Saturday, 30 April 2016

Her Majesty's Coronation Train (1937) .. see it being embroidered.

I thought in this the year that Her Majesty the Queen turns 90 that it would be lovely to celebrate it on here too.  So I found this little film of her Coronation Train being embroidered at the Royal School of Needlework.
It is a great piece of stitching history .....  I hope you enjoy it.

Have a look at the work that went into it and all the ladies who worked on this exquisite embroidery.

Have a great weekend and Happy Stitching.

Friday, 29 April 2016

Tales of my sewing room dreams and my needle case collection!

Her needlework both plain and ornamental
was excellent, and she might have put a
sewing machine to shame.

James Edward Austen-Leigh

My sewing room is getting a little full and I have no large table in there for cutting out so that has to be done on my dinning room table which is not ideal at all but hopefully with are search for a new home will come with a new larger sewing room  and I will be able to stretch out a bit and make it very desirable to look at on all the walls.  At the moment I still have one of our single beds in there for overflow sleeping at times but when we move it will be just my stitchery domain and the house will be our home only ....  I have so many ideas for it and I have started a moving journal in which to jot down ideas, cut out photos from magazines and keep all the cards that we collect and details of everything that will have to be done.  It helps me to keep detailed records and I am so excited about moving to pastures new .

With this said and more room I can then add to my ever growing needle case habit ..... Grin.

As you all know dear reader I have found a new collect fetish ... needle cases and I now can not help myself if they are on offer.

It started, I suppose, with the little needle case I found in an antique shop years ago now in a basket with bits.  It was wrapped in cellophane to protect it thank goodness and when I spied it I asked how much. It was 50p and I nearly ran out of the shop in case a mistake had been made.  When I got it home and with further inspection I found it was made by a wounded soldier in or just after the First World War so it is nearly 100 years old now.  I fell in love with it and have done so much research into it that I have started a small book on the subject in my limited spare time...  Isn't is a beauty?

Then my next purchase is this very pretty green one with ribbon embroidery and felt inner.  It is 20thC so not that old but never the less I love it so much.  Also in the 50's/60's you could, apparently, buy little cardboard needle case bases to cover and embellish and these is one of them.

You can see the beautiful ribbon work and the base is a lovely shade of light green in velvet fabric with a silk ribbon to tie it together.  It had to come home with me.

Then of course there are the two needle cases that I bought from Jenny (Tilly - D) when I went to The Sewing Room in Cranborne and one in particular (with the floral fabric) is very old indeed and has the original paper inlay with who made it, Abel Morrall.  It too has a cardboard needle case base.

I am so pleased that it has found a home with me and will be greatly taken care of.  

Then of course there was the one with the beautiful embroidery and NEEDLES chain stitched beautifully across the front cover and with original needles still intact inside.

I love this one made from linen as a cover and again with a wooden cardboard inner as well.

The last of my collection and my latest acquisition was the silk one with some mending to do that I bought at the Vintage Bazaar from Hesta Nesta and it is, I have to say my joint favourite with the first one from the First World War.  It is a thing of beauty, elegance and commodity, although I will not be using it daily as my needle case it far to delicate and I am in the process of mending it carefully so that it does not fall apart on me ..... I think when I move they will have to be a collective display in my sewing room but out out of the sun .. they are all just too beautiful to put into a drawer never to be seen, what a pity that would be.

I have finally matched the colour thread to this silk needle case and I will begin one evening this week or at the weekend to mend it with weeny stitches like the mice from Beatrix Potter .... But I with one exception, I have have a whole skein of twill!!!!

So as you can see a collection has started and now on my forever list for now in any rate is antique needle cases to add to this fine collection.

I can not wait to move and get a bigger space and it will be outside and not in the house so that I can leave work and go home as it were and also have enough room to take regular classes which will start up as soon as we are organised there.  We saw a house we loved on paper but before we could get to see it, and offer was made and accepted .. boo hoo so the hunt continues ... watch this space.

I hope you have a wonderful day do not forget to come back tomorrow for a stitching tribute to Her Majesty ... Real footage of her Coronation train being stitched!  Have a great Bank Holiday Weekend & Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Show & Tell from Sarah Moore's Barn Sale.

Treasures in abundance!

Well as you all know I attended the Sarah Moore Barn Sale on Saturday and I did bring home some treasure's both from there and in Midhurst at the Brocante shop that has recently opened there.

I was fairly restrained because firstly I tried to get what I needed and was on my list and secondly, for two reasons, we are going to be moving and it all needs packing up! and I am going to quite a few vintage fairs in May so I wanted to pace myself slightly.

