Thursday, 26 June 2014

Somerset Life Magazine

Good Morning all

Well drum roll ..... The July/Aug/Sept issue of Somerset Life has published one of my Vintage Wedding Samplers and also I wrote the article myself.

It is wonderful to see what you make in print and I have to say the photography I thought was wonderful!

I am working on more at the moment so watch this space :)

You can not buy the magazine here in England but they sent me a copy and it was a great day when I received it.

The front cover of the issue.

I am very pleased with the result and loved their layout for my sampler.
I have pictures of my wedding samplers that I have made people and
the thank you notes from the couples they were made for.
I love what I do and lots of care goes into my work but it is lovely when you know they really did love their gift that someone had commissioned for them!


  1. Thank you very much. It is my second feature with them and I am currently working on another. I enjoy doing magazine work and love doing it for American readers.... xx
