Monday, 24 July 2017

I might of bought some gorgeous fabrics .....

My favourite thing
paisleys ... oh my!

I have been having withdrawal symptoms from vintage fairs recently and so I though I might have a little look out there to see what was on line in the way of gorgeous vintage fabrics. I did not have to go far as I firstly looked at Clare's shop on Etsy which is Lou Lou Retro and oh my!

As you know I am the paisley and eiderdown fabric Queen, really if it is gorgeous I can not walk away from it and especially if I do not have that colour or pattern and this is what happened to me when I went a looking last week.

I am very lucky to know Clare and she also popped in a lovely letter and a little gift for me as well so it was like Christmas in July.  Talking of July this is the last day of it and I really can not believe it.

Look at the paisley fabrics that were once on eiderdowns many many moons ago!  I wish I had a time machine to go back and buy some of these beauties and bring them here now they really are so gorgeous.

My great luck though and a great arm chair treasure hunt.  I do not have either of these colour ways
and designs so I was thrilled.  Then there was the matter of some really lovely pieces of vintage quilts so they had to come in the post as well.  The bottom right photo was a gift piece to me and I really am so very thrilled, thank you again Clare my lovely generous friend.  This is a close up for you all to have a peek at.

I have been looking for some more pretty and different pieces of old quilt bits and this lovely bundle was just what I had been looking for.  Some lovely little pieces in the bundle and different to what I have.

When I opened the bundle up and saw them close up I was thrilled.  On Lou Lou Retros Etsy shop
she has the measurements up and photos but seeing them in the flesh as it were it was even better then I had imagined so I decided to take a photo of the pieces for you to look at as well.

Happiness is getting a parcel through the post like this with stunning vintage fabrics and a letter from a lovely friend .....

This morning I was gazing out of my Stitchery room window and waiting for my lap top to fire up and do its checks whilst sipping my coffee and who should be out on the lawn but my absolute favourite Miss Muddy Beak and so I sprang, yes sprang into action and went down in to the garden and she let me take a photo of her.  It may have been a thank you for her new decoration of nest ( the paisley scraps that I had popped into our pear tree) Normally she is very camera shy but today she posed long enough for me to take a photo of my gorgeous girl.

She was hopping around with her head down listening for worms and so when I went out she stopped and I was talking to her as I do, then I said would you mind if I take a photo of you today and lifted up my I phone and there we have it she stayed still and let me..... she had a muddy beak too because the ground was still wet from the huge thunder and lightening storm we had the other night with rain that went on for at least 6 hours and it was like stair rods from the sky.  So as she was looking for juicy worms her beak was all muddy, this is how she got her name from me originally  It has been so gorgeous of late with very high temperatures  that she has not been able to dig about in the lawn for months and it seems to be her favourite thing to do even when there is bird food provided for her.

I am having a few days off next week just to pre warn you all as I have a friend coming down to stay and I am picking him up this week from Devon well at the end of the week.  More about that at the end of this week when I know exactly what is happening.

For today I am going to get into my sewing frame of mind and get some serious things finished I hope so have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching! XX


  1. They are pretty pieces.

    I think we have Mrs Muddy Beaks cousins here today!

    Julie xxx

    1. Hello Julie!

      Miss Muds has a cousin!! how lovely her country cousin .....

      Thank you I am pleased with the pretty fabrics too and of course they have been lovingly stashed away from the munchers! to be a project of the future..

      I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

      Sarah xxxxx

  2. How lovely to see Miss Muddy Beak at long last. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you found an old nest woven with pieces of your fabric. For years I kept an old empty nest on a table in our front room and also other little finds from nature such as shells and rocks, I called it my nature table. One day I came in and found the beautiful black cat from next door with her head in the nest! Too late pussycat!
    The fabrics look beautiful xxx

  3. Hi Dawn !
    What a great story! The cat thought ' ah an easy picking!' .. too late pussycat!

    Miss Muds is getting less camera shy and I am hoping to get really close one of these days... I was wondering if her nest is in the holly bush so I might take a peek later this year! ...
    hope you are well ..
    Sarah xxx
