Saturday, 25 April 2015

Stitch of the week is Knotted Diamond Stitch ... By Mary Corbet

The stitch of the week is the knotted diamond stitch by the lovely Mary Corbet and is a really beautiful stitch for a border.

It actually looks more complicated than it is but honestly watch the tutorial and Mary will walk you through it.

Make a warm drink and enjoy learning this new stitch to add to your ever growing embroidery skills.... I have to say the stitch of the week will be coming to an end soon (sad face) but it has done us all proud or about 17 months! Do not worry there is a few more to go.......

Have a great weekend and as always Happy Stitching!


  1. Awww she always makes it look so easy...... I'm very good at knots but knot in the right places!

    1. Ha ha! .. Honestly this really is quiet straight forward.. I always practice a stitch I want to learn whilst watching tutorial. You can pause plus replay as you go! X