Well as I said in my post about the fair there was an abundance of lovely vintage goodies to tempt all and it included fabrics, cushions, a Manor House Clearance and other treasures.

There was lots of large print fabrics which would be fabulous for cushions and curtains but in my
work it really is not what I use so I was looking for tiny patterns but I saw a gorgeous piece of fabric that will be made into a cushion top for one of my Lloyd Loom chairs ... if you are a regular reader you know I am collecting some for when we move for the garden and my work space.  All painted different colours all with different cushions to match, so I found this on Liz and Jacks stall .. of Washerwoman fame and it had to come home with me.  I am saving the fabrics up for when we move.  You can see this delicious French fabric at the top of the picture.  In addition to that I bought an old hat stand and it is really beautiful and look how it looks with my cloche hat on it that the lovely Clare of Daisy Darling made for me that I where on cold days with my winter coat.

Then right next to The Washer Woman was
Emma of Rosebud and Violet and she had made some really beautiful things.  I bought a draw string bag ( well draw ribbon bag) and another one of her lavender pillows.  Every time I go I get one and have three now.  I am collecting them for each bed.

The cushion is the pink and blue one and the bag is the one with large yellow flowers.  Such
wonderful fabrics and the smell of the lavender is great.  Also it is said moths hate lavender so I like one or two on the beds so they do not munch my vintage quilts as a light snack!!

Then I went over to Karen Lesley Vintage and bought a couple of bits one was an old pot and the other a huge wooden reel painted slightly red on the shank.  I was looking for one of those and I will of course let you know in a few months what will happen to these two beauties!

I am so pleased with these purchases.  I also wanted an old marmalade jar but there was not one there so I just ticked off what I had.....

Then I went across to another stall and as you remember I forgot to get the name of the lovely lady!
how stupid am I.  I blame it on getting rather cold and looking forward to going to Midhurst for some lunch.  When it gets very cold and it is at the moment with Snow, Hail, Thunder then Sun .. I worry about getting ill again and I really want to get out of the cold.  But any how I bought a beautiful TG Green mixing bowl with a pink interior in mint condition and a great white china jelly mould.  The dresser just groaned when I bounced through the door to wash it up!

Its ok it's going in the cupboard... until we move.

The it was off to Midhurst and to the Brocante shop and it really is worth a visit.  There is so much to look at and see along with buckets of fresh flowers,  lavender pillows (made by Emma of Rosebud and Violet) fabric packs, jars, glass ware, things for the garden and so much more.

I pounced on a few things... One I saw the fabric packs and bought some of those .. there's a shocker!! then I saw a Marmalade Jar that I wanted .. tick and lastly but not least I bought an old clock face that I wanted for a project that is in the design stage and getting the basket ready for.  It was all there and I was thrilled.

Look at those beautiful fabrics. they are so stunning and great muted and faded colours just right for my projects .. along with a piece of French Linen with a light blue stripe .... 

Well this is my show and tell from last Saturday and I hope you have enjoyed sharing these with me.

I am off to my stitching now and to get on with my busy schedule. I hope you all have a wonderful day and thank you for sharing my treasures with me ..

Happy Stitching!


Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Sarah Moore's Barn Sale ...

This particular quote always reminds me of Sarah Moore's Barn and Pop up events at her beautiful home in West Sussex.  There is always beautiful floral fabrics and cushions made from said fabrics at her events.  Sarah loves floral as most of us vintage ladies do and this event on Saturday was no exception, with floral in abundance......

We set off from home in good time because in fact my husband suggested that we go up later afternoon on Friday and stay in a great pub near there, have dinner in the evening and have a civilised start to the day by being only a few minutes away as I wanted to be there early.  I had arranged to see some vintage friends there too so wanted to be able to have a catch up coffee, chat and cake .. well it
had to be done!  I was so happy with this great surprise.  The pub was amazing and so was dinner and breakfast and there was no fly out of the door .... what a way to start such a great day!

We arrived on time .. there's a shocker! only being two miles down the Road.  Already people were
parking and waiting to go in to the large barn as  to see the Estate House clearance brought by The Painted House.    There was Karen
Lesley Vintage Interiors bringing  eclectic wares and local makers and sellers too.

Also selling there was Rosebud & Violet and Hector and Fox were running the pop up café this time and there was also The Washerwoman who's large display was breathtaking!

Outside there were plants for sale snuggled by the large barn and happy faces everywhere you looked.  Sarah likes to set things out  that just flow rather that table stalls for individuals.  She tends to make her Barn Sales more fluid.  It looks amazing in the lovely setting at Hill Lands Farm in West Sussex.

