Thursday, 20 February 2014

Designing beautiful vintage pictures.

Hello and good morning

I am continuing in my designing today and looking at making some more pictures.  They all start with a lovely piece of French linen, cut from a vintage sheet.  The first time I did that dear readers I was shaking........

Then I lightly iron the piece of linen that I have cut.  Then I cut out my design from the fabrics I am using and place them on the linen.  I have some great applique pins for this.  I draw lightly with pencil on the fabric or linen as to what is to be embroidered.  The applique is better to sew (for me at least) out of a embroidery hoop and then in a hoop for embroidery.  If I am sewing words or letters onto the picture I draw them on first (lightly) and one of the things that I enjoy is to see my writing stitched with lovely thread.......

The process is a long one as it needs NOT to be rushed and for everything to be neat.  Unpicking on vintage fabrics is not ideal so it is a love and a gentle pace, that it all starts to merge together.  This is not a quick zip around on a machine......

When your design is complete do not be tempted to keep adding bits here and there as it can then be spoilt. You of course can add say an extra flower or bee as it would be better, but know when to stop...

Happy Stitching!

The humming bird..... designed by me.

We have to trust our own choice after all, and end with
the simple belief that what pleases us is beautiful.
Indeed, no other rule is of any use to us, and if
we do but honestly please ourselves, and make forms
which genuinely give us pleasure, we shall find ourselves
credited with the power of designing beautiful things...

Richard Hatton

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