Tuesday, 1 March 2016

March has arrived! .. lets hope soon the stitching outside weather is upon us....

March bring the breezes sharp and shrill
that shake the dancing daffodil. 

Whilst hauled up with my chest infection, as I said yesterday I have managed to sit and stitch.  I have loved doing this with the thoughts of warm Summer breezes and the scents of all the beautiful flowers and the bees buzzing busily from delicate flower to flower,  Collecting all the pollen to make us their delicious honey.

I enjoyed every moment of this stitchery and it was easy for me to start as I had already made up a project basket for me to just start it.  That even included the correct needles and threads, which was a blessing because I could not have done it other wise.

A few weeks ago I showed you some of my beautiful vintage quilt pieces and one of them I had earmarked for this project and had even cut it to size including the piece of vintage French linen.

How it all came about was a very old and beautiful rare wooden coat hanger that folds and the design was founded on that and the quilt piece.....

I have recently bought some beautiful very old wooden coat hangers and in the picture above you can see two of them .. the one I used is the bottom left picture and it folds.  I took this photo a few weeks ago and as you can see in parcel was some beautiful, still on the card, vintage mother of pearl buttons which I may add is for another project that I will be starting soon.

The words on this wall hanging say ' leave room in your garden for the bees to dance' and I had so much fun and loved every stitch.

I made the hives from old silver thimbles and there are bees dancing around them and the garden of wild flowers for them to collect the pollen.

I have stitched on some lovely antique carved mother of pearl buttons and everything on this wall
hanging sampler is hand stitched with tiny tiny stitches.... I was pleased but sad when it came to the end because I enjoyed stitching it so very much.

So as you can see it has kept me busy but still just sitting and resting and doing what the doctor said and not going anywhere outside in the cold and keep warm.  I am such an active person and not a great tv watcher so I had to do something and of course stitching is my love......

Then is was on to the next thing, which I will show you on Thursday as I do not blog on Wednesdays ... that is my designing day!

Have a wonderful day and I hope you have enjoyed a look at my above design..... Take care and Happy Stitching!


  1. Gorgeous work
    Hope you are feeling better now
    Julie xxxxx

    1. Hello ... Yes much better than I was thank you. Still got a cough like a wolf!!! But I have turned the corner xx

  2. I love this, so pretty and delicate. i love the thimbles. If you don't mind me asking how did you attach the thimbles? Xx

    1. Thank you for your kind words ... I can't give too much away because it is for publication and I have been naughty showing this much .. It is a protected design but you make holes. xx