I met up with Nicki of Quilterdown fame and Sue of Vintage to Victorian we all had a warm drink and piece of cake.  The home made cakes were lovely.  There was carrot, ginger and fruit along with scones if you fancied it.  They were serving filter coffee and there was bacon rolls on offer and a risotto for those arriving lunch time. We all sat at a table and drank our coffee and had a little show and tell of what we had bought.  We kept bumping in to each other going around before the coffee but now was the time to see some bits that had been purchased.  We had a great laugh and a chat and it was lovely to break for half an hour and catch - up......

I wandered around having a look at all the vintage goodies that were on offer and had my list in my hand.  I was able to tick of a few things by the time I had finished.

The Painted House had cleared a large house and there were all sorts of things from Linens to china and old telephones, hats, clothes, kitchen things, cutlery jug and bowls and so much more.  I actually was very good I did not buy anything else for our new house (that we have not found yet) I decided to only buy fabrics and thing of china that I would use to make into things.  I felt very proud of myself indeed.  I have enough to pack up without adding to it at this moment in time.

But ladies and gents there were two stalls with fabrics and there were some lovely things on both.  Liz of  The Washerwoman fame had made her stand stunning with incredible old French fabrics and lots of other goodies to tempt all.  She had several little lamps around which made it all feel cosy and inviting and  I did end up buying a few things from there.  I am exceptionally pleased with one thing in particular, but will explain in the show and tell.

In the same little barn was Emma of Rosebud & Violet and there were some scrummy things made from such beautiful fabric as well so yes I got some
bits from here too.  Show and tell later in the week will reveal all so look out for that.  Where Emma was there was a wood burning stove which was ablaze and it was such a cosy atmosphere.  It was a breezy day and the temperature had dropped a little but there was no rain .. but I kept going back to the stove for a little warm and to keep looking at all the beautiful fabric cushions she had made too.

Can you see on the picture on the right at the bottom?  There is the little wood burner and you can see from the pictures also the view of all the goodies, that whilst warming yourself, you could gaze at.

Outside of in the courtyard there were some stables with some people in displaying some lovely vintage things to buy.  One of them was called Karen Lesley Vintage Interiors and I did buy two things in there for me to do something with.  Everywhere you looked and every time you looked you saw something different.  There were old marmalade jars, quilts, kitchen bits, jugs, handmade pin cushions, jelly moulds but to name a few things.

The last stall there was a lady that I know from this event and we always say hello but I snapped away at all the beautiful things she had in her stall and I bought a few bits but I forgot to pick up a card for her name ... how stupid is that.  It had become colder now and I was feeling it so it was nearly time to go and we had a stop to make before we went home so I must have completely forgotten.  But can you see all the wonderful things that were there to tempt.  Look at the Singer sewing machine and the Lloyd Loom chair PLUS a great set of old suitcases!

It was time to say goodbye because we were going to Midhurst to have some lunch and to go to the New Brocante shop that had opened only two weeks ago.  So we set off and I was not disappointed.  The shop is beautiful and it has an eclectic array of produce from antique buckets with wonderful bunches of flowers to buy to packs of vintage fabrics, cushions, garden antiques, furniture and lots more.

I bought some bits in there and then we went to have some lunch so that we could get back to look after a friends dog, Jake, for the evening while they went out.  I was most keen not to be late for my cuddles!!

Well I hope that you have enjoyed a little wander around the Barns at Sarah Moore's lovely farmhouse.  Have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching!

Monday, 25 April 2016

The dearest little embroidery pamphlet ....

**  Embroidery a gentle art ... **

I thought you may like to see my latest vintage embroidery book, well pamphlet with iron on motifs
  I thought by the name of it 'personal motifs' and the photo it was going to be a little risky but it is absolutely delightful and probably was a little racy for the time maybe not the motifs but the cover photo.

I have book number 3 and as you look on the opening page there are eight to collect and so now I am on the hunt to see how many of them I can find.

By the picture of the lady on the left this  maybe a 1920's booklet because of the Marcel waves in her hair... although I am not totally sure. It was published by Clark & Co. Ltd in Paisley Scotland.

I am thrilled with this for my collection and wanted to share this with you all so that you can see how really lovely this is.

The series in this is as follows: Book 1 - Flowers  Book 2 - Toy. Animals  Book 3 - Birds ( which is what I have here)  Book 4 - Sports  Book 5 - Fruit and Flowers   Book 6 - Animals    Book 7 - Individual Interests and finally  Book 8 - Popular Subjects.

