Tuesday, 1 October 2013

The end of a perfect day!


I would like to thank everyone for my congratulations texts and phone calls :))

It has been a lovely day and I have to admit I have been floating on a cloud... Not a lot of work has gone on AGAIN! So tomorrow I must really knuckle down to my stitching. 

After my update on here in the morning I am going to keep my head down sewing.

My Mum came over today to have a coffee and catch up and was amazed at the magazine.  She told me how proud she was. In addition to that she set about all my ironing.... Wonderful! So I thank her, not that she will read this as she will not have a PC in her home!!

I will leave you with a quote tonight ...........

                     I can not count my day complete 'Til needle, thread and fabric meet!

                                                               Until tomorrow  <3

1 comment:

  1. glad you have had such a wonderful day with so many friends congratulating you.
    Back to work tomorrow?
    Sleep well
    Nighti nightXX
