Thursday, 2 April 2015

Happy Easter weekend All.....

Oh Dear where is this year going, it needs to slow down a little.  I feel dizzy from the speed in which it is going....

Well it is the long Easter weekend coming up and I am going to have a few days off, well a sort of.  I will still be doing this blog and I have some plans for the stitching room.

I will still be doing the Stitch of the week on Saturday so please come and have a look, as ever it will be the lovely Mary Corbet taking you through your paces....

My husband and I have made no plans for this long weekend and kindly turned down any invites so that we can spend the time at home.  He wants to get on with some DIY and I am going to sort out my stitching room and take stock of things.( This is a mammoth task believe me!) I am going to be a very busy bee this Easter and make use of the four days holiday... although some stitching will be done I can assure you!  Maybe if I get on well with the big tidy I will be able to get my design book out .... if weather is kind then maybe sketch in the garden.  If not in front of the fire inside.

I would like to make up some more project baskets and also tidy up a bit.  In addition to that I would like to make up some inspiration packs for selling as you know I am doing a Vintage Bazaar in October and want to get things ready along the way.

I took the picture on the left in my kitchen, as you can see in the background I have a beautiful dresser groaning with vintage and not so vintage china as well as a book case of cookery books (another passion of mine is cooking and a passion of my husbands is eating it!)

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter and that the weather stays Spring like and a little warm for us all.

Happy Stitching!

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