Twinkling lights, candles, red fabrics and
threads and a cosy log burner!
It's a Hygge kind of a day here at HQ.
The Rain is practically trying to beat its self in through the windows this morning and I have put all
the little lights on as well as our resident fairy lights. The candles are all lit and one of them is scented and the smell of winter is around this morning. It looks like it outside too.
When I finish this I will be lighting the log burner and having my breakfast before I start my day. The sound of the rain on the window and the warmth of our bed did not make me jump up out this morning, I am much later today and could have happily sat in bed reading today for a few hours and listened to the rain. Its a Hygge kind of day that's for sure!..
Today I am working with some gorgeous fabrics and threads and a two pairs of very sharp scissors, one large and one small for detailed cutting ... I am really looking forward to this Christmas project for later in the year obviously but it has to be stitched now ready for publication and I am so pleased with the design. On a day like today it is perfect to think like it too, although the light for tiny stitches could be better but by a good light it is all good.
One of my favourites is the one with the check and the embroidered white flower square, I think it looks so Scandinavian but it is not, it is very old French fabric and was once on a dolls bed. When I bought it I was told a little history and so it is very special and I do not have much of it but for this particular project it is perfect and will be seen again once more and admired, It features not only in the border but in the sampler its self.....
Gosh I wish you could hear this rain it is so loud and is coming down in a relentless stream. I keep thinking how lovely it is to be able to be indoors and not having to go out in this weather and work from home. Today's sewing is in front of the fire for sure.... Another reason to love hand stitching!
Also this week I am taking a day off to tackle the sewing room because I think it is going to take two
days if I am honest. It is not just a case of tidying, I am getting rid of some of the things I have in there and there is going to be a change around too. So It is a case of getting most of the things out and then putting back so I will have to utilise the hallway upstairs and so it is going to take a while. So today is my only blog until Thursday this week. I will need tomorrow and Wednesday. This way I will be able to photograph fabrics and things that I am up to by then. The last straw came when I could not find the photo copy fabric and still can not so every cupboard, draw and box is being sorted I am not going to stop until it is done. I thought that today I would start this project and then I have something underway to get back to on Thursday. Who knows I may finish tomorrow and surprise myself but very much doubt it!
I also have some books to show you as well and these are vintage embroidery books and they are large. I would like to show you them and some pages they are divine and I bought them last year. They are large and thick and so detailed .. I feel they should be in a stitching museum really but they are going to be well looked after here and of course looked at. I will be able to take some photos tomorrow whilst finding a proper home for them. There are some gorgeous illustrations in them.
This Saturday is the Vintage Bazaar and I am very much looking forward to going on Saturday. I am
sure there will be some gorgeous treasures to be had and that is another reason for the big tidy up as well. There will be some great stall holders there including Donna Flower Vintage, Vintage to Victorian, The Washer Woman, Daisy Darling and lots more. I know there is one reader who will be there and I am very much looking forward to meeting her, so if you are reading this Mo I will see you there on Saturday morning.
Also I am on the look out for dates of vintage fairs for April please so if you know of any events please let me know because I would like to put them on here in the next two weeks so that others can get them in their diaries.... The season has started and I am very pleased to be starting again. Not only is it amazing to be able to be under one roof to finds so many beautiful things and fabrics but indeed it is also such a social thing getting together with other like minded people......
Anyway that is it for today and I will see you back here bright and early on Thursday, If I am not please send help as I am probably under boxes of fabrics and can not get out!!!
Have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching! XX