart of New England for a great shopping

The Antique Alley’s claim to fame is the quality, value and variety of its
collectibles, which has made the shopping center a year-round event. Among
the antiques you'll find include yelloware, stoneware (and other collectible
pottery), painted country and formal antique furniture, garden ornaments and
architectural salvage, fine china and glassware (including flow blue,
transferware and flint glass), postcards, bottles, early advertising items, vintage
record albums, sports memorabilia, early painted accessories (firkins, pantry
boxes, tin ware and butter churns), textiles, kitchen and country store
collectibles and so much more!

Here's just a sampler of the impressive line up of antique stores you'll find on
Antique Alley in New Hampshire:
Lee Circle Antiques (Lee, NH)This store offers antique collectibles, furniture and architectural merchandise.  
You can also find decorative works for the home, antique clocks, light fixtures,
china and glassware.  Don’t forget ephemera like New England calendars,
postcards and trade cards to commemorate the visit.
Wonderful Things Antiques (Northwood, NH)You can find antique engagement rings, estate jewelry, diamond rings and
watches.  If you’re looking for something larger then the store’s collection of
grandfather clocks, furniture and roll top desks will please you.  Last but not
least, the store offers jewelry and watch repair, custom jewelry work and
restringing.  Wonderful Things Antiques is a member of the National
Association of Watch and Clock Collectors as well as the Gemological Institute
of America.
R.S. Butler's Trading Company (Northwood, NH)This business has been operating for ten years and currently has a two-story
barn offering 3600 square feet of antique merchandise.  You can find textiles,
garden supplies, glassware and china, antique tools and vintage records.  The
Victorian furniture will be of special interest to decorative collectors.
Evans & Wright at the Eagle (Northwood, NH)This two-story shop waits inside an 1800’s style barn and gives off a distinctive
country theme.  Look for country smalls, textiles, antique phonographs, period
prints of historical events, cupboards and decorative furniture.  Store dealers
say to look for the picket fence and open flag to quickly locate the store.
Town Pump Antiques (Northwood, NH)This four level group shop offers antiques furniture, vintage items, as well as
special designer items like Chandeliers, porcelain collectibles, linens, vintage
artwork and books, oil lamps & lanterns, and period furniture.
Ole Parsonage Antiques (Northwood, NH)This shop offers a very friendly atmosphere along with a large collection of old
tools.  This will be of special interest to carpenters, handymen and collectors.  
Some items to look forward to include plow planes, moulding and horned
planes, broad axes, hatchets, saws, chisels, and more.  There is also a
woodworker available for some expert commentary.
Coveway Corner Antiques (Northwood, NH)This antique corner features antique furniture as well as vintage toys,
primitives, pottery, nautical supplies and folk art.  Most collectibles are actually
stocked directly from homes in New England.  This means that you are getting
one-of-a-kind antique items that cannot be purchased online or from any other
resource.  No wonder that some of the store’s most loyal customers include
professional designers and antique dealers!
The Betty House (Epsom, NH)The Betty House was built in the 1800s and later converted into a tool shed,
which now offers a large variety of tools as well as glassware, china, tin and
vintage supplies.  There are a few parts to The Betty House to see, including the
tool shed, The Carriage House, The Cider House and the Big Barn, each one
with its own selections of rare antique items.
Landmark Furnishings (Chichester, NH)This shop featured the rare brand of D.R.DIMES American Furniture.  These are
museum quality reproductions along with contributed rare items.  You can find
colonial upholstery, antique lighting, paints and old time mirrors in this quaint
little shop.
Austin's Antiques (Chichester, NH)More than 50 participating dealers, offering furniture in country style as well as
early smalls and primitives.  There are also vintage bottles and flasks.

Plus some more which I have to visit with just fabrics, linens and quilts EEEEK!

Monday, 19 October 2015

Have a little peek at my beautiful hand dyed shaker threads!

What I make of my hands, I give of my heart.

Well I have picked up my order and I think you will agree these beauties are stunning.  I could not wait to go and see Becky and her team at Quilted Threads. These are just some of the colours that I ordered and when I get home I will show you them all.....