It has instructions for the use of transfers and suggested colour schemes with Anchor threads such as Pinks, green, brown and yellow numbers 548 503 5900 5901. This is for the birds on the top of the picture on the right ...

Then with the two pages of alphabets on the picture above they start to combine motifs to go with them and for my letter S there is a ballerina which must be in the pamphlet Book 7 - Individual Interests I would think.

I adore this little book and now as I say I am on a treasure hunt for some more in this series.  I will look on Ebay and at vintage fairs.  I have made a list of them to carry in my purse and then it is always with me as to what it is I am looking for .... Book 3 has a tick by it!

You can just see the S on the first photo on the left here and I would love to do that on a pillowcase. I did flirt with ballet when I was small around 4 years old but I preferred horses it seems ...

Anyway I hope you have enjoyed looking through this booklet with me and it has eased you all gently into Monday morning.  Have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching! I am away to my stitching with ideas now bouncing around my head .. I can see I will have to have my notepad by me today.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Mon cahier de broderie (parte I)

Embroidery has continually played an integral part in the history of man and woman.
It not only signified certain status and wealth through the ages but it has also given
countless hours of satisfaction to those who could create something
 of beauty with a needle and thread.

Margaret Pierce

This is just so beautiful that I wanted to share it with you all.  A collection of embroidery stitches made into pages.  It is so lovely to watch and listen to the music.  It can inspire you to get stitching.

I keep samples of stitches and may now make them into a book of my own .. just for my personal delight and keepsake.

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend and I am away now to go to Sarah Moore's vintage pop up event in West Sussex at her gorgeous home.  I will take photos for you and will report back on this great event next week.

As always Happy Stitching and I hope this little film has inspired you to stitch......

Friday, 22 April 2016

Treasures ..... Through the post! ..

My soul is fed, with needle and thread ....
& buttons, fabric, ribbons and stitchery treasures!!

I do not only go to vintage fairs but indeed if I am out and there is a charity shop I have a nose.  In addition to that I do troll E-bay on occasion's too.  And the other day I was having a little look through and I found some embroidery transfers and some silk sewing threads.  

So unless it is buy it now you have to put your bid in and see if you are the highest bidder or successful in your offer.  I always have a price in my head and I will not get into a bidding war, I know what I need to pay for it and that is that OR you can go silly.

One of my favourite things is to find vintage embroidery thread to use in my work and to do that it has to be in good condition and still strong, other wise there is not really a point to it.  So I popped in Vintage thread to see what popped up.  I do get cross though when people miss list things ... Vintage/antiques are exactly that NOT just made and made to look like it.  It is a minefield truly and if you are not sure you must contact the seller and ask a blunt question .. is this real and if so what age.  You will be surprised at some answers and those who do not answer, which speaks volumes.

I of course always ask my vintage buddies 'do you have' or 'can you find' first but on line is good if you are careful.  Postage to has to be taken into consideration and then you can weigh up if it is worth it.  Sometimes postage is free.  But I bought these really beautiful threads on Ebay and I am thrilled with them.  The subtle colours are just right and I am particularly fond of the green colour ones.

So then I saw a embroidery transfer sheet, it was an old Womans Own one probably free with an issue some years ago.  So I put in £1 and I got it ... I think you will agree it is a lovely one and I am going to use some not just let them sit in a folder in my filing cabinet, because where is the sense or joy in that.

I love the lettering on this sheet and the flowers are beautiful as well.  The flowers are fairly large and they will have to, maybe, be used in a corner of one of my designs.  I do not know yet and indeed do not have to decide yet, rest assured though they will be used...

As you can see the transfers are on a big sheet, so when you would like to use one then you need to
cut around it carefully and then iron it in place.  Do not ever throw away the transfer after only one iron as they usually will transfer a multiply amount of times.

The duck is rather cute if you are doing a nursery picture or pillow maybe ....  I like the Christmas rose on the bottom far right of this picture.  I can see that being stitched by me.

I hope you have enjoyed looking at some treasures through the post and that if you have never bought on Ebay that I have helped a little for things to look out for.

Have a wonderful weekend and tomorrow there is a great little film to watch so do not miss it. Tomorrow I am also going to the Sarah Moore Pop Up Fair in West Sussex  and will be meeting up with some vintage buddies too.  We will all go hunting and then have a coffee, chat and probably cake and have a look see what we have all found.

I will be reporting on it next week sometime.  Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Show & Tell .... from the Vintage Bazaar in Frome.

