Monday, 30 April 2018

Goodies to put away and sewing to be done...

A faffing sort of a day ...

Hello Monday and tomorrow is May can you believe it? ... Well I had a wonderful weekend and of truffling happily for hours amongst beautifully dressed stalls and the music playing in the background and surrounded by vintage goodies .... My kind of weekend indeed. of course  The Vintage Bazaar was the star event along with  Meeting up with friends. I met up with so many, Mo and her husband from Scotland  who are lovely friends and met Dawn too, who is a reader of this blog and now friends too. Lots of other friends Nicki and Jo and Andy .. I was given a handmade gift and a book, will show you all later in the week. I am a lucky lady indeed! 😀

So .. today  I will sort out some photos for you to have a little peek, I am hoping that I got enough as it was a day for catching up with lots of friends and lots of laughter too...

I am hoping that I can take some photos of my treasure as well and that the weather is not too dark and dull.  I will do a show and tell later on in the week.

Hoping too that you all had a wonderful weekend whatever you were up to and that the sun shone for you.  I can imagine that some of you had great weather.  I have have lots of readers all over the globe and I would like to say thank you to you all for making this blog so successful and whilst you read, I will write ... My lovely friend who went back to America last week is probably in high heat as Florida has that right now ... I envy the warmth of it.  I am going to be terribly British now and complain about our weather.  We have gone from snow and frost to Spring, then a few days of hot summer and back to winter within a month ... Tomorrow is May, lets hope the sun gets its hat on soon.

Still it's about this week now and I have a lot to do and to complete, I can not seem to be able to stop the clock from moving unbelievably fast right now. I start my day early here and have a coffee and write this blog to you all.  Then its get another coffee time and an hour or so of some housework ( unfortunately I do not have a magic wand so it is down to me) then it is normally a full on work day and when I look up at the clock, it is later afternoon and I have normally forgotten to have lunch even.  I always have a large glass of water with me so I do at least drink and not get dehydration ...

Today though I have written a list of things that must get tackled and therefore there is focus for my day.  I love lists because when you cross something off you feel a sense of achievement and you know you are actually getting somewhere and not just going around in a spin and achieving nothing at all.

I also need to try and make time for my journaling and letter writing it is an important part of my life and I need to set some time out for me to actually keep up with it.  As you all know I love words and they are a huge part of my life and a huge part of my stitching as well..

Keeping lists of things that I need to do but I really do need to get into the habit of scheduling my day properly to get the most out of it I think.  The thing is I also have my Mum too and unexpected visits through out the week can happen and then I just sit with her even if she is sleeping.  So the decision has been made to make a grab bag.  Today I am going to get a little bag together of things that I can just take with me.  Some stitching or an ideas journal and then I can still feel productive as well as be with her when it is needed.  I have my days I go to her anyway but sometimes if she is unsettled or unwell then extra time is spent with her.  The other day she said she was 'lost'  and I said she could
never be that, as I would always always find her.  Her answer to that was 'oh thank goodness' and the fear in her eyes subsided ... then you can not just say OK mum I am going now.... so when I have my grab bag sorted well it sorts out the guilt and anxiety that I can feel about not working or not being with her ....

So my list today is .. photo sorting, taking photos, grab bag, some sewing or course, a little writing in my family history journal and a hour of housework ... Ta Dah!

My hand stamps are breeding and I long to use them in my journals.  I have been writing up my family tree on my Dads side of the family and it has been relaxing and so enjoyable.  There is a way to go yet but it is something that I am happy doing whilst waiting for my husbands day to end and our supper time, which can be fairly late.  I started the journal this year and have started at the begining literally as to why I started at 15 looking at my Dads line of the family and looking back over all the note books I filled whilst searching.  I have got back to late 1500, early 1600 and do not think I will be able to go back further than that because basically lack of records.... it was not law then to register a birth, marriage or death and the records that far back are hard to read and some are not even on fiche and the original church registers are just too delicate for us all to scour through alas...

I think by adding hand stamps in to look pretty too it will be a great read for future generations and also a little bit of eye candy too.  I use sepia ink and it is Archival Ink so that it does not fade at all and also and more importantly does not rot the paper.  I have a four way palette and they have gorgeous names Hickory Smoke, Vintage Photo, Ground Espresso and Black Soot.   My little writing
corner in my sewing room with its printers tray and antique typewriter is a lovely spot to be and I create on my desk looking out at the garden.  If I work later of a night then I stare at the stars ... its a perfect spot for thoughts and ideas....

Well that is it for my ramblings today and I will be back here tomorrow with a blog about the VB I am hopeful ... I have not checked my camera or the photos yet ... we were out to lunch on Sunday and well the weekend just flew by but was lovely if not too short....

