From the moment we left home it was a wonderful day, the sun made an appearance and the drive was lovely apart from some fog earlier in the day but once we hit Oxford the sun was out and warm. My husband and I chatting away as he drove Miss Daisy (me) and I was watching the world go by and marvelling at the scenery. We had to leave very early and the drive to The Cotswold's is beautiful. I stare at the trees and the scenery as it is not all motorway. We have the music on and chat until a song comes on we like and then there can be singing. Not for the faint hearted to hear us sing living on a prayer I can tell you .... Poor Mr Jovi would have to lie down in a darkened room!!
Anyway we made great time and arrived in Chipping Norton at the
Reclaimed Home Vintage Fair a half hour before the doors opened and already there was a queue forming at the doors of the Town Hall where this charming event was being held. When we paid to go in there was two familiar faces as the first stall to the left was
Jack and Liz of Washerwoman fame, (picture above) The space inside was cosy and they did well to get their lovely stock in. It was set out with stalls all around the walls and use of the stage and some stall holders in the middle. There were so many people it was very friendly moving around slowly. The task for me was to take as many photos as I could before the hoards of people came through the doors and still do a little shopping and chat along the way. ... no easy task!
Moving around I found
Dorothy Stiven Vintage Homewares who was the organiser of this first time fair. We had a little
chat and I took some photos as by now it was getting very cosy indeed, I am not even sure the organisers and helpers of this lovely fair new it would be this popular. One of the helpers was the lovely Lisa of Vintage Dahling fame on Instagram. She was there in one of her beautifully hand made dresses and it was so lovely to see her and all her gorgeous boys who were helping out as well.
Then happy days
Hellish Designs was there and her stall looked sensational with her hand made lampshades lit up on gorgeous lamp stands and other beautiful pieces that were there for sale. We managed the quickest of hello's as it was very busy and people were not just looking, they were there to buy which was wonderful for the stallholders.
Right opposite was
All things Counter and it was a wonderful display of vintage goodies and hugely eclectic, amongst old toys were books displayed and a crate of old vintage glass bottles There was a beautiful old dolls house and all sorts of wonderful goodies along with flowers to make it all look inviting.
Maison Brocante was there with some beautifully smelling handmade soaps and vintage
bowls and linens. The warmth of the day and the little lamps and sun streaming through the window made it totally irresistible to not liner there and take in the heady scents.
Right next door was
Cachepot and again this was a beautifully thought out and gorgeously
displayed stall. With all sorts of goodies to be seen.
There was an old French Chocolat sign and a well loved Teddy Bear awaiting a new home and to be cuddled once more along with some antique books and some baby shoes to name but a few pieces .....
Then next door again was
Rosehip and
Oysterbridge and Kate is the lady who does the calligraphy ribbons ... We had a little chat but it was hugely busy by now and people were waiting to get in front to the display and table so I did not hang around. I turned around and who should I bump into but Chris of The Cosy Club fame .... We decided to have a warm drink and share some cake a little later and we caught up for a while just before we both left. It was getting very busy and it was only an hour since the doors had opened to the fair.
As I turned around to back out the opposite stall was
Suitably Vintage and amongst all the
people I recognised Clare from Lou Lou Vintage who was there to buy. We ended up chatting whilst going through a neatly folded and pressed pile of outstanding fabrics. We made plans for her to come to me in the Summer as well and all in around 10 minutes tops ... We like the same fabrics and I do buy from Clare quiet a bit on line .. but we were able to both find fabrics we liked .....
I was over half way round now but I was finding it so difficult to take photos. Others were there on a mission to purchase vintage treasure and I was there trying to take photos and it was very difficult by now to do so.
Wild Rose was next to the little pop up cafe there selling drinks and cakes where Chris and I had managed to get a chair each and have a little break. Now this lady was a florist and there were wild flowers and all sorts of beautiful goodies to purchase. She was telling me she grows her own flowers and how behind in the season they are because of the weather. Where as tulips should be nearly ending they were not quite ready this year because of all the snow and ice... It must be so difficult when its your living. Just take a look at all this beautiful flower arrangements though a real feast for the eyes ..

Moving along a little I found
The Cotswolds Vintage Fair ladies and it was lovely to
see them. As you know they run a fair every August and this is the fair that my husband and I meet up with two other couples Jo of Hesta Nesta and husband Andy and Ali of Betty and Violet and her husband Ian and go to the fair ( both Ali and Jo have a stall there) and then we stay over and have a night out! And what a night it always is ...
Well I was saying how much I was looking forward to it again this year and to seeing Winston the bull dog who always greets everyone as you go in. Hoping for a wonderful day again this year as last year the weather was perfect in every way. They had a stall at this fair with lots of vintage goodies to tempt.
I was getting near the end now and just could not physically get to lots of stalls. I however managed to get to see and speak to
Will and Bea and we were saying it had almost been a year since we had seen each other last. Lots of lovely vintage friends and we live all over England, Scotland and Wales so only get to see each other a few times of the year.
Always the stall looks beautiful and always there are the handmade soaps and scented flowers that make people stop and sniff the air in wonder!!