Happiness is not something ready made.
 It comes from  your own actions,
The love of my husband and family
and in my case treasure hunting at vintage fairs too!!


Well what can I say, the treasures that I picked up at the VB on Saturday made me very happy indeed.  I was so very pleased at what I had found and what pre orders I had put in that were found for me as well.
Let me start with my beautiful baskets that I got from Elaine of Ted & Bunny, they are fabulous and of course the little bundle of paisley fabric that Elaine had kindly hunted down for me.

Look at those two beauties.  A tiny bit of mend on the green and red striped one and that is it.  Both such different shapes.  The red and green strip basket is a box shape and is perfect for taking with me to fairs to carry vintage finds.  Then there is the oval shape one with just red stripes and I am going to make an oval shape cover for the inner bottom of this basket from a vintage  piece of quilted patchwork.  I will cut it out and stitch around the edge on the machine for strength and then blanket stitch it in red thread for extra strength and beauty.  I thought these were unusual with beauty and purpose .. and you can get a lot in them ( I know this now!)  Then of course the paisley bundle of two different colours and patterns.  I was so happy to be adding to my paisley drawer as I use some practically daily so it is nice to have a war chest of it.....

There are several pieces of each one of varying sizes and are now tucked up safely with the rest of the stash.  I know this week at some point I need to get some out and then I will be able to have a stroke of it again .... Happiness you see.

Then I would like to show you my gift from Belinda of Ginger & Rose, you will remember from Tuesdays blog that Belinda insisted I take it as a gift and I was delighted.  It is a really good size piece and of paisley origin as well in the most stunning of reds and blues.  I do not know as yet what design to put this in, but believe me it will feature heavily in one of them.  Thank you again Belinda you are so very kind lovely lady! x

From Jo of Hesta Nesta I picked up some delightful fabrics one is like a patchwork of patterns and is actually a little fabric draw string bag that has no drawstring any more but which I will cut up and stitch into my designs and then there is the palest of lavender colour eiderdown fabric that I have ever seen and so delicate with tiny detail - perfect for appliquĂ© work. Both pieces are  wonderful.  Then the most stunning of needle cases made out of silk.  I have to do some mending but this is totally worth it.  You have to undo a tiny button from a silk thread loop.  It then unrolls to reveal the most gorgeous and delicate of embroideries which ends in a hidden tiny pin cushion which is made and stitched into it. There is a delicate weeny bead border all the way around and I am in love!  Take a look.

I know I know some of you are wondering what my order was from Sue of Vintage to Victorian.  Well this is for our house move home and they are antique letter stamps made of wood and of course were covered in ink.  Well not any more, Sue carefully cleaned and polished them to what you will see now ... deep breath because it will be love at first sight here.

They spell out VINTAGE HOME!  they are of course reversed letters because of the matter of them being printing blocks and I did have a huge laugh with Sue after I got home and tried to arrange them PROPERLY .. I got some upside down (the letter E) and the H and the A wrong because I failed in the fact that the H is in lower case but to her mirth and some others I am sure on FB I managed in the end and treated myself to a well earned gin!  Here on the other photo is some close ups of some letters as well.

Look at the detail on the E and I had it facing the right way ( so the other way round which of course looks the proper way to have it, unless, of you see it is a printing block .....  The exclamation mark was a gift from Sue as well .. So thank you Sue for all your very hard work and for your patience and council as to how they should look if done properly .. including the O having the more wood at the bottom rather than the top. (
see I did listen!) ha ha.  Also I

 bought some most beautiful patchwork panels.  Three with a star pattern and six were in log cabin.  The log cabin ones are in reds and blues with floral and stripe fabrics, they are so lovely and I think it would be criminal to cut them up so  I am going to frame all of them as pictures .. The star ones will not be used in my work either  but instead will be going to the framers as well be put behind glass for me to hang on the walls to look and wonder at. They are all pastel colours and equally as beautiful, I am so pleased with them all.  Until my visit to the framers next week they have been wrapped in tissue to transport them there with details of how I would like them framed.

The my next show and tell is from The Swagman's Daughter and if you remember she had a huge haberdashery stall with French letter ribbon and vintage iron on transfers for embroidery as well as a huge selection of buttons and other delights.  So this is what I picked up from here.

You will see that I bought some mother of pearl buttons still on their original cards and some great iron on transfers with A, S and H along with a long pattern transfer and some S and H initials French ribbon, of which I had two meters of each one .... Get them when you see them or they are gone.  They were £1 a metre so it had to be done!

