Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Vintage treasures .....

One mans rubbish is another's treasure!

and what treasures I found, who on
earth could bare to part with these ... so glad they did though!

Vintage treasure a plenty!  Yes The Country Brocante at Cowdray House was packed full of beautiful things and most of all gorgeous fabrics and notions for me to work with that I simply got some great goodies.

From The Old Haberdashery I bought some really gorgeous Sylko threads in palest of pinks and a
lilac colour plus a beautiful inspiration pack.  Not only did that have a lovely piece of fabric, buttons, lace and a beautiful coloured linen thread but a string of silk flowers and that is what made me pick it up.  I had been looking for something ( I did not know exactly to be honest with you, just something different and unusual) to add on to a piece of stitchery that I am in the
middle of doing and here it was at the very first stall that I went to....

Aren't they beautiful, I am so very pleased with them indeed and when I put them on my piece of work in progress it was perfect, you can just see it under the flowers.

They were in the pack that is pictured and you can see the beautiful sylko threads too in the most lovely colour ways and hues.  I like to embroider with them sometimes for delicate flowers and these will be added to the same piece of work as well.  There is a lovely crocheted flower too... this will be added to something else, when the right design presents its self.

From Will and Bea I bought this beautiful little antique boots pot and I just loved it so much.  I can
not explain but it will go in the bathroom eventually and when we move I would like a pretty shelf to put bits on like guest soaps and such along with antique bits like this... As I have to dust and clean it does not matter having a display .. just because!

Then from the Vintage Blanket Co. that was sharing the same stall I bought the most beautiful lace and pair of lace butterflies! Yes I know not a blanket .. that fooled you didn't it.  There were beautiful blankets as you saw in Tuesdays blog but she also had a little table with vintage goodies on to tempt as well.

The lace is wound around a piece of painted wood and is so beautiful and delicate and I thought the butterflies so unusual and pretty....

From Velvet Ribbon I purchased some stunning fabrics and ribbons .  Gorgeous colours and hues and
so unusual as well.  To say I am thrilled is an understatement.  I love these and there was not a moments hesitation when I saw them.  Take a look..  Greens, blues and pinks all dusky coloured and faded florals .. so so beautiful.  Delicate floral patterns work best in my work and so these were such a fab find.

Rosie's Armoir ... Well Helen has an eye and her stock that she sells shouts out to me.  It is what I love and need in my work.  In addition she sell antique papers and envelopes and I have started to incorporate them in some of my work as well.  If you remember she had also looked out some brown/beige colour blanket for me for a design and she gifted it to me which was so incredible kind and generous of her.  Thank you again Helen.XX

Also some of the vintage hangers that were used in pharmacies in France and such to hang stock onto and move about on some sort of system.  I have an idea for these beauties to hang some of my small wall hangings on .....

From Christine of The Sea Garden I bought a few bits including some vintage suffolk puffs from an
antique quilt she is unpicking along with a picture with the little cut out and painted boats that she bought ( she did a blog about them ... see The Mermaids tale blog link on the top of my home page here)  plus a beautiful hand stitched cushion with Victorian flowers attached to it and a stitched little saying by Christine.  Now here is the strange thing it is attached to one of those vintage pharmacy hangers !!! The beautiful cushion is on the top left ...  plus I bought an inspiration pack as well, pictured bottom right.

Emma of Little Wren Vintage had some really beautiful antique papers and some vintage quilt pieces.  They were so unusual and old that they came home with me straight away.  I love the colours here too and I am using more and more vintage papers in my work these days...

Then I found a great quilt piece on Lovely Hudson stall .. there was a basket full and it took me some
time to choose one.  It is the fun in that as well that is great.  Truffling through and seeing which piece to have.  Putting them in a row and looking at them all.  I loved the faded colours of the piece I settled on, and I am sure you will see why.

Then my one purchase for self was a little sampler made by the talented Suzi of Hearts N' Kisses and it is stitched on a piece of quilt which is battered torn and loved ... There is a beauty in a piece that has a little fraying around the edges.  I know this is like a marmite dilemma ... love it or hate it, personally to me it is what vintage is all about and I will treasure it ...


From Found Country Antiques  I bought the most beautiful piece of patchwork fabric.  It has
been a quilt by the looks of it and the faded fabrics stitched together blend beautifully.  I loved the colours and the delicate patterns in the fabrics themselves.  It was a bargain price and will eventually be made into something that I love.  Maybe two wall hangings eventually, I really am not sure yet but still it has come home with me to get an up cycle of its own ...

Mercer and Rose had a great antique pot from Sainsbury's with Bloater pate written on it ... It amused me and is now with a collection in my stitching room but also they had some beautiful silk flowers as well and it is nice to add to things or indeed keep them together in a display ... But the tiny ones can be added in between hand embroidered flowers for depth and texture to a sampler type picture.  Also there was a dear little antique clock face ... and that was actually on my list!!

My husband bought us some Mint and some very unusual sweet peas for our tub in the garden, they are white with a light blue edging around them when they come out ... So I look forward to those. When they bloom I will take a photo for you all ... Also he was told that these ones have a fabulous scent with them as well ... all good on a warm Summer day ( if we get some).

And to finish a little story.  When I was talking to Mercer and Rose she told me in another village near the Cowdray fair was another antique fair being held in a museum ... So on our way back we popped in 15 minutes before it closed and not enough time to take photos I am afraid but I saw some familiar faces and there was some great fabrics so I had just enough time to buy a few and a reel of vintage cotton too just on the one stall.  There was a great quilt stall as well and I have taken details from them for when I move .... Some stunning quilts I can tell you!

Some stunning faded paisley ( two pieces) and two pieces of delicate flowered fabric early 19C I was told so I was very happy indeed.

Well I hope that you have enjoyed a little look at my latest vintage treasure trove and I hope you all have a great day ....  Happy Stitching! x


  1. Gorgeous pieces. I too love the Boot's pot.
    Julie xxxxxxxx

    1. Hi Julie

      Thank you, yes its a pretty little hoard of vintage loveliness. The choice was incredible but I think I picked well.

      There was something about the little boots pot and it will sit in my bathroom with a tea light in it or some little silk flowers, undecided right now.

      Hope you have a good day and stay dry, today is forecast is rain, rain and more rain ...

      Sarah xxx

  2. Not at the moment - sunny.........and my washing is on the line!
    Julie xxxxxxx

    1. Oh lucky you! Sun did not appear until 5pm ish ..,

      Sarah xx

  3. I love the string of silk flowers. I'm using your blog as a stress reliever today! Tiring and frustrating day at work....mostly thanks to modern technology. Give me a bit of old fabric and a cotton reel any day. Thank you x

  4. Hi Dawn
    Oh dear ! But glad to be able to help!
    Something about vintage haberdashery and fabrics that mend the soul.

    Hope tomorrow is a better one.

    Sarah xx
