Sunday, 23 February 2014

Vintage fair today....

Good morning all

Well I am up bright and early today for a Sunday because I am off to a vintage fair! We have an hour or so travelling time and the doors open at the grounds at 9.30am.

I am off to seek fabrics and buttons and I have to say it is so exciting.  What might I find?

I am looking for paisley fabric and others too but for some fabric for a  new sampler that I am creating. I have in my minds eye the colours that I would like and today is the perfect hunting ground!

The weather is dull and a little windy here so I must wrap up warm but it will be worth it.

We were in Sherborne in Dorset yesterday and there was a man selling vintage tools, which my husband loves, and he told us about today for me.......... :))))

So my lovely readers, wish me luck and I will let you know how I get on.

Enjoy your Sunday....

Happy Stitching......


  1. Lovely to meet you today Sarah...I expect you are stroking your paisley fabric as we speak!! Liz

  2. Hello Liz!
    Oh today I am going to wash said paisley, gently, and dry and press it!
    Yesterday was wonderful. So lovely to meet you and please keep in touch. So pleased you have joined my blog....
    Please let me know where you are and I will find you at any future events......

    Thank you for your help yesterday.

