Sunday, 31 December 2017

Happy New Year!

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne?

Well I can hardly believe it but we are about to say goodbye to 2017 and welcome in 2018! This year has been challenging for me and for lots of you as well.  

I hope that you have a really lovely evening and that you all had a wonderful and peaceful Christmas.

Thank you all for all your support of my work, ramblings and my dear Mum.  

I will be back to work on Tuesday 9th January and hope to bring you some lovely interesting reads and of course vintage fair dates as well.

Whilst you all continue to read my ramblings I will continue to write them on here for you.  Lots of sewing projects are being prepared for 2018 and lots of exciting new designs.

Enjoy the next few days and when we have all packed away Christmas for another year we will be able to continue with our stitchery and vintage adventures.

Warm wishes to you all and again me and my family Thank You for all your wonderful support.

Happy New Year!
and Happy Stitching! XX

Saturday, 23 December 2017

He will be checking it twice!

Silent Night 
Holy Night, all is calm
All is bright.

Well I had the very best time in London, not only did we meet up with some great friends who used to live in Henniker in New Hampshire for a meal one night but also we went to the ballet as you know to see ' The Nut Cracker' .... Oh my I had such a wonderful time.  Great friends and Great times.  The care home phoned me when I was away and I thought oh dear and with a shaky hand I answered.  It was not what I thought at all ... I had won first prize in their draw and had to pick up a huge hamper this week.  Not only filled with goodies like champagne, Christmas pud, Stolen, Sweets, chocolate Santa but also white china plates and knives and forks and so so much more!

It is now only a few days until Santa arrives and I hope you have all made your wish lists for all the
stitchery bits you would like or indeed a sewing or quilting book.  As you know I always get a beautiful book bundle from my gorgeous husband and it has become a tradition.  I love to see it under the tree and after the big day I get to sit by the fire and relax with my head in the books with a glass of something ...

I have now stopped work for this year and I am going to have a few weeks of with family and friends and I will be back here  on Tuesday 9th January 2018. I will pop in here to leave my new year message and I hope some of you will join me.

All that is left to say is I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas with family and friends and always at this time of year we think of those we love who just can not be with us for what ever reason.  I always think of my absent family and friends on Christmas morning when I creep down and light the fire and turn on the tree lights before the house is awake.  I make a warm drink and think about those who I love dearly and are not with me anymore.  I miss my absent family very much and my Mum is included in that.  I will be with her on Christmas Eve and also go on to my Dads grave to make him festive.

Thank you all for your great support in 2017 with kind words of support for me and my Mum and for supporting my ramblings and work.

I hope you all come back to join me next year, while you do I will continue on here.  I enjoy talking to you all.  I hope I inspire you all to be creative and all that remains for me to say is Have a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas and as always Happy Stitching! XX

Friday, 22 December 2017

The Dorset Brocante .. the fruits of my truffling!

Treasure! of the very best kind.

Firstly thank you all for your Birthday wishes I did have a wonderful time and the Ballet was so very good, I sat there and I was a child again except for the Gin and tonic I had pre show.  Sorry I have been absent but it has been my Mum and she has not been great yet she has rallied once more.  It is a cruel illness that is taking her bit by bit but my place is by her side when its needed.

Well the long awaited for treasure that I picked up at the beautiful Dorset Brocante!  It was a great day in the gorgeous Dorset countryside as you might remember from a previous blog!  The grand stone staircase was lined with candles and festive greenery and when inside all the stalls looked so gorgeous.  Christmas was in the air and it was such a wonderful day truffling  about.

In no particular order but as I think you all know I was looking for something different, what I mean to say is I like the red car/ truck with the Christmas tree on the top but I wanted to break away from the crowd .. its just me.  So when I saw this dear vintage red and cream, tin old stage coach I knew I had found it!  I could just see the bottle brush tree I had at home wrapped around with ribbon and some little star fairy lights that I had purchased in America for the purpose on top .... I swooped in like an eagle!  I think you may agree it looks just perfect!  So happy am I. Now and Forever had this on their beautiful stall and I feel it was waiting there just for me.

Then from The Blueberry Patch ( Sarah) I bought this most gorgeous little cushion that is for decoration rather than plumping up and snuggling in your favourite chair with!  The image that is on there I just fell in love with and so the little beauty has come home here in is part of our Christmas festivities here in our home.  It is such a Christmas image to me and I love it.

