Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Dates for your diaries ladies & Gents...

Treasure Troves of gorgeous vintage
sewing  goods, fabrics, laces, bobbins,
books, ephemera and much more!

The Vintage Fair Season is just really starting now and I am very excited and looking forward to the season for 2018.  Meeting up with friends old and new and mingling with like minded people.  Treasure hunting under one roof  and being able to truffle about and bring home gorgeous vintage treasure and goodies ....

The Re-Claimed Home Fair
Chipping Norton Town Hall
Chipping Norton
0X7 5NJ

Saturday 14th April

10am - 4pm

Admission .. £1

There will be an amazing line up of stall holders and gorgeous vintage goodies on offer.

The Fair in the Square
West Street
West Sussex
GU29 9NQ

Saturday 14th April

10am - 4pm

Admission  ... Free.

This fair is out and around the Square in Midhurst. There are little gazebos put up and also there are vintage shops to visit whilst there too.  There are plenty of little cafes around and about and a large public car park near by.  Dogs on leads can wander around with you.

Festival of Vintage
York Racecourse
Knavesmire Road
North Yorkshire
YO23 1EX

Celebrating the 1930's to the 1960's

Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd April

10am - 5pm

Admission .. Advanced ticket weekend £22
                     Advanced day ticket £12
                     Standard one day ticket £14
                     Children ( under 16) FREE


There will be music and dance.  Fashion and Style. Vintage Crafts. Classic Vehicle Displays.  Fashion Shows.  Home and Lifestyle.  Refreshments. Competitions.

The Vintage Bazaar
Cheese and Grain
BA11 1BE

Saturday 28th April

9am - 3pm

Admission ...£2

This is a wonderful fair and on site at the Cheese and Grain there is a cafe selling cold and hot drinks, cakes, sausage rolls and light lunches and snacks.
There will be an eclectic mix of gorgeous vintage goodies on offer.  This one ladies and gents is not to be missed.   There is parking in the car parks.  I am afraid no dogs are allowed in ...

The Jam Pot Fair

Village Hall
West Sussex

Sunday 6th May

10am - 3pm

Admission £1

This beautifully named fair has over 50 stalls on the day and also has refreshments on site. It is just off of the High Street and will be sign posted well on the day.

If you would like a stall or like to know more please contact Mary on 07880560612.
Free Parking on a Sunday too!

Decorative Living Fair
Eridge Park
Nr Tumbridge Wells

Friday 18th and Saturday 19th May

Fri - 9.30am - 4pm
Sat - 9.30am - 5pm

Admission  Friday .. Early Bird Ticket £14
                                  Standard Ticket £7.50

                   Saturday ... Standard Ticket £7.50

Under 18's Free both days ..

This gorgeous fair is run once a year and is well established held in the beautiful gardens and house of Eridge Park.
Shop under cover what ever the weather and enjoy refreshments and lunch in the cafe with spectacular views and plenty of FREE parking.  Shopping creche and porters.
So many wonderful exhibitors and a wonderful day out for vintage goodies.

I hope that some of you will be able to attend some of these lovely vintage fairs.  I will be going to most of them...
Today I am going to be hopefully taking some photos if the sun comes out other wise the light is so
very bad.
I have a little pile of delicious hand stitching to be done and I have today and tomorrow that I do not have to go anywhere so I can really get down to some work.

It may be sunny on Wednesday just looking at the forecast so that might be the day of photos and today with the little lamps on and the fire lit I think I might just keep stitching and get some serious work done.

The noise in the garden at the disgruntled bird neighbours is going on and I am going to have to have a little word I think.  I have put several little piles of food on the grass as well as on the bird tables and of course all of the 6 bird feeders are full up so there is no need to get so vocal out there ... they do make me laugh.

Looking at all these wonderful dates I realise this weekend is the first of them and I will be at The Re Claimed Home Fair this Saturday bright and early.

Well that is it for today and I hope you all have a wonderful day, I will be back here on Thursday so all that is left for me to say is Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Sounds fun in your garden - perhaps its choir practice.......
    It is raining here today

    Julie xxxxxx

    1. Morning Julie . I wish it were choir practice! Later in they day there is singing but it’s a real telling off! Lol
      Raining here too and dark .. no photo taking today.
      Hope you stay dry and have a good day ..

      Sarah xxxxxxx

  2. Oh Sarah, so many wonderful fairs coming up. I wish I was nearer. We are going to the VB in Frome and am looking forward to that. VB is probably my favourite so far. It's a lovely size and this will be our first visit to Frome, so excited about that too. I'm going to a vintage fair at Culross, near Perth this weekend. Not been to it before but will let you know what it was like. It's been mud central here lately - mucking out hens was no joy at all today! However, made a cushion and have progressed with some sewing projects so not a bad day.
    Mo xxxx

    1. Hello Mo

      Oh yes please let me know about the fair in your gorgeous part of the country. If ever you come across any more give me some details and I will put them on here.
      I will see you in Frome! That is where we are hoping to move to actually, well just outside anyway. I await your comments on it, I love it.
      See you and Jimmy there ... my turn to buy the coffee ..
      I am glad you are getting there with your projects, how is Etsy going ?
      I hope for warmer weather for you and your darling hens ... its been a long, cold and soggy Winter.

      Sarah xxxx

    2. Will do Sarah. Looking forward to that coffee in Frome. Xxx
