Thursday, 10 March 2016

The Show & Tell .. from the VBI

*  *  I have never been a millionaire **
but I know I would be just darling at it!
*      *      *      *      *

Well as you all know I went to the Vintage Bazaar on Saturday the 5th March and went wild in the aisles ....  There was so much to choose from and I could have bought more but I had to have some restraint because I have another vintage fair this Saturday and one next Monday and then on Thursday I have a VIP ticket to the Country Living fair so the money has to stretch a little....

I would have certainly loved to have one of the dolls from The Doll Maker and another quilt from Quilterdown and there was lots of fabrics too...

Still I am happy, delighted and literally over the moon with what I came home with so firstly take a little look at this bundle of lovelies that I bought from Donna Flower Vintage.. you may need oxygen because the fabrics are stunning.  Not only fabric but a beautiful reel of brown ribbon and a small complete and perfect cushion cover with buttons and a really lovely piece of fabric with a frill around it that I am going to put on a small table ( both of these things I will never cut up, it would be a criminal act I think)  The top right photo is the cushion case and the bottom middle picture is a little table cloth. I still have to wash and press them but I actually do not mind that at all, although I do not like ironing I really do not mind pressing things like this or fabrics .....

The next thing I have to show you is from Kiss the book and it is the craft packs that Jane
makes up from books, maps, music sheets that just can not be saved as a whole.  Any book such as needlework, cooking, nature, poems, Jane Austin book or such that is too far gone to restore or save get re appropriated into craft packs and sold by Jane  You can get all sorts in the packs because people years ago would put a flower in a book to press and keep it there or the ribbon book mark or a feather or two...  I had asked for particular bits and I picked up some at the VB.  Jane has an eye and knows my likes and dislikes so she is able to make up packs for me with things that I myself would combine as a whole.

I was thrilled with my packs and I am sure you will agree they are wonderful.  These will finish off my project beautifully....

Then let me show you the paisley's and the pillow cases that I bought from Elaine of Ted and Bunny.  The paisley is of the same pattern and colour but there were seven great pieces that I knew would be great for my dedicated paisley drawer and will come in handy with several
projects from my design journal so I had to bring home all of it and it was such a reasonable price I would have kicked myself it I had not had all of these lovelies .... The pillow cases are so pretty and they will be washed and pressed and with the colours in the embroidery and the border (light lemon) they will look beautiful on the bed in the Summer.  I love dressing all the beds in our house and like to change colours for the Seasons.  At the moment I still have the reds on the beds because they look so warm and cosy and inviting.  Lets face it the weather is still so cold so I can not yet change to Spring or Summer.

Isn't that a great treasure trove!!!

This little bundle of fabrics now I bought
from Suitably Vintage and there is a great piece of paisley in there and some ditsy floral fabric along with some very old faded blue and white fabric with birds on it.  It is a very old piece of fabric and they did tell me the date and I can not for the life of me remember exactly but I think is was late 17th/early 18th Century piece.  This will be cut very carefully and I am not sure exactly which design this will go on but I have an idea for this piece of fabric and I think it will work nicely so watch this space.

It is beautiful isn't it and the lovely paisley with browns and raspberry colours match so well with the brown vintage ribbon I bought from Donna Flower that it seems a match made in heaven ......

Then I bought this beautiful vintage brooch and it has mother on it from Vintage on Sea and
I thought that would be fabulous as part of a design so it had to come home with me.  I have not drawn this design yet but it popped into my head when I saw the brooch so that was it .. wrapped and into the my shopping bag it went!

It is really very pretty and one of the things I loved about it was that it was silver colour and not gold.  I am not a gold person myself and what I stitch, I have to like personally, as well.  I photographed it on the small table cloth that I bought from Donna Flower ... It goes well together doesn't it but NO I am not going to cut it up .... bad kitten for the little thought I had then!

My purchase from Vintage to Victorian was these stunning mother of pearl carved buttons
and a necklace made from carved vintage mother of pearl buttons.  I am going to get my husband to check the clasp to make sure it is secure or if it needs a little work.. I do not want it to come off and be lost on its first outing and I am also going to clean all the buttons as well on it so that it sparkles.  I loved it when I saw it and actually it was my husband who spotted it not me!!

I think it is beautiful and the buttons are really lovely... I pictured them on the brown and raspberry paisley that I bought  so you could see a close up of that as well....

And finally my prize purchase of the day ... OOH! my really already treasured quilt made from all vintage fabrics and particularly paisley's stitched by the very talented Nicki of Quilterdown.  I do not know what to tell you about this quilt except that it really is stunning and I really am not sure justice has been done in the photography of it but it is something that I could never possibly sell on at all.  The wonderful thing about the vintage world is that it is so fluid.  I can buy something and enjoy it and then something else may come along so
you can buy that and sell the other pieces ... or indeed keep both!

This quilt is made from all vintage paisleys and linen and on the back Nicki has done paisley hexagon patchwork in all four corners and you could have it the reverse side up  as well so it is double sided.  I keep looking at it and it will be going on our bed when the weather is slightly warmer and improved.  I have some lovely cushions and a vintage eiderdown that will match it and our bed will be dressed suitably along with vintage pillow cases as well....

The care and the love that has gone into the making of this quilt shows through and Nicki is such an accomplished quilter and stitcher.  I am so pleased and proud to have a piece that she has made and believe me Nicki when I say it is treasured.  This quilt will always be loved.

Well that was my show and tell from the Vintage Bazaar in Devizes and there will be further show and tells from the three events that are coming up for me, plus blogs on all the events.  Oh plus The West Country Vintage Fabric and Textile Market on the 19th of March so it is actually four events in the next 10 days ...... Happy Days ahead!

Have a wonderful day today and as always Happy Stitching!

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