On Wayward Rose stall there were some hand made mice, there were few different ones but the little
mouse who had on his red jumper and was singing carols captured my heart.  We have an old light up streetlight at home and it has a Christmas wreath on it.  It comes out yearly and looks great on the shelf ... except something is very much missing and here was the missing link... so now Mr Mouse stands and sings underneath it and is also keeping the three naughty mice in some sort of order as they are so excited about Christmas and still patrol up and down with their little stockings waiting for Santa.

Now for some stitchery as I think I said Lizzie Drake had some stunning haberdashery and fabrics on offer and I was able to browse and purchase some really beautiful bits that had my name on it.  As I looked through I could see what I would do with things and it was a really lovely truffle through some exceptional pieces.

The light for photo taking has not been the best so forgive me but if you really look you will see some beautiful quilt pieces, fabrics and threads.

Sally of The Apple Loft and the organiser of this gorgeous fair had made me a linen apron that I was keen to pick up and whilst it was being wrapped my husband spied two beautiful  silver napkin rings that were on her lovely stall and we came away with those as well.

 I love my apron and will be ordering another colour in the New Year as well.  They are great to wear and over a dress or even a top and trousers they look great.

My napkin ring has the frill as you can imagine but the other one reminded him of is Nana's one she had so we decided to bring them home.  Although it is not his family one it pleases him he has one almost like it.

From The Little Red Robbin we bought our wreath for the front door and a gorgeous
Christmas rose in a old terracotta pot.  Both of which look really beautiful.  Here they both are in the spots for Christmas and the Christmas rose will continue through long after with care and then I will plant it out or in a larger pot I am not sure yet.

The wreath is so large and so pretty and when I look at it on our front door it makes me smile.  Such a beautiful wreath and made with such care...  It has the tiny tiny pinky/red berries and white ones as well and eucalyptus all splayed out. it really is a beauty... The posty just about can get the post through the door!

The very last thing I picked up was my chocolate salami from Alix Faux and she is the talented Cake maker and maker of all kinds of scrummy things to munch on.

I should have made my own but there it is the time was running out so I bought two from this lovely lady.....

Well that was my treasure from the 3rd December and it does not seem possible it was that long ago!  Where has this year gone.

That is it for today and I will be back tomorrow for a Christmas Special...

Happy Stitching! XX

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Ballet Birthday plans

“The nutcracker sits under the holiday tree,
 a guardian of childhood stories.
Feed him walnuts and he will crack open a tale...” 
 Vera Nazarian

Firstly I would like to thank everyone for their well wishes and lovely messages this week.  I have been very under the weather but feeling more like myself I am pleased to report.  It is very very cold at the moment and that is very much my battle right now as I can not keep warm.  However this weekend is my long weekend in London.

The excitement this morning here at HQ is building because this weekend is my Birthday treat weekend in London.  My Birthday was last weekend but the ballet did not start until this weekend so celebrations were put on hold until then which in retrospect was very fortunate because I would not have been able to go at all.

 We are meeting friends from America there and some really good friends from here will be there as well and we are all out for a meal on the Friday Night in town.  The Saturday night well that is the ballet and it is The Nutcracker my all time favourite.  Gorgeous dresses will be worn and the men will be in DJ's ...  Little thing though I said to a really close friend of mine that did she think I could get away with wearing my PJ's to the Ballet as I am the most cosiest and warmest in them right now .... her reply ' well of course they are considered evening wear' It made me really laugh!  I am excited about going it is just the thought of it all as I am not firing on all cylinders I am afraid.  Still it might be what I need to jump start me back in to full speed ahead mode.

We have had this planned for months and months and so the excitement has been building.  We are there for 4 days and I really can not wait to see all my friends as well.  We will be doing some Christmas shopping as well and picking bits up that you can only seem to get in Town.  Fortnum and Mason is a true favourite for some special foody bits for the season.  The tradition for marmalade and jam with glitter in it for Christmas and January has been going for years now in this house and I always get it in Fortnums!

Little case nearly packed and waiting for my lovely friend from Devon to arrive here today as well so
we can all go together.  House sitter in place and well I am raring to go.  No work will be done today I just know it.  It was going to be a tidy the stitchery room day today but I think a 'potter about' is more in order.