Have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching! XX

Friday, 27 April 2018

Happiness in slow tiny stitches....

Rain is a lullaby heard through a thick, isolating blanket
 of clouds. It is the tinkling harp of water droplets; a 
moist breath whistling through willow reeds

Richelle  E . Goodrich

Oh it is cold this morning, truly!  The sky is grey and heavy rain clouds loom over head.  There are rain drops on the windows and not a bird in the sky or the garden.  My hands and fingers are so cold that typing is a bit laboured this morning too.  What I need is to light the fire and put my hands around a cup of steaming coffee and watch the flames dance .....

I am wishing for Summer its true but I still find happiness on days like today where I have not to go out at all not even to send parcels at the post office, all the running about was done yesterday and I am going to have a happy slow tiny stitch day and now it will be in front of the fire in my cosy chair...  The venue changes daily as I have never known such strange weather as 2018 is offering up to us but I try and find happiness and beauty in it all.

Working with hand dyed threads, antique soft French linens and delicious fabrics and quilt scraps, how can you not be a happy being? ...

It is 8 degrees outside and its not going to rise above 11 degrees today and with the slight breeze coming off of the sea it feels much colder, The rain is now falling here so my day has been planned in my head to make it a cosy and productive day indeed.

Also I have some sorting and tidying to do in my sewing room so later when I have warmed up I will come and tackle that.  I have decided today I may finish early ( around 4pm) and have a lovely warm bath and get into cosies and curl up and watch a film whilst waiting for my husband to come home from work.

Tomorrow is The Vintage Bazaar in Frome and I am eagerly anticipating it.  I have pre ordered some

things as I do and sent a few emails to ask about some things as well.  There are a few of my old and new friends going and so there will be some meet ups going on and excited chatter over a coffee and possibly a cake.  When inside the Cheese and Grain where it is held you have a great little cafe that serves hot and cold food and drinks and plenty of cakes, so on a cold and drizzly day you do not have to step outside to get refreshments and then you can just pop back in to the VB and continue to wander around.

I love the Frome venue and so many people dress for the occasion and it brightens the day immediately and make is even more magical if that is at all possible ...

Personally I think the sky is crying as my dear friend and a pen pal is leaving on a plane today with her husband to go back to the USA.  She is American and her lovely husband is British.  ... England is kicking her out basically and not given her citizenship!!!! or allowing her to stay with her husband. Not wanting to be parted they have sold all their possessions and gone to America to her family to start out there.  It is easier for him to get citizenship there and a green card in the interim as they are married and have been for 4 years ... It is so sad and we are getting rid of hard working tax paying people, whom are in love.  So I am sad today, no more going to Bridport and having a day together but yes still pen pals...
His parents are elderly so it was not the time to leave really ... I hope they do well in the States and then can come back and England will finally!!!!! realise that this is love, you can not help who you love and not a government or thousands of miles between their countries of origin can keep them apart... If you are reading this Nadia and Alan at the airport ... I wish you all the very best, at least you will have amazing weather when you land... Miss you terribly already and I will be over soon....xx

Today is about keeping busy and making the house cosy and inviting and getting on with artistic things.  Then it is about getting ready for the weekend ahead and making a little list and packing my basket ready for the off in the morning.  Frome is about a hour and half away from us, that is if you are not stuck behind a slow moving, hay loaded tractor!! .. then it can put about 45 minutes on your journey as there is no where to pass them unless they pull over and let a few cars by .....

I do hope though that the weather is a little brighter there tomorrow than it is here today, It will not dampen us treasure hunters spirit and truffling and laughter will be going on .. but the sun out is just so lovely.

Frome is a gorgeous town and I am in love with it.  There are gorgeous shops there and cafes, it is so very pretty and has a vintage feel to it as well....

Ah now I have just seen Miss Muddy Beak and she is bleating about her bacon bits, or actually the lack of them right now.  They are cooked but I did not pop them out early this morning because no birds were about.  This could mean one of two things ... it is cold and wet so they are snuggled into their paisley lined nests OR there is a cat about, now if that is the case it has smelt the bacon you see.. So I wait to see them out there and pop it out then.... The rain, for now, has stopped but the sky is black... So it is time for me to go now and feed those gorgeous feathered and cute friends of mine and have a nice warm coffee.  The match will be put to the fire which is ready and my day will begin.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, will see some of you tomorrow.  All that is left to say is Happy Stitching! XX

Thursday, 26 April 2018

A few little treasures that I truffled at Cranborne vintage fair .....

Treasures and Treats were all about us.
The smell of all the beautiful flowers too...
A truly delicious day ..

