Saturday, 25 June 2016

How to Print on Fabric with an Inkjet Printer and Freezer Paper - Washab...

Good Morning and Happy Weekend!

This is a tutorial to print on fabric with an inkjet printer at home.  Then you can sew it on to any project you like.  It is a great little tutorial around 11 minutes long but worth a watch, believe me.

The sky is the limit with this.  You could make a memory quilt for yourself or a loved one.  Take old photos and print onto fabrics and incorporate them into a quilt or wall hanging with added
embroidery maybe.

How about you get people to write on the fabric in pencil with their name and you embroider it.  I wish I had got my late father to do that ... how lovely would that have been.  I am going to get my mum to do it for me on a piece of fabric ....

Well we are off house hunting, wish us luck.

Have a fabulous weekend ... Happy Stitching!and enjoy the tutorial, its rather interesting! ...


  1. Ooooh exciting house hunting, where.......?
    Julie xxxxx

    1. Seen houses on the Somerset/Devon border... Don't want to jinx it but one is worth a second look! .. Exciting xxxx

    2. Julie ... will email you xxx

  2. going to show this project to my dh, he doesn't think you can do this! Thank you for taking the time to post this easy tutorial.

    1. My pleasure and I am so pleased you found it useful and interesting.
      Great for a memory quilt project isn't it?

      Sarah x

  3. Great tutorial Sarah. I bought freezer paper a while back but wasn't sure how to use it. Will now give it a go! Happy house hunting x

    1. So pleased it has helped you, it help me to understand how it's done.

      Thank you, house hunting went fairly well and one needs a second look!! ... More too see yet though.
      Fingers crossed we find our forever home soon.

      Sarah x

  4. Hope you've found your forever home. Your heart will tell you.
    Regarding how to print on fabric, I buy printable fabric sheets, it is so quick and easy with good results. You just put it straight into your printer like copy paper then quick rinse under a tap after (not that any ink has ever come off when I've done that). Leave to dry then iron. Only drawback is that sheets are about £11 for 5 sheets. They say you can reuse the backing sheet with your own fabric but I haven't tried that yet. Old photos look great when used in a project. Xxx

  5. Hi Dawn

    Is that an inkjet printer? because this is what the video is for. Inkjet as you know comes off in water so is not good for quilting projects...

    Other than that its a great idea if you have the correct printer.

    Thank you ... well we are going back for another look .. fingers crossed we have found what we are looking for, and then we will see what the survey says too. Its an old but not listed (which is what we wanted) so I am going to be very quite now about it, until the jury comes back in on this... When its a done deal, there will clinking glasses and I will let every one know...

    That said I am sooooooooooooooo excited ... not good is it until its yours but can not help it. There is a lot of work to be done on it so we will have to see.

    Thank you for sharing your print on fabric details with us all.

    Sarah xx

  6. Hi Sarah, yes it is an inkjet printer. I got my pack from Cotton Patch uk but if you type in printable fabric online you will find it. It's so easy.
    Good idea not to go for a listed building. Fingers crossed for you both x