It is so near now to Christmas that I will be stopping work next week so my last blog will be next Tuesday/Wednesday and my break dates will be on here then for you to jot down.  There is no blog on Monday as I will still be in Town and not returning until later that day. As I have been poorly I thought I would do a blog on Wednesday as well. 

I am lucky enough that dear friends are flying in from America to help celebrate my Birthday and also it is Cyndi's Birthday that weekend so we are both Birthday girls ... there was talk of tiara;s being brought over .... There are going to be lots of laughs this weekend and I must say I am looking forward to the Ballet.  I love the story of The Nutcracker and it brings back the child in me.  When the lights go down and the curtains rise I know I will immerse myself in the wonder.  The trick is to dress warmly but still look elegant for me right now.  I am taking a cosy shawl with me and that should do the trick.

There is also now talk of Winter wonderland in London as well so warm again and my bubble hat and ugg boots are the key.  I believe this is just what I need to force me going with Christmas upon us as well I am very behind in my prep.  Not to worry it will all come together.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and wrap up warm I will be back on Tuesday, once again you lovely people THANK YOU for all your kindness.

Happy Stitching! XX

Friday, 8 December 2017

Winter Days ... stitching heaven.

He who marvels at the beauty of the world
 in summer will find equal cause
 for wonder and admiration in winter. 

John Burroughs

Winter Days! I simply love them.  Lighting the fire and candles and sitting peacefully by the fire and stitching or reading.  This time of the month we have the added beauty of Christmas sparkle all through our home and outside as well.  The house smells of fresh Christmas trees and Winter spices!

I have played hooky this week on the stitching front because I have had to write letters and post parcels this week for abroad, America, Canada, The Netherlands and Australia and it has been lovely to do.  I have had my calligraphy pens out and lovely paper and gifts to wrap.  I bought some wonderful Christmas sticker and had the sealing wax and stamp out as well.  They are now all in the post system to arrive before the big day.  Whilst all this was out I felt I should write my Christmas cards as well so it has been very productive and festive here at HQ.

The gift wrapping has started in earnest because all the bags of shopping are in my stitchery room and I need it done and tidy before the big day when the jolly big man pops down our chimney ...

Although I simply adore this time of year I am looking forward to January when I can sit and just stitch.  For two months it is quiet on the business front and deadlines are later in the year so it is time to design and stitch.  To light the fire and just work away and looking out at the garden at the birds busy eating their breakfast and the frost covered garden when I am warm inside, makes me feel all cosy and content.
I am of the opinion that I kind of hibernate this time of year.  I am happy in my own company and with a needle and thread in my hand.  The Christmas cake will need finishing and every afternoon with a warm drink a slice will be cut.  It is lovely when my husband is working from home and he can have some too sometimes with me or at his desk .. The winter months are what we make them
and I wonder at every season and try and see the beauty in it.

I will be taking photos later of my treasure that I truffled at The Dorset Christmas Brocante and then next week I can show you all.  This weekend is my Birthday and so on Saturday we are going out for the day.  It is a delayed celebration as we are off to London the following week, more about that next week.

My sister and I have decorated Mums and she seems to like it although a little confused but it looks and smells of Christmas in her 'flatlet' and we are happy that she is festive.  She is more happy with her fruit bowl of satsumas, sweets and tin of shortbread, however the little tree and the holly on pictures along with a robin with a plant in it pleases us because we have made it festive for her.

Do you like my very old tin coach?  I wanted something different from the red truck/car with tree on top, so I found this treasure and added a bottle brush tree with ribbon and some star lights.. personally I am thrilled with the result.

Our little mice have found a friend who is carol singing a lot, he is also looking after the little forest of reindeer food for Christmas Eve.  I noticed today the mice are trying to find somewhere to leave their stockings for Santa ... When they decide on the position I will let you know.

Still achy a little and I am fighting off something, the good thing is it is now upon the weekend and I can relax.  We have put some champagne in the fridge and I can cuddle up by the fire and enjoy it.

That is it for today and I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend.  If you are out Christmas shopping enjoy it, take in the atmosphere and smile.  It will be busy and there will be queues but it is festive and fun I always think.  I will be wrapping up warm as I am permanently cold at the moment.