Then I picked up a slightly worse for ware vintage eiderdown form Clare of Daisy Darling and this is to wash, unpick, get rid of all the feathers and wash and iron the fabric because it is gorgeous.  That said I was talking to a few of my lovely vintage friends and stall holders there that said it is a job and a half... That they did not envy me at all.  This will be the first time I would have tackled it but I am not going to show you yet because I am going to do a blog on it with do's and don'ts and take photos along the way later next month.  It will be my first attempt and I will show you the results and all the fun ( tongue in cheek here) of doing it BUT that said the fruits of my labour will be rewarded with some incredible fabric ... some to keep and some to sell so watch this space.

Then my final purchase of the day was from Suitably Vintage and I bought a huge vintage reel with red painted ends, some cotton reels and some mother of pearl buckles for a project in my design book that I really must get on with soon.

There was lots of beautiful pieces of patchwork quilts but I was a good girl because I had most of the patterns at home in my sewing room in a huge box so until my supply goes down OR there is a particular rare piece I refrained from being naughty ..... Left some there for other magpies like me!  you will see there is a JP Coates spool there .. that I could not leave behind!

Well that was me done .. or was it.  My lovely husband had spotted a pack of wonderful vintage carved mother of pearl buttons with a buckle in on Vintage to Victorian stall and had bought them for me from Sue.  What a lovely extra in my vintage treasure hunt .... Take a look at them are they not stunning!  I am a lucky lady.

Well that is it ladies and gents this was my plunder and I hope that you all enjoyed the show and tell from the Vintage Bazaar in Frome.

Take care and have a great day, I am off to my stitchery room to continue with my design made of patches and I will be back here tomorrow so please come back and see what I have been up to.

Happy Stitching!

Monday, 18 April 2016

The wonder of the Vintage Bazzar !

Behind every stitcher is a huge pile of fabric.
And I may of added to it somewhat !
plus a few additions to my private keep collections....

Ah what can I say, this particular vintage fair that happens four or five times a year is dear to my heart .. I love it and will not miss it by choice.  It is always full of wonderful exhibitors and is either held in Frome (like Saturday) or in Devizes.  I adore this fair so it is a happy woman getting up early
and on the road to be there basically when the doors open. 

I particularly love Frome and the atmosphere of this really vintage town.  People who dress in 1940's clothes as a life style choice not just 'dress up' and it is a happy town surrounded by gorgeous villages and countryside.  The VB is held at the Cheese and Grain in the town and it also has an attached cafe/restaurant there so when you have travelled you can have a lovely coffee on site...  This is such a reasonably priced entry to this fab fair at just £2 and people flock to get here, and no wonder because the stall holders there know their stuff.  They are knowledgeable about antiques/vintage and their  stalls are heart stoppable in the way they are dressed.  The effort and enthusiasm of team VB is intoxicating and there are little lamps on tables and flowers as well as a gorgeous array of everything a vintage girls heart may desire.

You are always greeted by Jack and Mike as you go in, they take the entry fee and offer out leaflets on a large table for any up and coming vintage events, which is so handy.  They are part of the VB team being that their respective wives are the other half of this great event.  I found Liz of The Washerwoman fame straight away to say hello and to catch up a little and look around her beautiful stall.  I managed to take a photo of a most beautiful picnic set before she wrapped it up as it had already been sold.  You can see it on the top line of the photo on the right...

There were all manner of beautiful fabrics, buttons, clothes and lots of French goodies to buy it was really beautiful and so much to choose from.

I had to quickly find a few people who had some vintage goodies for me and one of them was Elaine of Ted & Bunny and this lady has the most wonderful welcoming smile I think I have ever seen, always happy and lovely to chat to. I had seen two beautiful vintage baskets that Elaine had and so had bought them to pick up plus she always looks out paisley for me and I never know if she has been successful in her endeavours but there was no disappointment, Elaine had managed to find me a little bundle so my day was off to a grand start.  Elaine's stall had so much to see and she had covered an ottoman with the most wonderful fabrics.  Have a look at the photo on the left at the bottom.

There were fabrics, pictures, books and all manner of great finds.  I picked up my treasures went on my way smiling.  To find Sue of Vintage to Victorian because I had put in an request for her to find me some things and she, like Elaine had managed to get me my hearts desire!  Now I am not going to say what it was because you will see in the show & tell later in the week.  It did not stop there though because her stall really was full of the most wonderful things imaginable.  Carved mother of pearl buttons, fabrics, quilt pieces, patchwork pieces, embroidery threads  and oodles of haberdashery items and so much more so I really did have a wonderful time here and of course a little catch up and chat.  I also gave her a huge hug because of two reasons, One was Hi hope you are well and good to see you and two .. I can not believe how hard you worked on my pre order! you utter star lady!  Now that I had caught up with my pre orders I was able to amble around looking and taking photos of one of the best fairs that I had seen.  There was so much talent and goodies under one roof that it was jaw dropping and I was happy because I had two baskets to fill .......

