Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Little pieces of vintage fabrics.....

Good Morning all

When I am cutting out applique pieces from my precious vintage fabrics, unless it is just but a thread left, I save all bits of fabrics.  I have a clip box and they go in there.  It is great if you just want to cut out a small heart, lets say, you can dig around in the box and you will find a lovely bit of fabric.

But I have discovered if you get some pieces and cut into small squares, then fold it into a triangle and back into itself as a triangle.  Then cut in half and sew along the bottom pulling the thread, it becomes a petal of a flower!  ... you can do each petal in different fabrics.  It is a great way of using all the bits of fabric up.

You can stitch them on to cardigans, handbags, cushions or make brooches or head bands......

It really is a great way to make scraps useful again.  Give it a go.

Well today I am going to be hopefully be sat in the garden if the weather holds and do some stitching and embroidery..... Have a great day.

Happy Stitching!

Cut five squares. fold in half and then back into its self and cut.

Five petals ready to stitch

do running stitch along bottom and add on next.

pull all five together stitch a vintage button in the middle and a pin on back

You could do every petal in a different vintage fabric, the possibilities are endless!

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