Happy Stitching! XX

Thursday, 7 December 2017

The beautiful Dorset Brocante

A beautiful sunny day.
The gorgeous Dorset Countryside.
An English Country House
and the Dorset Brocante!

Kingston Maurward House is a large Grade I listed Georgian English country house set in a 750-acre estate in Dorset situated in the Frome valley two miles east of Dorchester and it was a sunny day and there was a Vintage Fair being held there on Sunday 3 December!  The Dorset Brocante and wow what a venue and wow what a visually beautiful event....

As we drove up the tree lined drive the sun was shinning and the house was in the distance, we parked and walked up to the front entrance and you just knew it was going to be Narnia inside those doors.  Inside there are stone steps up and each step had a glass candle lantern with candles going up along with holly with berries piled at each one.

Outside before you went in there was a old cream horsebox that had been converted into a mobile coffee and warm drinks place.  They were also selling non alcoholic mulled wine .... visually the
greeting was out of this world.

When you walked inside there was a massive Christmas tree and two beautiful fireplaces all decked out for the season and the start of the most wonderful stalls.  Through six rooms/large corridors there was treasure abound and I had to stand and just gaze at how stunning it all looked.

It was wonderland and my husband wandered looking and catching me up and he said my face was a picture of contentment and wonder.  Jo had gone another way and was all smiles too.

In no particular order of where people were situated these are the photos that I managed to take whilst there.  It was so good that I had to keep reminding myself my first reason for being there.

Forget me not was there with her covered books and journals all decorated in beautiful fabrics.  Her display was so pretty and inviting, I always think if a stall looks as good as this people will stop automatically to look and purchase.

La Belle Epoque was there and I had never come across this particular trader before but it was so lovely and set out beautifully with lots of treasure to choose from.  The eclectic mix was delightful and it took a delicious amount of  time to look at everything there.

I was looking for something in particular with a I do not know what form it will take attitude.  Well let me explain.  The old red and white truck with the Christmas tree tied to it ... you know what I mean, well I wanted something like that to do myself BUT not a truck.  That is me ladies and gents I am the little ballet girl at the end of line of children all lined up in their tutu's and paying attention with their feet poised beautifully .. one two three etc in a row.  That is until you see the last child hanging upside down on the bar and humming and swinging gently .. I always try and be different, well not sure I try that hard really but is is just me!  Well this stall had just that and I pounced on it straight away.  I did a little happy dance and paid my money as well as one other purchase.
Now and Forever was the name of this wonderful stall holder.

Now I was happy and looking for Alix Fauvel of Cakesmith fame who makes the most stunning cakes.  She had two Fig chocolate salami's that had my name on them and she told me she had made them for me the night before.  I was over the moon.  Its a different recipe to the one I make and this one needed to be tried and tested.  It is sat in our fridge maturing nicely for over the Christmas and New year as a treat after dinner.  It was lovely to catch up with Alix and she has also been voted one of the top ten makers for Christmas cakes in Selfridges ... what an honour but one she totally deserves and has worked hard for.

Mercer and Rose were there and Helen had brought all her silver jewelry that she makes
herself.  It was glistening in the sun that had come round through the windows and the magpies of us were all looking and smiling at her beautiful artisan craft.

Grey to Green House were there and again some great things to purchase.  The standard of the vintage treasures was high and the choice impossible.  Trying to stick to a list was crazy hard and with the sunlight dancing on all the treasures it made everything even more appealing!

Jenny Jones was there and again just pure vintage treasure where ever you looked.  My friend
Jo bought some wonderful bits from here and I made a little purchase too.  More about that later in the week at the show and tell.  It was such a great 10 minutes browsing here.

The Shed Tenby was there and oh my, such gorgeous things and gorgeous haberdashery ... tempted yes, purchased of course!  It was lovely to see them again as the last time was at The Dorset Brocante in the summer at Deans Court in Wimborne.

Treasure hunting can be expensive especially this time of year.  Not the prices of those who go out
looking for us hunters to buy from them, especially the hours they put in doing it and travelling around the country looking for stock as well, but most of us just can not resist ... I can resist anything but temptation!

Vintage Jane was there and we had a bit of a catch up because I have not seen her in ages it seemed to me, and was trying to rack my brain about it.  So many gorgeous things there to tempt all.