Well it was a lovely day at the Cranborne vintage fair and the weather was perfect.  It was so lovely to walk around feeling warm with the sun out.  We had an ice cream as well and so you can tell how warm and inviting the sun was last Sunday.

So what did I find ... well from Tilly- D I purchased the most gorgeous little French paisley quilt.  It is a lap quilt but will fit perfectly just over the bottom of our bed this Summer or maybe I will just drape it over my Lloyd Loom chair in our bedroom - who knows but this stunner had to come home with me, it had my name written all over it.  Jenny actually stroked it goodbye but said she was glad it was going to such a good home that would love it.. I have promised when she comes round for a coffee to get it out so she can have a cuddle up to it ....  

Also I purchased this beautiful antique lace collar from her as well it was such a gorgeous design and
it will probably be stitched on to something but not as a collar - as yet I am unsure but who knows we will wait and see..

Then she gave me this most lovely of books .. it has such gorgeous plates inside and is a Christmas book ( I know Christmas! but hey it was such a gorgeous and rare book)  So I think I might scan in the images to use.  I could not bare to actually break this little book apart....  We were chatting about the little book and as we were we were touching it, books are so tactile as is fabric .....

From Le Shed I bought this gorgeous little seed packets what wonder and delicious antique ephermera!  The lady said some people used them as book marks.  I am not sure quite what will happen to these and they may end up in a journal.  As you know I am mad on journaling and I also belong to pen pal group.  I know some of my pen pals would love one each ....

From The Dolls House I purchased a little book called Bunny's Friends.  It is a old child's
book that had seen better days as the spine was a bit broken but it suited me.  I have already de-constructed it to make a scrap journal and cut out the sketch drawings to use and the rest of the pages will get used for something.  The cardboard cover has now had its spine strengthened  and it will be covered in fabrics and decoupage along with me stitching my own pages back in that I will have made too.  So you see when I bought this dear little book I knew I was about to re
purpose it and make it useful again....

Then at the WVS Book shop I bought some really beautiful linens .  The Chinese one will stay as is and will grace our dinning room table when we do a Chinese evening.  I have never seem one of these before and I thought it was so pretty.  Then the other ones here in the lemon and white well they again are so beautiful and will probably either go to covering journals or indeed may even stay as is and grace our dinning room table in Spring times .... They are so soft and in such beautiful condition and I am thrilled with them.

The last purchases of the day were four climbing rose bushes and lots of shrubs and basket plants for this Summer for our garden .... I am so please with the roses as they are all white with one having a tinge of blush pink.  All of them are scented and all are old fashioned ones.... When the flowers come out later this year I will take some photos for you to have a look at.  I am hoping in the hot Summer that I have wished for the scent in our garden will be beautiful ...

I was fairly restrained again as you can see, unlike this Saturday at The Vintage Bazaar in Frome where I have already ordered some bits and I know that I will be in truffle heaven.  I have been saving my money for there and I am thoroughly looking forward to going.  I am meeting up with some friends for coffee there so I will see you there Mo and Jimmy and possibly Brenda too ....  Also yesterday I found out that another reader who has become a lovely friend will be attending so I will spot you there too Dawn ... its going to be a grand get together on Saturday...

The Vintage Bazaar brings lots of our friends together and it is one of the happiest and gorgeously friendly fairs on the Vintage Fair calendar and I am really looking forward to it...

In addition to the above I bought the most gorgeous Victorian letter clip from Ebay and it has arrived this week , unlike my quilting foot!! ahhhh do not get me started!
Anyway this beauty arrived and it is stunning and with lots of letter writing of late it will not only come in handy but it is a thing of beauty to behold in my humble opinion!

Well that is it for today and I am sorry I am later.  I am off to spend time with my Mum for a few hours this morning she has been a little down and we do not want that for her.  She can not explain why but I am sure she knows at some level she is in a care home.  It is a gorgeous care home but it is not home...... So cheering up day today for her.  The sun is out too.  There has been some prep going on this morning ..

Have a wonderful day today whatever you are up to and as always  .......         
Happy Stitching! XX

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

The stunning Cranborne Vintage Fair.

Nestled in the Dorset Countryside is Cranborne
a stunning little village.  There is Cranborne Manor and
part of its estate is now home to the Garden Centre there.
This last weekend it played host to its own Vintage Fair.

On a Sunday it is lovely not to have to rush, I always think and with my husbands and my own
working weeks being hectic and long ( especially for him) it is just so nice to have our first warm drink sat up in bed and watching the birds from our window.  This Sunday was a vintage fair and normally on those days we are up very early to get ready and be on the road to where ever in the country is hosting it.  This time though it was closer to home, only 30 minutes away and so we indeed could sit with our warm drink and get ready and still be basically on time for the opening of The Cranborne Vintage Fair..... Wonderful!

