Saturday, 24 September 2016

Off to a vintage fair! ... but this is my other passion!

One can not think well.
love well, sleep well 
if one has not dined well!

Virginia Woolf

Today I am off to the Love Lane Vintage Fair at Daylesford in the Cotswolds, I have my list my new phone with even better camera ( I have high hopes you see) and my basket with purse and list.

I am so looking forward to it and going out tonight there for dinner, with some other vintage friends.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy, If you are going today come and say hello if you see me running about taking photos ..

The other day I said about my pumpkin and apple soup and have had lots of requests for it so today the blog is about my other passion .. cooking!

I hope you enjoy it.

Happy Stitching! XX

Pumpkin & Apple Soup


1.  1 oz butter
2.  1 chopped med onion ( I use the white one when I can get it)
3.  1 crushed clove of garlic
4.  2lb of pumpkin skinned and diced
5.  2 3/4 pints of good chicken stock
6.  1 teaspoon of cinnamon
7.  1 lb of stewed bramley apple with enough sugar added to quell acid
8.  salt and pepper to taste
9.  1/4 pint of creme fraiche


Place 1, 2, 3 in a large pan over a low heat and soften for 5 minutes.  Then add 4, 5, 6, 7 stir and cook over a low heat for 30 minutes ( you do not have to stand stirring but keep checking it and giving it a stir).

Then when the pumpkin is soft whizz it up until it is smooth and season to taste.  If for what ever reason it is too runny then you can add a little flour that you have made into a paste with some of the soup and stir for 5 minutes to thicken.  Sometimes the pumpkin can be a little watery in nature.

Serve in warm bowl with a spoonful of creme fraiche in the middle to stir in.

Enjoy with some warm bread!

P.S if you like a little kick you can add some chilli to your soup before you whizz it up or even some chilli paste ... I do sometimes and the kick of warmth on a cold day is welcome...


  1. Oooh the soup sounds wonderful - will try it
    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. Hi Julie
    It's a good soup.. let me know your verdict xxx