Now I moved on and found Lizzie Drake and her stall was my magpie of the day really.  The haberdashery that I bought there.  On the list? well some of it, but would I ever see this quality and beauty again ever or for a long time, I decided no I would not so the old saying ' see it and buy it' for the next person behind you will.

The photos just can not do it justice but I have tried to capture the essence for you.

Painted were there and the simply beautiful things that were there.  The most stunning of
Dresser's with lots of vintage bits on there to purchase.  An old crate to keep your Bollinger champagne in and so much more.  There was a dresser bottom too and if we had the room that would have come back with us ... so stunning.  The standard was high and done really well this was an outstanding stall and a feast for the eyes.

Girls own store was there with the old vintage sock knitting machine which fascinates me and all her beautiful socks she makes in great colours.

There are also dyed and spun wool's to take home and do a spot of knitting if you so wish.  I love this and look forward to wearing my socks I bought in the Summer from this remarkable lady ..

As well as organising this great fair Sally has her own business called the Apple Loft and her
lovely daughter and friend were helping on there.  Sally makes the linen aprons that I adore and she made me a wine coloured one you can see it in this picture...

I now have two of her aprons she makes and I think one more in the new year .. duck egg is on my list.

The Washerwoman was there after running The Vintage Bazaar last weekend.  Jack and Lizzie were there and had some stunning French finds as always.  A most wonderful quilt .. no I was good but should money be no object well...

There was also some stunning fabrics and other gorgeous vintage treasures.  We were able to have a good chat and a good giggle too.  Food for the soul.

Theresa of Cherub Antiques was there and she had also been at the VB the previous Saturday, however with different stock this time and again such beautiful vintage jewelry on offer.  It is always lovely to see her and we have a little chat.  It was becoming a busy day here but manageable not over crowded.

Little Red Robin were there near Painted and oh my oh my the wreaths and plants and decorations that this lady makes are quite beautiful.  Yes I did buy our front door wreath and a few other bits to decorate with and I will show you later on when I have photographed everything.  You may all remember that they make the shepherd hooks and the poppy seed heads for the garden as well and we have those in our garden and were bought last year. I am over the moon with our bits and it was also lovely to see them again to wish them a Happy Christmas.

Sarah was there of Blueberry Patch and I saw her at the VB the weekend before but she had
sold out of a cushion that I wanted.  I am pleased to say there was one there for me and it is a small one as was my truck one with the tree on it.  They are not on chairs but on shelves to decorate.  Happy was I when I came away with that. 

Wayward Rose was there and it was so lovely to catch up, I had not seen them since the Summer and we had a really good old chat about what each other was doing for Christmas and the vintage fair season for next year.  There was a little something that I bought from here that I could not resist and again all will be revealed on the show and tell blog.

It was time for us to go on and we said our goodbyes and then stepped outside for a non alcoholic mulled wine before our ride home through the Dorset countryside.  The sun was setting as we made it home and the super moon was out in all its gorgeous glory ...

I would like to thank Sally of The Apple Loft for organising this amazing event and for all your hard work as well.  Thank you for making my linen apron in break speed time and I look forward to your events next year ... I thought this venue was stunning.

I hope you have all enjoyed a little peek at The Dorset Christmas Brocante and hope you all have a lovely day.

Happy Stitching! XX

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Treasure of the vintage kind.

Treasure! the best kind in
my humble opinion is
of the vintage kind.

Well as you know I went to two fairs a week ago and I had a list, I did stick to my list and some! but really who could blame me because I really was very good as you will see with all that scrummy, delicious and tempting goodies laid out beautifully on display.... and it was all for sale!! 

The Winter Brocante.

You saw the pictures and so you will see how controlled I actually was because I could have spent a fortune there.  So much to choose from and some amazing things that artisans had made, the standard was high indeed and I had a list ... first thing on it in capitals was ballet shoes and some antique music score sheets ... When I walked in its the first thing I saw, not the first stall but I turned my head and at the end I saw a Christmas tree with nothing but those two things on it ...I think I ran!

So I now have my ballet shoes and some great old vintage music sheets and I came away feeling like the cat that got the cream.

I bought this all from Nicki Page Antiques, happy happy me!

