Morning all!
Where has the week gone!
Today is an extremely busy day as not only have I got a pile of delicious sewing that needs my attention but I have a hair appointment. I really need it cut as I can not see!! I look like an old English sheep dog! ......... Something ladies and gentlemen it has to be done, so I am off to have a hair cut.
So I have written my self a little list whilst having my first coffee of the morning, so that I can try and make the most of my busy schedule. I will be sewing some more on the little house sampler, I am trying to do 2 hours a day, that way I can keep up with all my other projects that need completing too. I am not worried as the competition does not end until the beginning of December but I would like it all ready to be wrapped for the winner. I keep looking at it and I am going to make one for our home, although it will not be the same at all. Different design and of course different fabrics as the fabric used on the competition piece is all that I had. But I do have some ideas. When I start it I will show you what I am doing.
I must completed some more ribbons and get those ready to sell at the Christmas event I am attending in November as well, so as you can see, another impossible list!
I will leave you with a quote today........................................................
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift!
Enjoy your weekend everyone.
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