We had a list for flowers and a list for treasure, Andrew hoping that their were some man treasure as he likes to call it and if you are reading this Mo you will know what I mean as I am sure Jimmy is the same!

I was looking forward to this day and to be able to wander around amongst the flowers as well.  I was not disappointed in the least.
The weather was stunning and it was just lovely to bumble around.  The fair was held at the garden centre in Cranborne and was the walled garden for the manner house.  There is the vintage barn there with 4 ladies that always have their goodies there and then they were joined by a few more people
selling vintage goodies as well and they were dotted around the garden centre grounds in gazebos and just inside where they hire out for private functions.

So firstly I made my way to the vintage barn as two of the ladies there are friends as well.  Elaine and Jenny have their little shops withing the barn and are there all the time, In addition there is Elizabeth and Irene.  Irene is Tickety Boo and Jenny is Tilly- D  .....

It was lovely to have a catch up with Elaine and Jenny as I have not seen them in a while, It seems we all hibernate in the Winter months and only come out in the Spring and Summer!!

The warmth of the weather and the smell of all the beautiful plants that were there in the sunshine it was a lovely place to be on a Sunday.  My husband and I got there when it opened and had breakfast there and a coffee and juice .. It was a perfect relaxing day ...

I had a a little wander and then came across The Dolls House and the way the stall had been set out it was really beautiful all in amongst the plants and it was a pleasure to wander around and take photos.  The bees were out buzzing around and I remember thinking this is it .. Summer is on its way!

In the grounds there, there was a lovely shepherds hut and all the pots and garden goodies were out.
  We ended up buying some wonderful bits for our garden and 4 climbing rose bushes too......

Deciding to do our garden this year to get it established ready to make it irresistible to future potential buyers down the line ... method in our madness!

Then I found Jenny Jones who was tucked into a corner in the little function room and we had a little chat.  People were coming in and it was well attended but not over crowed it was a real pleasure indeed to wander around...

Jenny had a lovely eclectic array of vintage goodies on offer and it all looked so pretty.

Next to Jenny were two ladies that had shared a stall and they were Fifi's Retro Frippery and Sarah's Vintage Pop Up Shop.  There was so much to look at and see.  I had  to go about it again two or three times as I kept missing things the first time.

There was vintage dress making patterns and china, glass and all sorts of goodies to see and purchase.

The next door was Coco and George and there were some exquisite things on here for purchase. Cushions and eiderdowns, china and glass.  There was a lovely bunting that the lady had made and she thought it might be lovely for a child's room and it would.  There was embroidery flowers and old buttons too....

Then who should I bump into but Suitably Vintage .. they were there wandering around and not as
sellers and we had a chat and quick catch up.  It is so lovely to bump into friends at these events ...

Le Shed was the next stall that I came across and again lots of different bits and bobs on offer including old seed packets and haberdashery as well as china and glass too.

Outside was Peggy Rae and she was selling scented  soy wax candles in vintage glass jelly moulds and cups and saucers along with lavender and dried roses and lots more!

In addition to all this just a little way down the road is the WVS Book shop and it is run as a charity.
  Not only do they sell books but there is a sewing room at the back of the shop and Jenny of Tilly D has some of here ware in there too along with things by this shop that are donated and given to the charity.  It is a treasure trove of goodies and really my things.  There are old books of all kinds including craft books.  There is haberdashery, embroidery threads, linens, fabrics, ribbons, spools, knitting needles, needles, needle keeps and so so so much more.  If  you ever visit Cranborne then do head there because it is an Aladdin's Cave and it is also a charity as well ... great cause.

It was time to then say our goodbyes and get all the plants that we had purchased home again and watered for us to get in this week.  Did I buy some vintage goodies ?  Yes of course just a few!! and I will show you what I purchased later on in the week.

I hope that you are enjoying this weather we are having, although it is not as hot as the weekend was.  Did you have a thunder storm on Saturday evening as we did and oh boy was it a Thunder Storm!  It actually struck a building in Bournemouth as well.  It was a magnificant show and went on for literally hours and hours and it was raining too, huge rain drops of the like I have never seen before.

When we got home and popped all our new plants out on the patio and gave them a water Miss Muddy Beak came over to investigate, I think we have her approval of our choices ...

Anyway I hope you all have a wonderful day today and as always

Happy Stitching! XX

Monday, 23 April 2018

Sewing on a day like to today .....

“I couldn't sew on a day like this.
 There's something in the air that gets
 in the blood and makes  a sort of glory in my soul.
 My fingers would twitch  and I'd sew a crooked seam.
 So it's ho for the park and the pines.” 

