Monday, 20 June 2016

For my love of vintage fabrics ...... And the winner is!

Fabric is so addictive it
should be a controlled substance!

There is something so exquisite about vintage/antique fabrics, the feel of it and the slightly faded look that makes it so tactile and pleasing to the eye.  I do use the fabrics that I buy for my work, but I am a collector of fabrics too.  I have some that will only ever be for personal use.  I do not want them to
just live in a drawer and not see the light of day, on the contrary I believe fabric should be seen and used.  It is perfect, to me, to have it combined in picture and be behind glass and protected but viewed and kept safe.

Now there is the question of need, what fabric do I need?  well I basically need fabric to create and work but still I could probably work for a year and not need to get more if truth be told.  Just the odd thing if I run out of a colour or something but the question is ' that is outstandingly beautiful and I will use it for something'  .. being that I only work in vintage,if you see it then will you ever see that again, answer - probably not! so get it and use it in something beautiful that pleases you or someone else.   To make and create is a way of life for me now and I love being able to take it from a design stage to getting it framed.  It is still exciting to me to go to pick my work up from the framers.  It always looks different framed and there is still a sense of pride, pleasure and surprise on how something looks when framed, it looks finished!

So there is no surprise that I indulged my fabric habit at the weekend at the Summer Brocante at Cowdray House and bought some fabrics ..... Some of which was a need and some was Oh gosh that is stunning!  and let me tell you ladies that the fabrics both bundles and pieces, were amongst the best selection of vintage I have ever seen!  What's a lady to do I ask you? The photos on here today are not part of the treasure found at the weekend but of ones I photographed when sorting through my delicious fabrics last week! to make room for some more .. good job I did that's all I have to say on that one .. oops!

Today I will be sorting through the photos and taking photos of my vintage treasure as well as getting on with my  stitching.  Today here in not so sunny Bournemouth it is pouring with rain and it is cold and horrible.   So I will do what I need to do then settle into my favourite chair with the light and cover my self up with a light quilt and stitch ....

But for now let me thank those of you who participated in the Summer giveaway with me.  Last night my husband picked out one of the pieces of folded paper and drum roll please!

*          *          *          *          *          *          *
The winner is ..........


So well done Dawn and please mail me with your address and again thank you all so much for participating ....   Dawn will receive a nice bundle of inspiration but I would like to send everyone else a little something so will you all please send me your address even if you live abroad .....  They will be sent to you all this week when I receive mailing addresses .....

Well that  is it for today come back tomorrow to read all about the wonderful Summer Brocante that I went to on Saturday, you will love it.

Happy Stitching!


  1. Congratulations Dawn.

    Sometimes I just cannot bring myself to use my vintage fabrics

    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. Oh my goodness ! How wonderful. Well thank you so much. Special thanks to Mr Hawkings too. I'm so pleased that the other entrants will receive a gift as well, just shows what a lovely thoughtful person you are Sarah. Xxx

  3. Oh my goodness ! How wonderful. Well thank you so much. Special thanks to Mr Hawkings too. I'm so pleased that the other entrants will receive a gift as well, just shows what a lovely thoughtful person you are Sarah. Xxx

  4. Does this mean you will send me a little something too?! Have you still got my address?

    1. yes everyone that left a message last week on that blog will get a little gift and the winner Dawn Robson gets a Inspiration pack .... I do not have addresses for my blog members, I never keep them.

      Sarah xx

  5. JP .. Sorry it was for people who entered the competition... I can not see you on there I am afraid.

  6. Sarah, thank you so much for my wonderful prize. Full of gorgeous vintage goodies. I'm feeling very inspired. If anyone wants to see a pic then please look on Sarah's Facebook page. Thank you again xxx

    1. Hi Dawn

      I am so very pleased you like your prize .. Enjoy creating and thank you for sharing on FB.

      Sarah X
