Monday, 17 July 2017

Throw out all the rules & enjoy creating.

Stitching is relaxing especially
when you throw out all the rules!

Liz Kettle.

To be able to create and design my own pieces is so liberating to me, when I was at school I did not enjoy needle work really and it was because there was not freedom of your own design.  Yes please show us and teach us the basics but where is the art in it.  In our art lessons however our teacher was
all for it.  Choose your medium and learn some things that you have to do, but then go away and impress me with your imagination .... I loved art!

So for me these days I like to learn some basics but then I love to create and have the freedom of choice when I might think, I wonder will that work? and you give it a go. The slow stitching that has become so popular as well is free hand motion type stitching that is more patterns than actual objects like a daisy or bee hive... the rules have been thrown out and it is all about creativity and where your own personal imagination takes you.

I had a wonderful day stitching on Friday last week but I did not see the Woodpecker at all and I sat very quietly and hoping that it was not just a one off visit.  I am trying all sorts to entice it back so that it is a regular visitor to our garden.  I have been reading up on them to get my facts straight.. yes google is my friend. I have turned into Miss Potter over animals and love to feature them when I can in my work, especially hares as you all know. To me they are magical creatures with the most gorgeous of features, those very long ears!

At the weekend I did manage to get to my box of gorgeous bits and bobs ( its a 64L box so you can imagine how much is in there to look through  - grin) anyway I found those tiny crochet buttons and thought you may like to see one if I took a photo for you. As I say it is tiny so the picture is a little blurry but I think you will see its beauty, it is smaller than my little finger nail in real time.  This picture has given me the thoughts of going to get a new camera and a micro lens ... not only can I get huge clarity of photo but taking photos of flowers and wild life would be incredible.  So I spoke to my husband and we are going looking to see.  I do not want over complicated just the clarity especially on small detail.

The other great thing is I believe I have enough of them to use some in each of the samplers I would like to stitch them to, so all is well.  I have never seen anything like these before or since and so for them to be stitched to go behind glass with preserve them well.  Not to be on things you wash and eventually get a hole or some such disaster. I had thought about them for on the cuff of The Dress but I could not bare that they degrade with age.  Although the dress will be dry cleaned because of all the stitchery etc that will go on it but still...

So now my project baskets for stitching have all there bits in including threads, any buttons, fabric, any appliqué cut out ready that is part of the design, lace and other essentials .. they are now a go!

Again this morning I have cut out more hexagons and diamonds and really need to do a little lay out trial because the pattern I have is for a big quilt so I do not need as many so I just need to make sure how many are needed.  You would have thought I might have worked this bit out before cutting but I couldn't I really need to see it on the floor and look at it to decide if it looks ok.  Then measure it to see it will fit my wall hanging rail.  I might have to tweak it a bit but I have high hopes.

I have so many gorgeous old faded, pre loved and timeworn fabrics to choose from but would like some reds in it so any paisley with a red or dark pink will mix nicely with some French red and white fabrics ... it is giving me an excuse to sort through some really lovely fabrics.  Sat on my little stool and going through layers of fabrics has become addictive but I have to put a limit on it or before I know it there would be no stitching done and I would have been at this joy all day long.

The little stool I bought for my sewing room has become such a great buy, to be honest it was cute and gorgeous colours of duck egg and cream distressed paint that it came home with me in a split second but it has been stood on to reach a cobweb in my sewing room ( huh! and you all know how I love spiders .. NOT) and I can sit and not be on my knees when getting to the bottom drawers and cupboards as well as the book case.  When I am not on there my huge duck sits on there ( he is a door stop and will occasionally do door duty) when he is not needed for his purpose. It is so comfy to sit on down low and not be kneeling and getting pins and needles ( pardon the pun!) that I can sit there for far too long treasure hunting in my fabric stashes!!

Well that is it for today, it is the start of a new week and I have to get stitching, where is July going.  We have been talking holidays as well so tonight we are going to decide on where.  This year I am afraid America is a bit far just in case of mum but she should have settled by next year and then we can return to our second home New Hampshire/New England in the Fall.

We will meet up with our friends in Europe somewhere...

Anyway have a fabulous day and as always Happy Stitching! XX


  1. I personally think teachers for Needlework were hand picked for their lack of inspiration. Their attitude, well in my school anyway was do it this way or leave the class immediately. I had a huge problem with needlework at school....... What they called needlework was actually dressmaking - YUK!

    1. I totally agree Julie! I wish I could dress make but they actually frightened me of it too!
      I have some clever friends who make just for themselves and I wish I could...

      There it is ... never mind at least I stitch now which is more than I ever thought I would do.

      Hope you are well.
      Sarah xxxxx