LM Montgomery

This made me laugh the quote above, I know what it is like to want to be outside, but I would take my stitching and art journal.  I am longing for summer days in the garden or in the countryside watching the different shapes in the sky with the odd cloud going over... There is a place in the New Forest where it is lovely to take a picnic, books, throws and cushions ( and sneaking in some stitching) and my Husband and I never see anyone there.  My Grandfather ( My Mums Dad) knew the forest like the back of his hand and we spent hours and hours there.  Riding horses, playing rounders, picnics, and early morning breakfasts cooked on gas stoves.... I love the place we go to thanks to him and the only thing we see is the odd horse or deer... after the initial startling to each other we just rub along and get on with our own thing.

I have promised myself that we will do this a few times over the next few months and just relax.  It is a strictly mobile free area ( doubtful wifi anyway) and so we can just go back to basics and talk and read and relax ... re charge our batteries if you like and escape the crowds and get back to nature.  Take some photos for me to sketch or design with.  Most likely take my vintage wild flower book and see if I can see any that are in there ...

Well back to today and stitching here, for a moment there I was in the New Forest and forgot its a working day ... The weather though has been glorious as they predicted and some stitching has been done in the garden for the first time this year.  I am so ready for long warm Summer Days ...

Today I am off to the beach for a little beach combing and sketching, its not hugely hot which means
less crowding and I will be able to forage about and also do some doodles as well.  I love walking by our beach and its beautiful sands and see here on the South Coast line.  The other place is Sandbanks in Dorset and Shell Bay is called that because the answer is in the name.  You can also find a little sea glass from time to time as well.  Over the years I have collected a little treasure box of it and one day I will do something with it too!

I had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the Cranborne Vintage Fair so much.  Met up with some lovely friends as well and had a really good look about along with purchasing some much needed plants for the garden.  I am going for things that bees love to help them as well as scented and more cottage garden than formal.

I will be taking some photos later in the season of them and maybe the bees and butterflies along with the bumbles that will enjoy them being part of this garden.  Also took some photos of the fair for you so I will sort those out today to be able to bring you a blog for you to have a little virtual walk around in your minds eye.. along with a show and tell later in the week as well.  Then of course at the end of this week this the fabulous and wonderful Vintage Bazaar in Frome  so lots to look forward to I would say.  The weather I hope will come back to warm by the end of the week and May will, as I say be upon us.  The vintage fair season has started and we are able to be in the fresh air.  The English Summer when it is a good one does take a lot to beat with our green lands and stunning wild flowers.

Must have a look at my dried flowers too, I keep remembering when I am talking to you on here and then forgetting later in the day when I am busy working.  I am sure what is in there will be ready for use and so I must get to have a look at it.

Well I have managed to take a a few photos for you with one of  the views that I get when sat here in my stitchery room.  As you will see bird fly around and look at me in here.  on the top of the photo you will see two pigeon tails sat above my window.  They will eventually get board and hand upside down to look at me later... The seagulls are coming in too now and also a pigeon flying in to perch with the other two --- although I am sure three will be a crowd from the cooing that is taking place out there! Oh well I will let them sort that one out ... I am hoping that the sun will come peeking through soon although it is still very early....

I am going to be doing some stitching today and have decided to cancel the order for the quilting foot and go to my local sewing machine shop, even if they have to order it in its now a matter of being annoyed and needing to finish me needle keep.  I would like it off of my pile to finish and to be in use.

Walking up to the beach I can go the longer way and pop into the shop in Southbourne near where I live so that is what I will be up to later this morning or when the shops are open at least.  Wish me luck!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend your selves and that you get out and enjoy some of this little Summer we are having with the warm air blowing our way from Europe ...
Have a wonderful day today and as always Happy Stitching! XX

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Truffled goodies ....

Treasure everywhere! It was so hard
to choose .. and to remember to purchase1

Its a warm drink and cuddle up time, I am about to show you my truffled goodies that I found and purchased at the weekend.  In no particular order of purchase here we go ....

I was so busy on Saturday with two fairs that I really did not do lots of shopping at all.  When going through the photos that I took I was kicking myself for not picking some bits up.  It was so busy and I was taking photos and getting out of the way for others that I just forgot to shop!! I KNOW!

Anyway I still managed to get so lovely finds ....

Firstly look at the fabrics that I managed to purchase from Suitably Vintage in Chipping Norton.  As you will remember I was talking to Clare of Lou Lou Vintage at the same time and making plans for our get together this Summer here on the Jurassic Coast.  Plans were made and fabrics were bought along with photos taken as well ... It was a great use of time all round I think.

As you can see I bought a selection of gorgeous fabrics and also a piece of Toile de Jouy and I will be
able to cut out the different scenes and make them into pictures for our home.  I am over the moon with this piece and will attach them to vintage linen to border them and may embroider a few words who knows yet... a project for me later in the year.  Others to finish first!!

