Slow stitching whilst watching tiny
snowflakes dance in the air, waiting
for the big snow fall that
is heading our way.
As I think you all know now I have a deep love of samplers, especially the red on white ones. They are, to me, exceptional and I am a collector of them.
This time of year, it is still Winter after all, even if some of the Spring flowers thought a little early that it was not, they look wonderful and of course make our home feel cosy and inviting to us.
The picture on the left is of one of my collection and is dated 1886, it is a small sampler and it is perfect!
We are still very much in Winter mode here as our temperatures plummet and the Arctic snow is blowing our way. We had a little snow yesterday but our big one is over night on Wednesday and on Thursday so the weather man has said and for over a week now too. Generally it changes but they are convinced of it. I am thrilled as you can imagine and a snow angel will be made and there will be some fun in the snow.
I had a wood and coal delivery on Monday and should see us through the next two weeks. Candles are still being lit on the darker days and always when the sun sets over the sea.
We still have our quilts on the beds and they are still with the reds at the moment, I feel too cold to be thinking Spring just yet I am afraid.
Yesterday our temperature was only 2 degrees all day but felt like minus 3 and with the flurry of snow that was drifting around our garden it was so very pretty.
The birds are very hungry and I fed them three times yesterday. A whole coconut fat ball went by the end of the day and they seem to know cold weather is setting in because they are eating so much.
I am still awaiting my replacement boxes ( as you remember they sent the wrong ones!!) and I am also waiting to pick up my iron on designs. This week seems to be a waiting game, snow, boxes and designs. In addition we have company for the weekend and I have been getting the guest room ready.
In addition it is my Mums Birthday on Friday and we are having a lunch time party for her at my sisters house so I am taking a long weekend. I will not be blogging on Friday. There is so much to do and we want to make it so very special for her.
Birthday cake and a lunch along with flowers sent to her care home in the morning before opening parcels in the afternoon .... It is a simple lunch designed with her in mind only and things that we know she will eat. She eats very little unless it is cake or ice-cream !! bless her. She does however love a good cauliflower cheese with bacon bits so that is the main for her. We decided on starting with melon and some little pieces of parma ham as well.
and as long as she is dressed warm to be picked up she will enjoy the ride in the car and looking around her. Her little dog that she had will be there too, she now lives with my Mums Sister and she is bringing her along. When my Aunt visits my Mum she always takes her along for her to cuddle up to.
With a pot roast for Friday evening here for our guests and wine by the fire and hopefully the quiet that only snow seems to brings, It is like a quiet white blanket hugging the earth. I think we may loose our crocuses that have started to flower so I am going to put little pots over them on Wednesday in the hope I can save them and keep them warm.
For today that is it as I really must get on with some sewing. I want to sit and stitch and hope that today the snow comes early I am a little impatient it seems. I am ready and I am waiting .....
I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will see you back here on Thursday .. hopefully with snow pictures as well!
Have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching! XX