The last stall that I managed to get to and take photos was Suzi of
Hearts and Kisses and her
beautiful embroidery work. As always she was busy but we managed a little chat and who should I bump into again but Chris of The Cosy Club who was making some purchases. I was helping her decide on something for herself as well. There was so much choice that is was no easy thing to do.
That was it for me I needed to get out into the fresh air and also we had an hour and a half journey to the next fair ... in Midhurst East Sussex... The fairs started and finished at the same time so it was a quick goodbye and we were off to the car. It was now 11.30am and I had done well in the crowds to be able to do what I did in the time I was there.
The sun was out in full and it was hot out there. I was sad not to be able to have a good look around Chipping Norton but have decided to go back for a good look around this Summer. It looked to be such a beautiful town indeed.
Still we were off through the beautiful countryside around the Cotswolds and Oxfordshire and on our way to Midhurst to the
Fair in the Square ...

We arrived safely and my husband dropped me off and went and parked the car. First stop was The
Country Brocante Store which is owned by Lucy and also the organiser of this fair. Now I did not have enough time to be able to see every stall and it was around the town square in some empty shops and in the square by the Church. There was a number of stalls that I just did not have time to get to. On hind sight it has been decided that even though there may be a number of fairs on a any given day from now on I will have to choose one only as I did not get to do each one the justice it deserved or indeed have time to look properly myself.
I went into the Store first and looked around as there are always some lovely things in there. Lucy has different sellers in store anyway and I always look for Velvet Ribbon as she has some lovely fabrics and ribbons generally. There is always beautiful flowers in stock and it has a charm that is not easy to explain. It is a beautiful shop and if you are ever in Midhurst it really is a must go place to visit.
Having picked up a few bits in there as I went around taking some photos .. I stepped out and went to the little shop that was near that had a few stall holders and their goodies inside.
Firstly I saw Julia of
Gazehound Vintage and she had a beautiful corner of vintage treasure and somethings that I had been looking for which was a happy coincidence for me ...
We were able to have a little chat and they said how busy they had been all day. The weather had helped because it had bought people out into the sunshine. It was lovely to see Julia again and we were able to catch up a little. Time was not on my side by now....
Kathryn was there with a stunning display of things, much depleted because of sales throughout the day but some things were to be picked up at the end of the day so I was able to take some photos for you. Now Kathryn is known to most as Demon Shopper on Instagram and is the sister of Lisa ( Vintage Dahling) so I was able to say hello from one sister to the other at different fairs on the same day!
Also in this shop was
Pomme de Terre and with some beautiful flower arrangements which again most had gone but I was able to take a few snaps of their display...
Then it was a quick march up to the square and the weather was so hot and wonderful, I was dressed in boots and such ( my Dads words of do not cast a clout till May is out - ringing in my head) but it was a very warm day indeed.
First person I can across was
Little Red Robbin and with there flowers and garden displays
it was so pretty. I was there towards the end of their selling day and so there really was not much left at all they had all had such a great day in the fresh air and sunshine along with all the people that flocked to this fair..
Rosebud and Violet were there with some gorgeous china and displays and with a backdrop of the Church. Each trader had their own gazebo up so they had shade from the sun that was really beating down and it was warm with chatter and people wandering around with arm fulls of treasure.
Nicholas and Steele were there with some exquisite stock but as I was catching up to them
they were saying how much they had sold already and what I was seeing was a fraction of what they had bought, they had a great day indeed. I asked where they were next so that I could buy some of the big garden tubs they have with words on them ... I need some for our garden this year me thinks..
Rosablue was there with a beautifully set out stall. With the Church in the background and the wall that was there her display just fitted in so well. Again chatting to her about how good the day had been and how lovely the weather had been as well, the next day in fact was cold and wet again!
Then happily I spotted Maud of
Beyond France there with all her gorgeous linens and
pottery. Always love my chats with this great lady. We always seem to end up laughing about some such thing and she again was saying how lovely the day had been and what time did I call this to be coming to a vintage fair!!
All Things Vintage and Beautiful were there and again had the side of the Church and the back drop of such a magnificent old building .. I was busy snapping away and was able to only get to see a few more people. Time was running out. Then I realised apart from sharing some cake that was all I had eaten and drank ... I was feeling thirsty and a bit hungry...
Quickly I ran over to see Emma of
Little Wren Vintage and she was telling me all about the
day and how lovely it had been. I was saying how lucky the weather had been. She said she had never known any rain on one of Lucy's event and she was always lucky with her weather...
Emma had some beautiful vintage quilt pieces on her stall and her stall as always was an eye catcher!
My final stop, because now it was gone 4pm and it was packing up time for all the traders was Lisa of
Lisa Giles Antiques and she had sold lots today. I think she must have been pleased not to have take it all home again. It was lovely to see her and have a chat. It had been a hectic but lovely day. I got to see friends old and new and it was perfect weather. I was able then to go for a drink and a light snack as we were going to have a meal on the way home.
We walked back to the car and went for a drive around the countryside. Andrew works near here and so we went to a little village and stopped at the pub there listening to the birds sing and the church bells. We sat and had a drink and a chat about the day.
Then we went off in the direction of home stopping off at pub for some dinner,. It was a perfect end to a perfect day.
Well I hope that you did bring a warm drink to this blog today as it was a whirl wind through two beautiful vintage fairs miles apart and also fairly long as well. I got the photos sorted in the end and it took a fair few hours of sorting on Wednesday...
I hope you enjoy your day as it promises to be a warm one and I for one am going to get out there and enjoy it. I am still a bit achy but trying to ignore it...
Have a wonderful day and as always
Happy Stitching! XX