small snippets of fabric
buttons and thread.....
pictures of bumble bees
dancing around my head.
Sarah Hawkings ...
Sarah Hawkings ...

Firstly today I would like to say Happy 4th of July to all my lovely American friends and followers I hope you have a great day with friends and family and the sun shines for you all today, My lovely friend Donna will be happy as her husband will be home for a few days and I wish them a great time, only wish we could be there with you!
Well after talking to you all yesterday about planning my Summer sampler with a bee theme I decided to go through my little box of tiny bits of fabric to see if any would do to add as some flower heads to the picture and I think I got lucky and found a few strands that can be incorporated into this picture. The proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say so I will give it a go as I go along but they are firmly in a little bag and it the project basket. In point of fact that is pretty much it in there along with some hand dyed threads that I think will work as some of the flowers...
I try not to throw away the smallest pieces of fabrics or lace and I can not tell you how many times I go to the little box for just a little piece. Why cut in to a lovely size piece of precious vintage eiderdown or paisley fabric for a little scrap? no I keep it all just in case. It actually looks like a mouse nest to be honest but I sort through and often a little 'aha' escapes from my mouth in triumph that I have found what is needed. Also as you who read my blog daily ( and thank you for that I do appreciate it and the comments that you leave.) I also have a little jar of hearts. If there is a scrap of fabric in a tiny square-ish shape I draw and cut out a heart, this goes in the jar for when one is needed and I sort through that a fair bit too. I do not like waste and so if it is useful then it is kept. I am not silly about it .. if it really has no use it does go as I do not need clutter.
Before I forget and go on I must just show you that piece of quilt that I bought from Emma of Little Wren Vintage at The Summer Brocante that I am using as a table cloth in my kitchen ( he who dares puts anything on it will be flicked! it is taken off when I am cooking and needing to use the table)
This is for you Dawn as you requested a peek, what do you think? it is lovely isn't it and just the right size. Just a jug awaiting some flowers later.
So today I am going to go out in the garden and take some close up photos and then tomorrow I can do my final design and then be able to complete my project basket ready to start as soon as I can. Then it will be stitching all day today and a full day of it as well with the sun shining which gives me such great light for tiny stitches.
I spend part of my day in my sewing room with the windows thrown open because I am loving my newly tidied space and it is still really tidy and clean as well. I find it such an inspirational space to clear my mind and work. Then if it is really lovely outside I take some hand stitching down with me
and have lunch in the garden and then continue out there for a while watching the precious wildlife go about their day. I have been filling the bird feeders daily they are all so very hungry and making sure their two bird baths are clean fresh and full. Not only do they drink but when they splash about in there it makes my heart sing with pleasure to see them so happy and having fun.
I am finding this year flying by and can not seem to get my head around the fact that it is now July I feel it is going too quickly and with that in mind if I could ask for the information requested below to be with me asap please so that people have time to plan their diaries.
What I would like to do is gather information about any vintage fairs or vintage events for August, I do have a few but if any of you out there are organising or know of any and would like it to be featured on here at the end of this month then please let me know. I need the date, time, FULL address, entry fee, parking, dogs welcome or not and if there are refreshments on site. I need all the details by 24th of July please to collate and the cut off time is 6pm that evening.
The weather this week is going to be getting hotter and hotter so I feel a great time sitting in our
Tomorrow is my design day but I am hoping that I will get lots of hand sewing in as well. I will be back here on Thursday so I hope to see you all back here then. Whatever you are doing today I hope you have a great one and as always Happy Stitching! XX
I love your table quilt. its very pretty.
ReplyDeleteYou're right this year is flying past...... this time in six months time will be nearly the first of my grandchildren's birthdays in January........
Julie xxxx
DeleteWhere is it going? It's been a hard year for me but getting better.
Being a December born girl my year used to be so slow! As a child I had to wait ALL year to maybe get a toy I wanted, friends had Birthdays in the summer and for me December seemed so far away. Now it flys by!
Sarah xxxx
The quilt looks fantastic, so fresh and pretty. It's something I had planned to do years ago after seeing the idea in a Magazine but then totally forgot about it until now. Looks so homely. Xxx
ReplyDeleteHi Dawn
DeleteI am really pleased with it also just found out that the pattern is called Irish Chain from another reader!
I have several I use as a cloth on the kitchen table but this is a favourite now.
If you can find one small enough it's perfect!
Glad you like it.
Sarah xxx