Women derive a pleasure incomprehensible
to the other sex, from the delicate toil of a needle!
Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter
It is the last day of July today, and I am trying to believe the weather man who said summer is returning in August because I am not done sitting out in the fresh air stitching just yet. I am not ready for the open fires and throws, not yet so fingers crossed we have a few more weeks of gorgeous weather.
Last week I took a day off and went with my sister and my niece and took our Mum to Compton Acres for the day. The weather was glorious on the Tuesday and we had heard there was rain from Wednesday last week so we changed some bits about to take her. She had a fabulous time and she did make us laugh. As we left and she had had a cake and coffee when we got there, lunch and then ice-cream and coffee in the afternoon walked around the gardens twice and stopped and looked at beautiful waterfalls and flowers and some of the biggest coy carp ever, we said did you have a lovely day Mum.... her answer " yes! but I only came out to buy toothpaste!" She makes us hoot with laughter and she joins in too.
So slight catch up this week on things and our next jaunt this week, weather permitting is Wareham and have lunch by the river with her. Other than that I have a full week of
gorgeous stitching and sorting project baskets.
I was looking at these lovely quilt pieces (above) and they were bought a while ago, I knew they would look lovely on or with something and it finally came to me so in a basket they have gone with the threads and I am hoping that it will look as good as it does in my little sketch and in my imagination.... or if I feel that the design should go on any other pieces of vintage quilt I pinned a note to them and I will decided properly when that basket is due to be picked up and stitched. I mean there are so many pieces on that bottom shelf to choose from!
If I have a 'toil' it would be what to stitch next and I have often said I wish that I had several pairs of hand if it would not look so weird and the obvious trouble buying tops and dresses!!
As you can see so many beautiful bits of vintage quilts but with what I have in my mind I do need three squares that I can line up to stitch on and have it framed in a long frame so that you can read the words from left to right.
When I pull my little stall up, after asking my large duck who sits on it would you mind or excuse me! yes I do and then I laugh at myself .. manners instilled in me as a child do not stop at stuffed animals I am afraid!! I can pull the little stall over and sit on that and go through that cupboard and spend hours doing it if I am not careful! as you can imagine.
As you can see I have been in there this morning early and being that is very light very early on, I can sip at my first cup of coffee and stare in there and think about what pretty things that can be made before my day honestly starts.
Well with out further a do I must get my stitching out and make my day count, so whatever you are doing today have a great one and as always Happy Stitching! XX