Next as I was walking back I came across the lovely Emma of Little Wren Vintage.  Now I know always that I will find something wonderful in the haberdashery line and of course quilts and vintage goodies but I wanted some vintage quilt pieces and there they were, shinning like a beacon so I had a good old truffle about and picked out what I liked.  Then my friend Jo pointed out some silver shot glasses that had some engraving on them.  I bought two of them and Jo bought one as well.

This is a project after Christmas and I am going to make me two and her one .. you can probably guess but I will show you after Christmas.  January is the quiet month and I will get lots of delicious slow stitching in happily sat by the fire with candles.

It was lovely to see Emma and we had a great chat as you know and I spent some time here choosing these lovely treasures.

Not on my list but again pointed out by Jo was these amazing glass tiny baubles, they are marble size Zoob & Turner stand and we both came away very happy indeed.
and clear glass with silver work on the top.  As she pointed out hung with thin velvet ribbon and different heights they will look stunning.  We both like odd numbers so she bought five and I bought seven .. this is a little project for Christmas to be done this week.  These were bought on the

Helen of Rosie's Armoire was there and I had not seen her and her beautiful stock for months and months so I was very happy when I spied her later in the day.  The first time round I could not see her as it was so busy.  I always find some great vintage old papers and envelopes and also vintage fabric inspiration packs.

The colours and the designs of the fabrics were just what I had been looking for and the little envelope on the top with Dec 25 stamped on it had to come home.  That will feature in my next Christmas sampler for sure.

Nicholas and Steele always has a show stopper of a display, treasure abound and I was
looking for some tiny vintage bottle brush Christmas trees and here they were all in an old vintage glass jar.  In went my hand and I sorted through them all and decided on what you see here.  In addition as I went to go and pay for my purchases I spied this great hand painted sign on an old piece of wood and well I just had to bring it home with me.  It has some old string to hang it with and now is around a old jar with Reindeer Food I made with not only oats and coloured raisins but flying glitter!  Just to help them on their way on Christmas Eve.....

My last purchase of the day was this wonderful little jug with a mouse on.  I have gone mouse mad this year and I thought my little visitors would like this to explore when it is not in use for cream.  The little mouse on the front was just too cute to walk away from.  This was bought from Hogben Pottery and I forgot to take a photo of their stand.... it was so busy and I just did not get back to it.

As you can see I managed to pick up some really beautiful things and all are home safely with me now to treasure.

The Vintage Bazaar was the next day on the Saturday and I vowed to be good and stick to my list in hand, that soon flew out of the window.  When walking in and greeted by old Christmas songs playing and the laughing policeman I was undone!

Not in any order but these are the vintage goodies that I purchased on the Saturday.

The lovely Clare of Daisy Darling had her stall there and I was looking for something in
particular as a present for a friend.  I knew this is were I would find what I was looking for.  Not disappointed as you can see, a gorgeous hand made candle in a cut glass jar with a silver lid, which, was tied with a red bell.  I also saw the old chandelier glass droplets and I added those to the jar.  The smell of the candle is so yummy and I know my friend will be thrilled with her gift for Christmas.

My friend Elaine of Fab Fairs was there and you will remember we bought that amazing quilt from her.  In addition though she had been saving me a huge pile of vintage paisley and eiderdown fabrics and a bag full came home with me as well.

What a delicious time I have had sorting through all of this I am very happy and very lucky indeed.

Sarah of Blueberry Patch had made some delightful little cushions with old vintage images
on them and this one had to come back with me.  I adore it so much.  I knew she was going to be bringing more and different stock to The Dorset Brocante the following weekend ( this one just gone now) and so I stopped at this purchase so that I could see more later in the week ... I was not disappointed!

Belinda Sharples had something else that I had on my list and I really was not holding out
much hope but I had set my heart on a white vintage bottle brush Christmas tree and to my delight there it was with pearls on it and in a vintage cotton reel with cream thread around it.  Perfect!

Hannah Wyman was there with her stunning haberdashery and I was spoilt for choice.  Now
the little pearl buttons were on my list and then I went off piste as it were.  I picked up the little red and white buttons with embroidered flowers on them for Christmas wrapping and a huge piece of the most lovely red colour and white checked fabric that is French. ... my motto if you see then buy it for when will something like that present itself again.

