Thursday, 2 February 2017

The month of love, snowdrops & stitching by the fire.

Nature gives to every time and season
some beauties of its own.

February : This is a very cold month generally but it gives us some beauty.  Snowdrops is one of the gifts of this month and in our garden they are just coming to life.  As I have always said I adore our seasons and I see beauty and joy in every month of the year as well as our glorious seasons. This cold weather we are having has a beauty and for me it is not only watching Spring starting to wake up in the garden and roadsides but also log fires and stitching by them.  I am at pure peace when I am snuggled in a chair with my hand sewing. 

Do you remember when I said about how I cut teeny tiny hearts from fabric remnants and pop them in a jar to use on any of my stitching, that may benefit from a heart or two?  Well I have decided to go one stage further with larger bits of fabric scraps (about an inch & a half in scale) and make hearts out of fabric and stitch on a word to each or hand stamp them ... like happiness, joy, laughter, love, wishes, hugs and thoughts ... you get the general idea and they are going to go into a vintage kilner jar and they are my Jar of Hearts .... I can then send one to a friend if they need one.  If someone is sad or worried that kind of thing.  It has been a difficult week for me so far and I have a few more ahead with my Mum and waiting for authorities to do their paperwork ( which is never fast) so that we can make her safer than she is right now living in her flat.... It has been a heartbreaking few days all round and that is when I came up with my Jar of Hearts idea .... 

I also feel that scent helps us as well so lavender or rose or this time of year in the cold maybe orange and clove so I will drop a few little drops of scent into the jar and pop the lid on and it will just have a faint little smell of something lovely on each heart.....

Whilst stitching away and a little behind on my target to finish some things ( not overly but not quite there yet) I have been thinking about all the ideas that I have in my design journal.  It would be so easy just to start them because I am biting at the bit, that said I am going to be really strict with myself and disciplined on this and carry on with my project that is left.....

Sometimes I wish I had little fairy visitors to help!!
When I look at the picture on the right I always think it is me sat at the top with a button in her hand scratching her head...

So think of me when I am at my machine and picking up at least two lots of the hearts that I cut out when there is a decent size scrap of vintage fabric, because I am going to stitch at least one but aim for two hearts daily at the moment and get my hearts ready to spread hugs and love ...

Well that is it for today and I hope you all have enjoyed today's ramblings.  Keep warm and as always Happy Stitching! XX