Tuesday, 17 April 2018

A whirl wind of a week with stitching & sketching !

With the promise of a few days of warmth
I am getting myself ready to go out and
do some sketching and a walk along the
beautiful beaches of the Dorset coastline.

Well best laid plans and all that! I will have to bring you the blog about the weekend fairs later in the week.  The photos have not been easy to sort out. Firstly there were lots of people and hands were everywhere but also the technology I use to do them has been playing up and so yesterday I gave up and stitched instead.  Today is a new day and I will have another go, plus I have tomorrow as well being Wednesday.

I am feeling very cold and ache today and I am hoping beyond hope that it is just the cold weather and not anything that I may have picked up.  I am waiting for this few days of warm weather to appear, I think that will be good for us all.  As I am sat here this morning I have had a pigeon dangling down off of the guttering and roof to look at me in the window!  I think I must be a source of talk in the bird world.  I am later feeding at the moment and maybe he is today's scout to gee me up!  They do make me laugh.  At the weekend we saw a baby blackbird ( not in our garden) and he/she was out of the nest but not flying.  I think it was a oops, as Mumma was scurrying around and feeding it.  So fluffy and wee.  We discussed how to help with each other ( my husband and I not the blackbird!!) and we felt we could not intervene as we did not know where the nest was and again we did not want the parents to abandon the little one because of us.  We watched for some time and baby was being ushered by the parents and fed so we left them and nature to it.  It made my heart ache as I wanted to lift it back to the nest to keep it safe but knew I could not.

Today is a strange day with lots to do.  I will try again with the photos later, also have a appointment
with my Mums Doctors to discuss all the infections she has been having and it is right in the middle of my day but has to be done.  Then there is the sewing as well.... If only I did not ache so much!  I tried to think if I have been lifting something or doing something to make me ache but alas I have not, so hoping this is not a another of those horrible viruses going about.  There was a lot of people at the fairs at the weekend and the first one was very crowed indeed so maybe I picked up something there.

I picked up a few little bits at the weekend of treasure with  a handful of beautiful fabrics to add to my ever growing collection!  I can hear the smile on you face from here!  It could not be helped! so again later in the week I will do a show and tell for you.  I actually did not purchase lots at all, so busy was I trying to take photos ...

You are not going to believe this but my quilting foot for my sewing machine has still not arrived and so that is another thing for me to sort today, chase the company and see if it has been sent and if so has it gone missing in the post!  of all the things to take so much time it had to be that ....

There is another fair this weekend on Sunday at Cranborne which is not far from us and I will be going to that , here are the details for you all in case you would like to attend.

Cranborne Garden Centre Vintage Fair
Wimborne Street
BH21 5PP

Sunday 22nd April

10am - 5pm

Entry - FREE

This is a beautiful venue as the Garden Centre and the cafe are situated in the walled former kitchen garden of Cranborne Manor set  in the beautiful Dorset countryside.  There is a large gift shop
 and the Vintage Barn packed full of treasure anyway, that is always there and I happen to know two lovely ladies who have their stock in there generally.  Now on Sunday in the walled garden amongst all the gorgeous smelling roses there will be even more vintage stalls outside and in their Garden Room used for functions and Weddings there are even more stalls.  So much treasure to to be found and it really is a beautiful fair.  It is not huge but there are always some great stall holders at this event and it is one of my favourites in the year and as I said it is only just down the road really so no getting up with the larks this Sunday!

The cafe is open all day for Cream teas and lunches along with homemade cakes and drinks. There will be lots to see and do and I will going over to take a little look and see what treasure may be found.

In addition to the above there is a little book shop in the Cranborne village and I believe it will be open on the Sunday because of the vintage fair.  All proceeds from the shop go to a charity and I will be wandering along there as well.

It is a great few weeks for vintage fairs as the following Saturday is the VB in Frome then we are into May with lots more.  Hoping for beautiful weather to wander around in ....

So today I am hoping to sort the photos and let you have a wander around the two fairs that I went to on Saturday. Hoping to bring you a little glimpse into those on Thursday this week.  It will be a fairly long blog and I am sorry I was unable to bring it to you today as I promised yesterday.  I am still looking at my ballet design to see if it will work for me but I will be doing a little pre run over the next week to practice what I may do ...
I have lots of work to keep me out of trouble and busy and hoping to be doing some hand stitching in the garden on Thursday and Friday as well as a walk along the beach in the early part of the day.

A scene from Alfred Hitchcocks The Birds is forming in our garden and they are all sat with plumped up feathers in the trees and on our little shed roof, tells me it is not only a little chilly out there but its feed time!  They are letting me know in no uncertain terms ...

Well I hope you have a wonderful day and I will be back here on Thursday until then ....

 Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Hope you soon feel better xxx

    1. Thank you Dawn, not feeling too grand today but hopeful it will go as quick as it arrived.

      Sarah xxxx

  2. I'm having a birthday lunch with a friend today, slap bang in the middle of what I want to do too..... I shall enjoy my lunch and do what I need to do around the house and sewing tomorrow!

    Julie xxx

    1. How lovely Julie have a wonderful lunch and catch up with your friend. As you say there is always tomorrow to catch up around the house and to stitch. Its your Birthday lunch after all!
      Sarah xxx