I had made my order for these beautiful threads but also I pick up a few stitchery musts whilst I am there.  Cotton thread for the machine which is cheaper in the States and a few other bits and
bobs to tuck into my suitcase.  I seriously think I would start throwing away clothes as I have worn them to be able to bring back some vintage and stitchery goodies ...

My husband is great when I am in this beautiful quilting and haberdashery shop.  He comes in to say hello and wanders around a little with me .... Then, and those of  you who know us will believe it, he goes outside to our hire car and polishes all the windows!! yes he loves it and has always said to me if it paid the bills he would do it for a living!

When we go to Quilted Threads, which is in Henniker, we tend to spend our day around there.  There are some wonderful little shops ( now selling vintage china as well!) and there is the covered bridge and the river.  We tend to go to Daniels for lunch, which is on the river and also I always have a pumpkin beer with a Cinnamon rim.... it is wonderful believe me, nope I wasn't convinced until I tried it either but oh boy!

It is our relax day where we may sit at the Inn and read or in my case sew and also plan our route for the next day.  It is rather nice to have one day where you are not
in the car travelling around to places all day and it helps us relax.  You can make tea and coffee at the Inn and there are always home made cookies to tempt you and a delicious bowl of apples to help yourself too.

Anyway I am away now and off for more adventures .... Have a wonderful day yourselves and Happy Stitching!

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Shaker box made by Jim Thoma

Happy Weekend All

We are having such an amazing time here in New Hampshire.  The flight was great and I got a great amount of stitching done.  We had a wonderful Wedding Anniversary ( cocktails were good too!) and have had a great time at the Shaker village and Strawberry bank.

 We will be off on the antique trail today and tomorrow plus we still have an exciting meet up for 5 days with our wonderful American friends from New York who are meeting us at Stonington later next week and   they are coming along with us by day to see what we can see. I have had  a exciting vintage fabric tip off for Stonington.  Lots of walking around to take off the great New Hampshire breakfasts that they proudly put in front of you.  My husband can do them
justice and still eat breakfast muffins and breads before the hot breakfast choice.... Me well I really can not do it the same justice but still lovely walks around antique places, river walks in the fall and beach walks at Stonington will do us both some good

Here is a little something for you to look at .... A beautiful Shaker Box being made.

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this wonderful little film, it shows you just what kind of work goes into the making of these wonderful boxes and of course I bought another for my collection.  They are great little sewing boxes! and make stunning Christmas gifts for stitching friends.....

Friday, 16 October 2015

Strawberry Banke .... Portsmouth New Hampshire

“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.”
 Lauren DeStefano

Antique strawberry pin cushions.

This is where we are off to today .... Have a little look at this history which has it happens is partly British.  The buildings have been restored and there is much to see ....

Strawbery Banke is an outdoor history museum located in the South End historic district  of
 Portsmouth in New Hampshire. It is the oldest neighborhood in New Hampshire to be settled by
Europeans, and the earliest neighborhood remaining in the present-day city of Portsmouth. It features more than 40 restored buildings built between the 17th and 19th centuries in the Colonial, Georgian , and Federal  style architectures . The buildings once clustered around a waterway known as Puddle Dock, which was filled in around 1900. Today the former waterway appears as a large open space.

The neighbourhood's history traces back to 1630, when Captain Walter Neale chose the area to build a settlement, naming it after the wild berries growing along the Piscataqua River.  Strawbery
Banke existed as a neighbourhood for four centuries from 1630 to the late 1950s. The neighborhood's buildings were saved from 1950s urban renewal by the efforts of a large group of historic
preservationists. Strawbery Banke opened as a museum in 1965.

There is a beautiful shop here called Mr Pickwicks as well which we be exploring.  Also we will be discovering the beautiful New Hampshire town of Portsmouth which we are told is all done up in its Fall finery with every lamp post decorated ..... also there are a few antique shops here from our map so we will be investigating some fabrics and quilts, buttons and threads later .... Oooh!

And I believe there is some stitchery around (samplers) ..... I will have to investigate that one! well you have got to, don't you think?  

Have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching!

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Canterbury Shaker Village, New Hampshire

I am so glad that I live in a world where there are Octobers!

Well we had a great flight and have arrived safely at what seems like our second home.  We will be visiting the Canterbury Shaker Village today and I will be taking my sketch book with me.  The inspiration at this incredible place is abundant.
I love looking around the shaker boxes and the old sewing rooms there as well as the kitchens.

