Friday, 13 June 2014

Desert Island Stitching.......

The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one
in its net of wonder forever.

Jacques Yves Cousteau

Good morning and Happy Friday the 13th!!

I thought today I would try and see if you would all like to interact a little.  So if you could take a shoe box onto a desert island, what would you pack in yours... ( this is just for fun not survival).. 

I will start it off......

Needles and embroidery threads ( these pack down small!)
sketch book and pencils.
scissors. one small one large.
applique pins
Tomatoe seeds .... to see if they would grow!!
and lip balm...

I hope you have a great weekend and don't be shy this really is just for fun..... I bet I have forgotten something important and there will be some great ideas out there....

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