Friday, 2 February 2018

Love hearts from bits of vintage quilts....

On the wind in February
snowflakes float still
half inclined to turn to rain
nipping, dripping chill !

Sorry I am a little later this morning but had some paper work to complete for my Mum and it took two cups of coffee and much longer than I had suspected.  It was on my mind so I just needed to get on with it to clear my mind to chat to you all.

To see February in nicely I have been filling bowls with hearts made from antique quilt pieces and I dropped a little scent on them as well and the air here is warming and gently and happily going into the month of hearts and love.

I think I have managed to sketch a little valentine sampler for me to stitch and get up in time for valentines (this valentines I hope if everything stays good with Mum)  I did not want to be too ambitious so I will see what I can do.  I think changing pictures around for seasons in the home is a refreshing and great thing to do, It makes the home look different and quirky as well as seasonal. This is my hibernation month as it can be brutal.  I am happy by the fire with my sewing, designing and writing. Of a night time a good book and the fire with a glass of wine is very welcome and cosy having just eaten our stew or some such.

Still cold here and into minus 3/4 some nights so the birds are being well fed, bless them.  I hope by putting out luke warm water that they seem to enjoy they will warm up a little as we do with a cup of
tea or coffee.  If I thought for one moment they liked hot chocolate I would be out there serving it to them!!  You can see them early in the morning with their feather puffed up and huddled together on the shed or in the elderflower tree and you know they are cold. Next week is set to be colder down to minus 7 at night!!

So already it is day two of February and another weekend and I really thing the earth has started to spin that bit faster.... I can not believe where the days go to.

I still feel it should be reds around the house, red and white quilts on the beds, red hearts  for the month that is associated with love and open fires are keeping me warm and happy along with candles and a basket of stitching. Since I had my flu bug, and although I feel so much better I am so very cold all the time. The warmth of colour here helps me stay cosy and warm and happy.

I have ordered more logs and coal and made sure that I have written my list for cupboards so I can stay in and stitch.  I have a visitor next week our friend from Devon with the gorgeous thatched cottage, and joy of joy he has decided not to sell and stay put having done some more work there and loving it.    What is so lovely is he is a great artist and is equally as good in watercolours and oils.  He paints and I stitch by the fire and we chat.  My husband will be taking a few early marks so that we can start our evenings at a more reasonable time and all eat together.  In addition he wants to have a go at some stitching for a quilt and so wants me to teach him split stitch and a French knot.....
We are planning to go to him for a few days in Spring and I am looking forward to it.  The last few times we have visited I have said goodbye to it quietly as I love it there, I can imagine the 200 year
old cottage was smiling to itself because it knew somehow he would stay.

I have a busy weekend ahead of me as getting ready here for our visitor with some baking as well as he arrives on Monday lunchtime and I need to get some fabric in a hoop with a needle threaded for him to practise on and also get some hand stitching sorted for the week ahead to keep me going.  I might be having a few days off with him as well but not decided when yet.  I will let you know on Monday.

It is strange writing this to you all much later in the day as the birds are out in full swing and the birdsong is beautiful, it is very cold out there but sunny and they are happily eating their food that I put out this morning.  I had to fill the bird feeders again as well.  There was a little bacon and the fat I cooked up for them yesterday and chopped up and they are loving that especially our magpies and crows but I chop it into smaller and larger pieces so robin loved the bacon fat on the bird table ...

As you all know I belong to a group and we are all pen friends in fact it is now called Happy Mail
anyway I bought a book the other day.  It was wrapped in brown paper and tied with string and said 'never judge a book by its cover' .. it got my interest up.  On the front there were several words hand stamped to give you an idea of what the book was about.  So I thought why not so I have bought it and unwrapped it and very happy with the book.  Ok I here you all say... well its going to be a round robin book so I will read it and then sign and date and then it will be off to the next person ( re wrapped in the same paper with tag, as I opened it very carefully) and they will do the same and it will do a journey around the world and finally come back to me with signatures and dates ...  The photo is for you to see.  It reminded me of like a friendship quilt in a way with people signing and thought it would make a great thing to find in a charity shop 60 years from now!!  I feel it will be a lovely future heirloom and hope that the person that picks it up will be as happy as I am when I find a treasure with hand writing and dated as I am and most of my vintage friends are when we go a truffling.

I have some work to do today which is all about the kits and inspiration packs that I am putting together so it is a very busy day indeed.  My day started at 5.30 am and so it is now time for some late breakfast then full steam ahead.

Well that is it for today and I hope that you all have a fabulous weekend, keep warm and cosy and enjoy some you time.   I will see you back here on Monday morning ... Happy Stitching! XX


  1. I'm trying to guess the book title! I think I might know it but I won't spoil the fun. When I worked at the library I always used to put up a display of books like this for Valentine's Day but never gave any clues, it was always popular.
    The birdies are well looked after at your house Sarah, you'd better hope that they don't go on Twitter and spread the word. Lol x

    1. Hi Dawn

      I am pleased with the book round robin and it should be fun. Working in a library I bet you can guess but thank you for not saying as I want it to be a surprise to all who take part.

      Oh I hope the birds do not spread the word because it costs enough now lol xx

  2. Your friend sounds wonderful. The very first stitch I ever learnt when I was about six was the French Knot.

    Julie xxxxxxxx

    1. Hello Julie

      Yes I love it when he visits, lives near Honiton.

      Well I have to get my teaching head on... for next week. Whats the betting that the first knot I do will go thppp lol
      Sarah xxxxxxx

  3. Your week with your friend sounds like it will be a lot of fun. I do love the idea of a bowl of quilted scented hearts - and if you don't mind I am going to plaigiarise that idea. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Love, Mo xxx

    1. Hello Mo
      Not at all plagiarism is not what I would call it Mo! Lol .. flattered to have my ideas used by others ..
      Hope you are well .

      Sarah XX