Since our last visit they have restored even more and it has all been opened in time for our visit today.  I have to say I will be lingering around the sewing rooms and the new sewing bits that are there.  I will be taking photos for you to look at.  I will try and load them up (depending on Wi-Fi reception)  We are staying in a place that it is possible for a great connection but sometimes things happen.

There is so much to look at and see and the vast acres that this village is nestled in is stunning and I will be able to sketch to my hearts content.

The leaves here are breath taking and the Fall has begun every colour imaginable and each colour seems to have at least 5 variations  ... I think we will make a visit to a Maple Syrup plant this time as well as we have never been and then we can bring some home.

The beautiful shop where they sell quilts is going to be visited too..... There is always a quilted table runner or wall hanging that catches my eye and ladies and gents not always for me, I do a little Christmas shopping whilst I am here.  The shop has some lovely books and stitchery items and I like to pick up there quilting wax when I go back, I use mine a lot and it makes great gifts for stitcher's as it is always moulded into something rather lovely with a ribbon attached to it.

I have not suffered too much jet lag, I am afraid it hits me going back home though because of it being a night flight and not light and no sleep! not going to worry about that right now though.  It is a beautiful day and I am really looking forward to going back to Canterbury and seeing what they have achieved in a year since our last visit.  It is outstanding at what is new every time we re visit.  Both of us love the feel and the history here and of course I head for the sewing rooms as they have always added some more things to look at.  I will take some photos today and pop them up later in the week ....

Today is our Wedding Anniversary as well so this day will be followed with a wonderful dinner at the Colby Hill Inn and I think a cocktail maybe in order ... one of their Fall ones with pumpkin liqueur I think and a cinnamon stick!

Have a wonderful day and of course Happy Stitching!

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
Albert Camus.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Colby Hill Inn Hotel ..... We are on our way!

Well I am off to America and flying into Boston.  Our first stop is The Colby Hill Inn and we are
making this our base for a few days.  There is an awful lot to see in this beautiful area and we are looking forward to going back and seeing our friends who we are meeting later on in this trip.

I am also on the hunt for vintage fabric shops in the surrounding areas as well so I will keep you informed as to what I find.  I have my list of the Antique Trail as it is called and we have a route planned with the help from a lovely lady in New Hampshire who has been in contact with me.  She sent me a map and a leaflet of all the antique shops and put a cross on the ones with fabrics, quilts and stitchery.  My husband and I have had fun planning all this and it also takes us to some beautiful spots and towns along our antique routes.  With the leaves turning such wonderful colours and the great views along the way these trips are not going to be boring at all!

I will be picking up my hand dyed shaker threads as well this week and had placed my order several months ago for them to be ready for me when I arrive.  I get to say a big hello to Becky and her team and it is like going home!  I must tell you some of the names of the threads that I have ordered, see if you can imagine the colours of them .. Honey dew, Old red paint, Buttermilk, Raspberry parfait, Peach ice-cream, Roasted marshmallow, Autumn leaves, Pumpkin pie, Mountain mist and Weathered barn ... just a handful of the large order I have made.

I look forward to lots of sketching and new ideas for my inspiration and projects for the long winter months that lie ahead upon our return and of course our house move which may see me off line for a week.... but we will see.

There will be blogs along the way so come in daily to have a read.

What ever you are doing today have a great day and of course Happy Stitching! I am off to fly above the clouds..... and I have my hand stitchery to keep my sane.  I am looking forward to the flight now that you can take small scissors and needles again.  I do not mind a film or reading but to be able to stitch keeps me far more sane when I am forced to sit for hours in my seat.

Well have a great day as always and Happy Stitching yourselves.  I will keep you all up to date along the antique stitchery journey so do not forget to pop in and see.

I leave you with a little look at the Inn ... Enjoy!

Monday, 12 October 2015

Autumn sketching and a little stitching!

Autumn in New England and New Hampshire .... it is part of my soul.

Well we are off this week to America and on a great adventure.  As we go round we are on the hunt for antique fabrics and vintage stitchery in general as I told you.

I am busy packing today (still! as going through it properly and deciding daily clothes and changes for dinner at night, buy checking weight of things too!) and not forgetting my sketch book for ideas for new designs.  I will be blogging so please keep coming in here to read whats happening for the next 3 weeks.