My last purchase of the day was this antique wooden piece with a cottage painted on it with the word Cozy painted on it.  I think it is delightful.  This was bought from Prefabness and I just spotted it as I walked pass.  It was then wrapped carefully in tissue paper and put in a white paper bag with handles and handed to me.  It was not until I got it home and photographed it that I found a little gift inside that made me smile the best smile ....

I will leave you with a picture of my gift and hope that you have all enjoyed the Treasure that I managed to truffle the weekend before last.  Have a wonderful day and as always .....

Happy Stitching! XX

Monday, 4 December 2017

December ....

The season for kindling the fire of
hospitality in the hall &
the genial fire of charity in the heart.

Washington Irving.

Well its a later start for me today, I had a very lovely but very busy weekend and I am feeling a little under the weather today for some reason.  This can not happen as I have far to much to do.

On Saturday we decorated the house inside and out with sparkling white lights and a beautiful wreaths on the doors.  We have a front door then a inner door and both have fresh wreaths on.

We started at 10am and finished at 10.30pm with a break for lunch ( ate stood up) and our dinner in the evening, which we actually sat down for.

It looks lovely but today there is no stitchery until I have had a tidy around and put away all things and cleaned a little.  I could not on Sunday as we attended The Dorset Brocante at Kingston Mauward and it was a really gorgeous event.  I will tell you more about that during the week.

Did you all see the super moon last night, it was something to behold and almost magical.  As I was staring at it my thoughts turned to the fact that I was staring at the same moon as the rest of the world ( all be it time differences) and again I found myself thinking how magical that was too.

My faithful basket of stitching is sat waiting patiently by my chair and I am hoping to pick that up later afternoon and sit by the fire with candles going and the large fresh Christmas tree that now adorns the sitting room.  It looks so pretty and I am so pleased with it.  The glass baubles that let the twinkle of the white lights shine through.  I also bought many moons ago some double candles that I hang over the branches and it gives it a Victorian look.

This week there is present wrapping high on the list of to do's and there seems to be a mound.  I keep
looking at it all and know I need to get on with it.  In my crystal ball it tells me this week will be about Christmas prep instead of stitchery.

Talking about my favourite subject I bought some wonderful things at The Dorset Brocante and I can not wait to show you all.  I need to get some presents wrapped to get to my armoire and drawers to put things away. 

Never fear today I have my lovely helper Jo, friend from Australia and she is keen to help me sort the house out and we will, together get a lot done to get me back on track this week.  Its nice to have an angel stay with you .....

It seems that 2017 has flown by and the ending of it is so different to the start.  My Mum was in a bad way at the beginning of it and we had to fight to get her help and help for us with her.  We had such a rocky start to her care but now she is settled and well cared for and we can once again be daughters who come in and take her out or stay in her 'flatlet' as she calls it as it has a en-suite, bedroom part and a lounge with sofa and chair plus foot stalls and a great view into a garden and wooded area.  We sometimes just sit in there ( Mum, my Sister and Myself) and they bring us a tray of coffee's and we all talk and smile and laugh.  The other day when we were there Elves were everywhere.  Hats, ears and pixie boots in green and red with bells!  Yes the staff dress up daily right now and it is fabulous.

To see happiness on the faces of all the residents is heart warming.  They are loving the goings on and for me it warms my soul.  I watch my Mum who is lost in her head, it is not just about memory it is  also about struggling to say things to us.  You see it in her eyes, fear! and we sit with her and hold her hand and say yes and agree.  She then smiles because she knows we understand her.  Christmas at this amazing Care Home has made her smile and I know bringing back her own childhood memories that are precious to her of her Mum and Dad and her brothers and Sister.  It helps us too knowing she is safe, warm and happy.  I am going over this week with my Sister and we are decorating her flatlet with bits.  She already has her Christmas patchwork quilt on her bed ... well it had to be done.

I can now take stitching over with me and if she falls asleep well I just sit with her and stitch but watch her sleep.  When she wakes she smiles and asks how long I have been there, she does not remember before the sleep.  I say not that long and I have my sewing to do, its so lovely here Mum and I get lots done! that pleases her and we go a second round of coffee!

Anyway that is it for today and I will see you back here tomorrow.  So much to show you all this week as well.

Have a fabulous day and as always Happy Stitching! XX