Saturday, 20 August 2016

Make your own Clasp Purse Pattern.

Happy Weekend All!

Today's little tutorial is how to make a pattern for clasp purses. You can buy frames on line or at a good haberdashery or sewing shop.

Once you have made a pattern you can make your purses out of wonderful vintage fabrics.  I prefer the ones that you stitch in for strength and I also think they look great.

You can make them from linen fabric and maybe embroider your own design.

Anyway I really hope that you enjoy this little video.

Have a wonderful weekend.  I am off to the Cotswold vintage fair and looking forward to it very much as it is one of my favourites of the vintage fair calender and I will be snapping away.

Have a great weekend yourself and Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Thank you for that, I have some purse claps
    Julie xxxxx

  2. Excellent Julie! So pleased.. There is another good one next Saturday too...

    Sarah xxxx