Having packed a little bit of stitching for me to keep me sane on the plane journey over and back.  I will be sketching my away around New England in the Fall so I am very happy.  I will be picking up my ordered hand dyed threads and there will be lots to show you all and tell.

Upon my return I will show you pictures of the vintage finds that I have picked up as well for me personally, although things coming to the VB will go public on facebook and the VB web page so keep an eye out if you are interested.

Today there is no stitching for me  I have packed what I need to take and I am just finishing tidying my sewing room for my return.  I have put out two empty baskets for me to gather fabrics etc for new designs that have not been sketched yet ... so I am Miss organised. (for once!)

The plane journey is 7 hours so as I am forced to sit still for that time, no email to answer, phone on aeroplane mode and above cloud for most of the journey my stitching will get a great start.  I have even threaded a few needles to help me along the way.  As we fly on the way there at lunchtime our time, we will then land mid afternoon Boston time, it will be easy on the eyes as it is all day light.  I have a window seat to help with natural light.

On Virgin flights you have your own screens and around 50 films to choose from, this is what my husband likes to do, watch 2 films or so and with noise cancelling headphones on he is in his own little world so I have perfect uninterrupted stitching time .... I can put on my same headphones and listen to music or one of the audio books that I have downloaded for this very occasion.. bliss!  I sorted some bits to stitch last Friday as I said I would so big TICK for my flight in house entertainment!! so as you can see I have sewn some patchwork squares from antique bits of quilts, blankets and linens and so on the plane it will be appliqué and embroidery for me....... In the middle of the last photo there is a bit of aida for cross stitch which is dissolves in water once you have finished .... I have pinned some to this square in case I need it.

There will be lots of exciting blogs along the way so please keep checking in daily.

Have a great day and always Happy Stitching!

New England in the Fall!... breath taking!

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Sizzix: How to Create the Button Holder by French General

Good Morning all

Well today I thought I would show you this little tutorial by Maari Meng of French General.  I think this is fabulous and I am going to look for this die cutter when I am in the States.  What a great idea if you stitch buttons and scissors etc to these for either selling or storage!

I have a Sizzix die cutter so I think this is the way forward for me.  Have a look how easy but visually beautiful these are.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and Enjoy this little tutorial and of course as always...

Happy Stitching!

Friday, 9 October 2015

Stunning vintage embroidery threads hunt !

The excitement is building here with our up and coming American adventure.  Packing is being done nightly and I have carefully prepared a list of wish to find!  You will see from my blog's whilst there that we are doing an Antique Trail around New Hampshire whilst we are staying in that area and I have a list of shops that sell vintage stitchery as well.... OH YES! So as we go about I will update you daily.

I have found a shop that says one of the things they specialise in is vintage paisleys!! now I hope this is correct because you can imagine my delight if this is so.

I am hoping to bring back some vintage embroidery bits as it seems there were a lot of Coates products made especially for the American market so they are on my list.  Any stitchery at all or fabric.  I have an extra 2 cases for my contraband if it is indeed that good, and  it promises to be.

There are promises  of linens, china and fabrics of all kinds so I am really looking forward to our hunt in the States.

We have been told that some is English because of the Pilgrim's from England who brought with them things from home so it will be interesting.  Also quilts... I might have to wear one home as a coat if it will not go in our cases ... or ditch some clothes!  ... those of you who are mad about stitchery and vintage will understand that statement totally! and those of you who know me personally know that I would.

As you all know I always pick up my hand dyed shaker threads and this trip is no exception... The one thing about thread is, it really does not weigh much and can go all around the perimeter of the case without any hassle at all.

I will be keeping in touch with you all as I am taking my I Pad and where we staying along the way there is wifi so all is well...

So today for me is what I would call a sweep up day making sure everything that needs doing is done and then Sunday we can pack in earnest the last few bits and relax.

So I am away to my stitching room and to keep my thoughts on my must do list and some stitchery to finish calmly. I must get my hand stitchery that I am taking on the plane out ready to pack as well  I managed to stitch some bits for embroidery so it is a case of deciding what to bring to stitch now... I confess to the excited butterfly tummy feeling!

Have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching!