Thursday, 8 October 2015

Patchwork loves embroidery too......

Today is my last official working day before heading into the clouds and off to Boston MA.  We are very excited here that next week we are off.

I am sorting through some bits and making sure I have all that is needed in the stitching department for my plane journey.  I want to take several things to do but only small things that will not see my husband covered in fabric whilst I am trying to stitch on the plane and things that are light for hand luggage. I thought I might get some of my patchworks squares and do some embroidery on some of those.  I can lightly draw on what I wish to stitch and then I will be well away.

I think patchwork loves embroidery and you can make special and unique squares.  Mine are all 7 inches each and as yet I do not know how big it will be or that they may end up as pictures I am not really sure or decided.. this is the beauty of just doing each seven inch square differently and with its own charm and uniqueness.

So today really is about dotting the i's and crossing the t's for me.  finishing up what I need to and then getting things correct this end.  This weekend will see me sorting out the fridge and making sure things are getting finished up.  Packing for the Vintage Bazaar and generally tidying and getting things ready.

 I have to stitch up some patchwork squares on my machine and
then they will be ready to take with my little embroidery hoop on the plane.  Have a look at what I am doing.  One of them is made up of vintage pieces of patchwork and some linen and another square is linen with a hexagon patchwork piece made from tiny hexagons which I will appliqué onto the linen and also do some embroidery on as well.

I am enjoying doing different patches and have decided that one of them will have some grey vintage blanket stitched at the bottom as well.  I am liking the colours that I am choosing along the way. The two patches that I am going to take on my travels look really lovely together I think so I am pleased with them.  I am also going to take some cross stitch as well .....

I will be going to the hairdressers next Tuesday so that is not really
a work day, except I will take some hand stitching with me and my list so if they are slightly behind I can at least feel I am using my time wisely.

Autumn has started here and in our garden it is turning beautiful shades of reds and oranges but I am looking forward to seeing the leaves of New Hampshire.  I will be picking up some maple leaves and pressing them in a book.  I have my sketching things packed in my hand luggage too plus my tiny book for a journal of what we do.  I have done one of these every time we have been to the States and there are maps in there, what we have done and seen and pressed leaves inside.  little hand drawn diagrams and general journal stuff. This year will be no
exception to that rule and I am looking forward to detailing the antique trail and the towns we pass through and stop in.

Well I am away now to finish my day and get the most out of it.  I still have lots to do.  I hope you all have a great day and do not forget to pop in tomorrow on here ....I will leave you it as a surprise plus do not forget there will be daily blogs with snippets of what we are up to.  Big report when we get back.  So pop in here daily for your catch up read...... 

Happy Stitching!

1 comment:

  1. Of course, i really love embroidery and embroidery machine too. If you want to make it good, i think you need get a Best Embroidery Machine Reviews.