Who though should I spy next but Ali of Betty and Violet, I could not believe it because last year she opened her own shop and here she was in Frome, it was so lovely to see here.  We had a wonderful chatty catch-up and I asked her if her shop was open and if so who was in there.  She said her mum had taken over for the day and thank goodness for mums! I seconded that one.  Alison has a great eye and her stall always looks very impressive with antique clothes and fabrics, buttons and things that she has made out of vintage fabrics or has had made for her for the shop.  Some of which had been brought to Frome that day.  Tiny little vintage shoes and strawberry pin cushions .... It was a feast on the eyes I can tell you.  Well you can see that from the picture!

Can you see all that gorgeous vintage treasure?  You can imagine how busy she was.  I will be going to a vintage fair in August and it is not too far from Alison's shop.  I am long over due of a visit but I will be there in August for sure and can not wait to wander around because can you imagine what goodies there will be if this is a sample of it !!!

Then I came across Jo of Hesta Nesta fame and her lovely husband was there too! double delight... Well this is a lady who makes me laugh so much we just laugh and laugh.  It is good for the soul plus her stall is always gorgeous.  From antique costumes to fabrics, feather fans, shoes, purses and so so much more.  There was an amazing 1920's head dress that was a stunner and she had sold that by the time I got to her but I was able to have a peek.  I bought some beautiful things from Jo and I must have been chatting with her for about half an hour at least in between her selling and helping people.

Wait until the show & tell and see the treasures that I bought here. I will see Jo again in early May at Decorative Living Fair so I can not wait. There is talk of a night time jolly as well so the four of us can catch up properly ......

It was time to move on and by now I had lost my husband who had gone off into Frome for record day with Mike (of VB fame and who had left Jack to man the front of house) to go to have a look at records .. both with stories about who had dragged whom to the shops and who had encourage who to buy some vinyl's it was rather amusing ..... As my baskets were filling up I really had nothing to say about it but it was very very funny to listen to such tall tales of woe as to who had encouraged who !!

I found Clare of Daisy Darling and this is one of the VB team .... married to the other half of the record hunting team .. Clare makes the most beautiful hats.  The 1920's style cloche hats and they are wow factor.  Such a clever milliner and if you are a regular reader you will know that Clare made one for me a while back and I love it in the winter.  She also makes Summer hats too.

Her stall was full of beautiful hand made items and she was the lady who originally designed little dresses on hangers she made with lovely vintage fabrics.  In addition to Clare's amazing talent of making she sells fabrics and other vintage goodies to tempt all.

Belinda of Ginger & Rose was there too and she is such a great lady.  Her stall is always beautifully dressed and has oodles of great things to tempt.  Today was no exception with gorgeous brooches, beads and necklaces with bits of lace and a whole eclectic array of goodies.  We had a quick chat as she was very busy but she ran after me and handed me a piece of fabric that was stunning ... and it was a gift!  I could not believe it.  Such a lovely lady and I tried to say no I must pay you for it and she would not budge so I accepted my wonderful gift with grace and thanks ... it will be in the show & tell as well, you wait until you see it!

When I came into the fair I had bought a cup of tea for my good friend Jenny of Tilly - D fame and handed it to her.  She had a swarm of people around her beautiful stall so I left her and now it was time to go back to say hello and take some photos for you.  Jenny has an eye for stunning fabrics and all things vintage and as you know I visited her in Cranborne (yesterdays post) Jenny was still busy helping a customer but I was able to take some photo's for you and as you can see everything (that was left) was wonderful and her dressed table always is so eye catching.  Look at the quilts and fabrics that Jenny had brought along ... delicious!

Then I went back near Elaine and met Linda Campbell-Down and was utterly amazed at this ladies stall, I stared at it for so long because it was a large stall and it had so many childhood memories for people on there as well as fabrics and laces and so much more.  I introduced myself to her and I was able to take some photos, which she does not let happen as a norm because some people in the past have used the photos and not accredited them to her and that becomes very complicated when you are selling and it is very dishonest too.  Luckily Elaine did vouch for me so here I am with a first for on here and just feast your eyes !

There is the mad hatter, dolls and so much more.  Isn't it beautiful.  I am not sure I did it as much justice as it deserves but believe me if you come across this lady at a fair do stop at her wonderful stall and take a trip down memory lane.  There are some great things here for decoration in a nursery for example and lots of haberdashery too.....

