Saturday, 21 June 2014

Off to Frome..... Vintage Fair

Well good morning all and happy weekend!

Today, as you know, I am off to the vintage textile fair at Frome being held by the Vintage Bazaar at the Cheese and Grain. This is such a wonderful venue and the stalls are sublime!

I am really looking forward to it, as there are actually a few thing I need, probably a few things that are not on the list but are irresistible to me as well!

There will be a few people there that I know and it will be great to catch up.....

We always have a great wander around Frome after in all the lovely vintage shops that are there anyway and we stop off on the way home and have dinner..... bliss.

I will let you know about all the fun of the fair on Monday's not miss it..
Well I must away, I do not want to be late!

Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Stitching....


  1. Hi Sarah

    It was lovely to meet you today and to chat about all sorts ;) Hope you have a good journey home, and shall look forward to seeing you at Shepton or Dairy House, soon!

    If you have time do please have a quick look at my Vintage to Victorian Facebook page.

    Sue x

    1. Hi Sue

      Thank you for yesterday, great stall and lovely to finally meet you. I will go over to facebook and link in with you.

      Great chatting to you and so many of the people who are members of my blog!! wonderful. I had a great day buying wonderful fabrics, buttons and trim and net working with like minded people.

      I will phone you about the Diary House date and will see you at Shepton as I have my tickets... as you know. :))

      Take care and see you soon and on FB.

      Sarah x