Then from Suzi of Hearts and Kisses I bought a dear little wall hanging of a saying that I love and attached to a spool of vintage thread and it now hangs in my sewing room.  I love to purchase others work as well as stitch my own ... It pleases me that I have several pieces of Suzi's work in our home.

Oyster Bridge does the ribbon words and I bought four and you can just see the little pile of
them that I have taken a photo of ... you will have to wait for the words!!  I like to use these in my photos.  I do calligraphy myself but I will not copy work so the way these are done with pieces of vintage fabrics as well, it suits my style and so I by direct from Kate a few times a year and also give her lists of ones to do for me and she sends them through the post .. happy days!

Gazehound Vintage at Midhurst Fair int he Square I bought these two books on birds eggs.  One is better than the other and one is to keep in tacked and the other will be used as paper ephemera for other mixed media projects.  I had been looking for some time and the other thing is a book on mushrooms but must be old not a new one ... Julia is keeping a look out for me !

The Country Brocante shop Midhurst proved to be a little gold mine with some gorgeous fabrics and ribbons from Velvet Ribbon and two small exquisite carved mother of pearl buttons ( dealer unknown) and some little cardboard letters to spell out two different words as well for when I take photos as much as anything else then they will be used in a mixed media piece I would imagine and behind glass for prosperity ....

And as you can see I was very restrained indeed.  I am going buying on Sunday at Cranborne vintage fair and will have my list of things that are needed.  I will take some photos as I go round as well but I am going to stop and chat and purchase on Sunday ... It promises to be lovely weather as well which will make it all the better to browse.  Also it is held at a garden centre and we are in need of two climbing roses and some other bits as well so we will be plant shopping too. Hopefully someone out there reading this will be heading to this wonderful event as well and if you do, be sure to say hello if you see me truffling about...

Miss Muddy Beak is very busy and I had not seen or heard much from her this last week and it is I think that her brood has hatched in our holly bush.  I am feeding her lots and she has gone very skinny with working so hard feeding her young.  I am cooking her bacon bits and purchasing mealy worms and crushed nuts as well as her seed.  All the bird baths are full of water daily and she does not have to go too far to be able to feed herself as well as look out for her young.  This time of year I put eggs out for the magpies so that they leave the nests alone .... It saves heartache ..

It is already Friday and it seems my foot for my sewing machine has gone astray and has to be looked for at the sorting office .. I am so miserable about it.  I ordered on line to save myself time from going to the sewing machine shop and in point of fact have saved no time at all with the phone calls and emails I have had to make.  Lesson learnt go to machine shop buy it or order it from there and pick it up... sorted!

Well I hope you are enjoying this lovely weather that has landed on our doorstep for a while and soon it will be May and my 'clouts' can be cast and the sewing outside can begin in earnest.  I am off to walk the beach later today and on Monday if it is still nice.  I want to go a beach combing .. its been far to long.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and as always Happy Stitching! XX

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

ReClaimed Home Vintage Fair.and The Fair in the Square.....

Such a wonderful day, a great way to spend 
a Saturday and chatting to friends old and new.

From the moment we left home it was a wonderful day, the sun made an appearance and the drive was lovely apart from some fog earlier in the day but once we hit Oxford the sun was out and warm. My husband and I chatting away as he drove Miss Daisy (me) and I was watching the world go by and marvelling at the scenery.  We had to leave very early and the drive to The Cotswold's is beautiful.  I stare at the trees and the scenery as it is not all motorway.  We have the music on and chat until a song comes on we like and then there can be singing. Not for the faint hearted to hear us sing living on a prayer I can tell you .... Poor Mr Jovi would have to lie down in a darkened room!!

Anyway we made great time and arrived in Chipping Norton at the Reclaimed Home Vintage Fair a half hour before the doors opened and already there was a queue forming at the doors of the Town Hall where this charming event was being held.  When we paid to go in there was two familiar faces as the first stall to the left was Jack and Liz of Washerwoman fame, (picture above)  The space inside was cosy and they did well to get their lovely stock in.  It was set out with stalls all around the walls and use of the stage and some stall holders in  the middle.  There were so many people it was very friendly moving around slowly.  The task for me was to take as many photos as I could before the hoards of people came through the doors and still do a little shopping and chat along the way. ... no easy task!

Moving around I found Dorothy Stiven Vintage Homewares who was the organiser of this first time fair.  We had a little
chat and I took some photos as by now it was getting very cosy indeed, I am not even sure the organisers and helpers of this lovely fair new it would be this popular.  One of the helpers was the lovely Lisa of Vintage Dahling fame on Instagram.  She was there in one of her beautifully hand made dresses and it was so lovely to see her and all her gorgeous boys who were helping out as well.

