Wednesday, 8 June 2016

The most gorgeous Millinery magazine ..... Come turn the pages with me!

"Luxurious, flirty and at times a bit sexy. 

 We're out to prove a great hat can change your day."

 (Plaza Suite hats)

Well I will add to the above because a hat is not a hat until it is tilted! as my Nana used to say .. 

Coming home from our Bank Holiday weekend we stopped of in my other favourite place here on the Jurassic coast and that is Lyme Regis .... Such a beautiful seaside town with lots of history and character.

Apart from a beautiful promenade and high street there are a few vintage and antique shops and there is a very large one down by the beach so we went in to have a little look.  There is a section in there
with antique tools and as you know by know my husband loves old tools.  It is like having a man creche when there are vintage tools ... leaves me free to go truffling myself!

There is a little book section so I went along there and to my utter pleasure found this beautiful treasure ... originally only one penny..

Weldon's home milliner is a beauty and I am so pleased it has found a home here.  The pictures are so beautiful in it so I have photographed each page for you to look at ......

Come and have a look at this..

The pictures are enough believe me but there are great articles inside it as well, although you get distracted with the hats!

There are such articles as The new seasons hat, Millinery Etceteras,  Styles for the early Autumn and the New French Bandeaux and if course the bows and mounts to have on hats as well as adding a widows veil to a jaunty hat so that you look
suitably suitable!!!

Then of course after the funeral one would not want to look happy that a loved one has passed so which hat to where and how for a suitable length of time .. thus bring on the "mourning" hat...

Motoring hats as well and the veil to secure it in place and keep your hair beautiful .... honestly this is a most charming and amusing magazine and I have to say again with gorgeous pictures ...

There is a little section on how to make crape trimmings with great and detailed diagrams

I think it is a keeper myself ... it is such a shame to just put it in a drawer though and I want to somehow have it on show.  Maybe when we move in my new sewing room I could display it on an old cookery book stand so I can flip through it on occasions because this is a magazine to be looked at .....

The company Weldons Limited were based at 30 & 31 Southampton Street, Strand, London and were
the publishers of the fashion and paper patterns....  This was for the lady or indeed ladies maid to be able to make sure their hat was in fashion for that season....

Well that is it for today and hope you have enjoyed looking through this beauty with me.  I am off to my stitchery myself and dreaming of one of those hats ... even if it would look odd with my jeans on and walking around the supermarket later or for a walk ...

Have a great day and as always Happy Stitching!



  1. I have this copy. It is complete but the pages are very brittle. My Mother in law used to be a Milliner back in the day.

  2. Just found another magazine, Needlecraft June 1911 can't believe she kept them. One of the articles was for Australian Mutual Provident accidents to servants including the insured sums!