Suitably Vintage was opposite and here dear readers is always something that is on my list of needs and other vintage goodies that are not but hey ho there only there once so it is decision time as to whether or not to get some things anyway.  My purchases from this lovely couple was a mixture of both to honest with you and I was so thrilled with my treasures .. again at the show & tell later in the week.  We see each other at fairs quite a lot either as stall holder and purchaser or we are all on the hunt for treasures at the same fair.....  Just look at all the things that they had there on offer, feast your eyes on that button box!!!

The Swagman's daughter was just around the corner and I went there to do some truffling.  There are buttons, embroidery threads, cottons, French initial ribbons and so much more.  I was in my element I can tell you.  This lady ( and in my joy I forgot to ask her name) was so very helpful.  I was allowed to stand there and go through books and books of vintage embroidery transfers and I spent a lovely time on this stall and yes some great bits came away with me.  There was so much to look at and I had to go up and down the table several times because your eyes could not take it all in at once .... fabulously wonderful stall.  The difficulty is choosing or saying 'how much for the lot please' ....

I do not know how I missed Maud of Beyond France but I did first time around.  I had gone to the cafe by now for a drink and some food as it was lunchtime and I had not eaten anything and my tummy was telling me off.  Maud came in to get a drink and we could not believe it.  We had a little chat and after I had finished I went straight in to take some photos for you.  I want to go wild on this stall when we move but I am having to be patient.

Look at those stunning blue linens there and all that red and white linen .... I was itching but it is better to wait to see how much I need for covering things .....  So good I was but it was very hard to be indeed.

The Blueberry Patch was next and the owner of that is Sarah and she makes some really beautiful pieces as well as sells vintage china and other vintage goodies.  I was talking to her and said that I thought I had seen her in Blandford but it was not her so decided she has a twin!!

We had a chat and a laugh about it then I realised I had seen her at another fair before but still I remember seeing who I thought was Sarah in Blandford ....   Can you see the cat in the top right picture on the right? made from vintage blanket.

I met up with Anne-Marie of Sky Blue and we not only share a love of vintage but of pom pom making as well.  In fact at one point Anne-Marie could not stop making them.  I did a blog on a great pom pom maker and she went out and bought one.  There was a warning on my blog about how addictive it was in my defence but she did not take heed!!!  After our pom pom talk I was able to take some great photos of her stall and she had some wonderful things on offer including vintage enamel brooches ... In the past I have bought a butterfly, dragonfly and a parrot from her.  There was a lady there who was deliberating over two brooches and in the end I believe bought both as it was impossible to choose.  As you will see there was so many beautiful vintage goodies .....

My time was nearly at an end but I had one more stop to make and this is at Emma Hasell stall of The Sewing Girl fame. Now ladies and gents not only do I want you to see Emma's wonderful stall but also the lady herself.  Emma loves 1940's and her style of choice to dress in is just that.  Emma has decided to enter herself into the Miss Vintage UK competition and I have voted for her.  I am hoping you will too.

If you go on to Facebook and put in Emma Hasell then you will see a photo of her all dressed up in 1940's dress coat and hat, all you do is like her photo.  I will show you the photo in a moment plus others of the incredible lady.  At the show pictured here on the right Emma had dressed like a ammunition's factory girl and it is one of many of her great collection of clothes.
 She says she loves dressing up but she actually is more often seen in vintage clothing than in the modern day things and it suits her so well.

The pictures on the left are just some of her outfits for you to see and the larger picture of Emma in the floral dress with gloves, hat and coat is the photo you are looking for to vote on.  It is so easy to do.  I would put a link on here to make it easier for you but links just do not work on my blog, which is so annoying at times.

I wish Emma all the luck in the world and hope that she wins because she truly deserves to.

I had the most wonderful day at the Vintage Bazaar and would like to thank Liz and Jack and Clare and Mike (Mike of high jacking my husband and viciously dragging him to record shops! .. got to try and believe my husband although I believe it to be a two man escape and run for the vinyl's dash) for working so hard to bring to us such a spectacular vintage fair that is known fondly as the VB ...... Last but not least, in any way, I would like to thank Martha and Eleanor as well who are great helpers and always a pleasure to talk to and a credit to their Mum and Dad.

I hope you have enjoyed a little insight into this great event and I look forward to the next one on the calender on Saturday 30th July at Frome and this is the VB's Giant Jumble Sale Event.

Have a great day all and of course as always Happy Stitching!