Then happy days Hellish Designs was there and her stall looked sensational with her hand made lampshades lit up on gorgeous lamp stands and other beautiful pieces that were there for sale. We managed the quickest of hello's as it was very busy and people were not just looking, they were there to buy which was wonderful for the stallholders.

Right opposite was All things Counter and it was a wonderful display of vintage goodies and hugely eclectic, amongst old toys were books displayed and a crate of old vintage glass bottles There was a beautiful old dolls house and all sorts of wonderful goodies along with flowers to make it all look inviting.

Maison Brocante was there with some beautifully smelling handmade soaps and vintage
bowls and linens.  The warmth of the day and the little lamps and sun streaming through the window made it totally  irresistible to not liner there and take in the heady scents.

Right next door was Cachepot and again this was a beautifully thought out and gorgeously
displayed stall.  With all sorts of goodies to be seen.

There was an old French Chocolat sign and a well loved Teddy Bear awaiting a new home and to be cuddled once more along with some antique books and some baby shoes to name but a few pieces .....

Then next door again was Rosehip and Oysterbridge and Kate is the lady who does the calligraphy ribbons ... We had a little chat but it was hugely busy by now and people were waiting to get in front to the display and table so I did not hang around.  I turned around and who should I bump into but Chris of The Cosy Club fame .... We decided to have a warm drink and share some cake a little later and we caught up for a while just before we both left.  It was getting very busy and it was only an hour since the doors had opened to the fair.

As I turned around to back out the opposite stall was Suitably Vintage and amongst all the
people I recognised Clare from Lou Lou Vintage who was there to buy.  We ended up chatting whilst going through a neatly folded and pressed pile of outstanding fabrics.  We made plans for her to come to me in the Summer as well and all in around 10 minutes tops ...  We like the same fabrics and I do buy from Clare quiet a bit on line .. but we were able to both find fabrics we liked .....

I was over half way round now but I was finding it so difficult to take photos.  Others were there on a mission to purchase vintage treasure and I was there trying to take photos and it was very difficult by now to do so.
Wild Rose was next to the little pop up cafe there selling drinks and cakes where Chris and I had managed to get a chair each and have a little break.  Now this lady was a florist and there were wild flowers and all sorts of beautiful goodies to purchase.  She was telling me she grows her own flowers and how behind in the season they are because of the weather.  Where as tulips should be nearly ending they were not quite ready this year because of all the snow and ice... It must be so difficult when its your living.  Just take a look at all this beautiful flower arrangements though a real feast for the eyes ..

Moving along a little I found The Cotswolds Vintage Fair ladies and it was lovely to
see them.  As you know they run a fair every August and this is the fair that my husband and I meet up with two other couples Jo of Hesta Nesta and husband Andy and Ali of Betty and Violet and her husband Ian and go to the fair ( both Ali and Jo have a stall there) and then we stay over and have a night out! And what a night it always is ...

Well I was saying how much I was looking forward to it again this year and to seeing Winston the bull dog who always greets everyone as you go in.  Hoping for a wonderful day again this year as last year the weather was perfect in every way.  They had a stall at this fair with lots of vintage goodies to tempt.

I was getting near the end now and just could not physically get to lots of stalls.  I however managed to get to see and speak to Will and Bea  and we were saying it had almost been a year since we had seen each other last.  Lots of lovely vintage friends and we live all over England, Scotland and Wales so only get to see each other a few times of the year.

Always the stall looks beautiful and always there are the handmade soaps and scented flowers that make people stop and sniff the air in wonder!!

The last stall that I managed to get to and take photos was Suzi of Hearts and Kisses and her
beautiful embroidery work.  As always she was busy but we managed a  little chat and who should I bump into again but Chris of The Cosy Club who was making some purchases.  I was helping her decide on something for herself as well.  There was so much choice that is was no easy thing to do.

That was it for me I needed to get out into the fresh air and also we had an hour and a half journey to the next fair ... in Midhurst East Sussex... The fairs started and finished at the same time so it was a quick goodbye and we were off to the car.  It was now 11.30am and I had done well in the crowds to be able to do what I did in the time I was there.

The sun was out in full and it was hot out there.  I was sad not to be able to have a good look around Chipping Norton but have decided to go back for a good look around this Summer.  It looked to be such a beautiful town indeed.

Still we were off through the beautiful countryside around the Cotswolds and Oxfordshire and on our way to Midhurst to the Fair in the Square ...

