Thursday, 15 February 2018

Wishes and little stitches

Slow stitching means settling down
and loosing myself in each stitch.
Each little stitch today
 is very special to me 

Today marks a very strange but wonderful event for me, I am going to start to stitch one of my own designs. You may be puzzled by this as its what I do for a living only this time I am going to stitch the very first design for one of my slow stitching boxes, which is a first for me and I feel I must make a little drum role before I take that first, slow, delicious stitch.

I had the first iron on transfer off the press to iron and check out and its so exciting.  Needing to write instructions there is only one way to do this and that is for me to stitch it.  Try and stop me!  In addition it is time to prepare my first imagination vintage fabric box as well.  It is trial run times.  By the end of next week I should be in full production.

This week has seen me and my darling husband cut all the 160 pieces of vintage French linen for each of the first four small designs that are a series.  Tick! I had a little dance this morning and whilst I was happily feeding my birds  Miss Muddy Beak and Mr Robin came down and whilst they were watching me fill everything up and doing a little twist with some amusement I told them all about my first kits.  They were getting bacon fat and mealy worms before the others so I guess they thought it was a small price to pay for a good breakfast to listen to the obviously mad human this morning, who normally is a lot more sedate that early!! ..
Any neighbours that were up that early and staring out of windows would be nodding and muttering ' I knew it' and shaking heads 'the poor wretch has finally flipped' ..
I have been making up the boxes that they are going into ( they come flat packed!) and they are the same boxes that the inspiration fabric packs will be in..   I just await production of the transfers with a
little tweaking to be done. 

So far it has been a very busy week indeed and not a needle threaded but that will change.  I will have lots to stitch soon with another four designs awaiting at the printers after the series of four so its busy times ahead.  

The weather is so cold and the rain is icy, my hot water bottle is in use permanently at the moment. Still it is hygge weather and great for snuggling down under a vintage quilt with my stitching and the fire blazing away.  Candles are lit on dull days and every evening as well it is a wonderful relaxing but productive career I can tell you.

I have been slightly chasing my tails with other things like paper work, emails and letters along with house work in general and other stitching commitments.  Still I would rather be busy than tapping my fingers ...

My sewing room has suffered a little and so over the weekend I am going to have a little sort and tidy and of course I need to go through my drawers and cupboards for fabrics for the fabric boxes as well, oh dear you can fore see where that might lead - yes to hours of looking and feeling and re folding fabrics!! Then of course I need to sort the buttons for the designs as well  and again this could take a few delicious hours of contentment on my part.

As you know I am a mother of pearl lover and that really is all I use unless it is the linen covered buttons. I have a few cards of those to use in designs.

I have been covering buttons recently for my dresses that the lady is making for me and I am doing the buttons and the embroidery ( yes I said dresses and it will be four in the end I think)  So when the cut out piece of my dress is ready it is given to me to stitch on my little design and then back for stitching.  Later in the year when they are done you will see  me in them at vintage fairs but I will
photograph them as well..... This is further down the line as it was a favour and between work already booked in.  All mainly out of vintage soft French linen sheets but with other fabric around the cuff and the bottom in some cases and lined pockets .....

Well that is it for today as I really must get on with my busy day.  I went to my Mum yesterday this week and she is ok but very non responsive ... she is happy when I am there holding her hand and we have coffee and hot chocolate together with my sister.  Still no joy on some writing but I have not thrown in the towel just yet...

Have a wonderful day and stay warm and cosy.

Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Well, God bless Andrew!! What a star! But 160! that's some chore. Your dresses sound heavenly and I look forward to seeing them - I do love a linen dress. There is a gorgeous lady up here (a woodland gathering) who makes beautiful linen dresses and skirts in fabulous jewel like colours and I have a couple - truth be told, I wear them almost non stop. They are a dream, the more crumpled the better. Now, the excitement is building with regards to the kits. That must be so satisfying to see your own design in print - I hope you have an enjoyable day testing it out. I am by the way, envious of the number of jars of MoP buttons you have. Have a great day, Mo xxx

    1. Good Morning Mo!

      I know Andrew even with his work load was there with me the other evening and insisted on helping and it was a help because he has the strength to cut through more layers that myself! I would have been going until the wee small hours other wise.
      I am excited about my dresses and can not wait but as I said its a favour so there is no real time set that they will be done, plus going there and here for different work is time consuming but they will be worth it I know it.

      Thank you Mo and I have stage fright over the kits. The work that has gone into them and the price of printing ( although my printer has worked out how to get more on a sheet so less cost) I just hope that everyone likes them. The series of four all sold indivdualy then of course there are four more to follow that are one off ...

      Hope to sleep all night again one day! LOL

      Have a great weekend.

      Sarah xxx

  2. You really are buzzing with excitement and no wonder! I think we will need a full fashion parade of those dresses. It feels as though this wet weather will never change and I've been living in jeans and would be nice to wear something light and pretty again, like linen. Xxx

    1. Morning Dawn

      Yes buzzing with excitement and fear I think. Still we will see, I had so many emails and I mean hundreds from people asking do I do kits so I gave the people what they wanted ( I hope)

      Yes me too jumpers and jeans or leggings are me right now with a fashion addition of a hot water bottle shoved up said jumper!
      I am looking forward to sunny days in a French linen sheet dress lol

      Sarah xxx

  3. Wow you sound very busy and on top of the world.
    Its cold wet and horrible with a little sunshine here

    Julie xxxx

    1. Morning Julie

      I am buzzing with the kit thing but there is stage fright too.
      It was a very very busy day yesterday and today I can be a little calmer.
      Going to have a warm drink with my Mum later on and tell her all about it... I hope she can understand a little of it.

      Have a wonderful weekend.

      Sarah xxxxx

  4. How can we get purchase one of your kits Sarah ?
    I’m liking the sound of them very much xx

    1. Hi Lynn

      My first kits will be ready within 2 weeks. First of four series anyway. I will be selling them from my work FB Page and IG until I get a web page done. ... Everyone will get a pre sale notice of a day and I will put that on here, FB and IG ..
      Hope that’s helpful and thank you for your interest ..

      Sarah xxx