We arrived safely and my husband dropped me off and went and parked the car.  First stop was The Country Brocante Store which is owned by Lucy and also the organiser of this fair.  Now I did not have enough time to be able to see every stall and it was around the town square in some empty shops and in the square by the Church.  There was a number of stalls that I just did not have time to get to.  On hind sight it has been decided that even though there may be a number of fairs on a any given day from now on I will have to choose one only as I did not get to do each one the justice it deserved or indeed have time to look properly myself.

I went into the Store first and looked around as there are always some lovely things in there.  Lucy has different sellers in store anyway and I always look for Velvet Ribbon as she has some lovely fabrics and ribbons generally.  There is always beautiful flowers in stock and it has a charm that is not easy to explain.  It is a beautiful shop and if you are ever in Midhurst it really is a must go place to visit.

Having picked up a few bits in there as I went around taking some photos .. I stepped out and went to the little shop that was near that had a few stall holders and their goodies inside.

Firstly I saw Julia of Gazehound Vintage and she had a beautiful corner of vintage treasure and somethings that I had been looking for which was a happy coincidence for me ...
We were able to have a little chat and they said how busy they had been all day.  The weather had helped because it had bought people out into the sunshine.  It was lovely to see Julia again and we were able to catch up a little.  Time was not on my side by now....

The Kathryn was there with a stunning display of things, much depleted because of sales throughout the day but some things were to be picked up at the end of the day so I was able to take some photos for you.  Now Kathryn is known to most as Demon Shopper on Instagram and is the sister of Lisa ( Vintage Dahling) so I was able to say hello from one sister to the other at different fairs on the same day!

Also in this shop was  Pomme de Terre and  with some beautiful flower arrangements which again most had gone but I was able to take a few snaps of their display...

Then it was a quick march up to the square and the weather was so hot and wonderful, I was dressed in boots and such ( my Dads words of do not cast a clout till May is out - ringing in my head) but it was a very warm day indeed.

First person I can across was Little Red Robbin and with there flowers and garden displays
it was so pretty.  I was there towards the end of their selling day and so there really was not much left at all they had all had such a great day in the fresh air and sunshine along with all the people that flocked to this fair..

Rosebud and Violet were there with some gorgeous china and displays and with a backdrop of the Church.  Each trader had their own gazebo up so they had shade from the sun that was really beating down and it was warm with chatter and people wandering around with arm fulls of treasure.

Nicholas and Steele were there with some exquisite stock but as I was catching up to them
they were saying how much they had sold already and what I was seeing was a fraction of what they had bought, they had a great day indeed.  I asked where they were next so that I could buy some of the big garden tubs they have with words on them ... I need some for our garden this year me thinks..

Rosablue was there with a beautifully set out stall.  With the Church in the background and the wall that was there her display just fitted in so well.  Again chatting to her about how good the day had been and how lovely the weather had been as well, the next day in fact was cold and wet again!

Then happily I spotted Maud of Beyond France there with all her gorgeous linens and
pottery.  Always love my chats with this great lady.  We always seem to end up laughing about some such thing and she again was saying how lovely the day had been and what time did I call this to be coming to a vintage fair!!

All Things Vintage and Beautiful were there and again had the side of the Church and the back drop of such a magnificent old building .. I was busy snapping away and was able to only get to see a few more people.  Time was running out.  Then I realised apart from sharing some cake that was all I had eaten and drank ... I was feeling thirsty and a bit hungry...

Quickly I ran over to see Emma of Little Wren Vintage and she was telling me all about the
day and how lovely it had been.  I was saying how lucky the weather had been.  She said she had never known any rain on one of Lucy's event and she was always lucky with her weather...
Emma had some beautiful vintage quilt pieces on her stall and her stall as always was an eye catcher!

My final stop, because now it was gone 4pm and it was packing up time for all the traders was Lisa of Lisa Giles Antiques and she had sold lots today.  I think she must have been pleased not to have take it all home again.  It was lovely to see her and have a chat.  It had been a hectic but lovely day.  I got to see friends old and new and it was perfect weather.  I was able then to go for a drink and a light snack as we were going to have a meal on the way home.

We walked back to the car and went for a drive around the countryside.  Andrew works near here and so we went to a little village and stopped at the pub there listening to the birds sing and the church bells.  We sat and had a drink and a chat about the day.

Then we went off in the direction of home stopping off at pub for some dinner,.  It was a perfect end to a perfect day.

Well I hope that you did bring a warm drink to this blog today as it was a whirl wind through two beautiful vintage fairs miles apart and also fairly long as well.  I got the photos sorted in the end and it took a fair few hours of sorting on Wednesday...

I hope you enjoy your day as it promises to be a warm one and I for one am going to get out there and enjoy it.  I am still a bit achy but trying to ignore it...

Have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching! XX