Thursday, 2 June 2016

Mixing it up a little .... New design on its way.

Mixing things up a little
Is exciting and challenging at
the same time.  

I have been trying out new things on my sewing machine and then adding the flourish with hand
stitching and embroidery and I am liking what I see.  It has only been on scraps and not what will actually be used in the finished picture but it has been different and lots of fun.

When I bought these three really beautiful stitchery trade cards I was not sure what exactly I was going to do with them, but one thing was for sure they were NOT going to sit in a drawer as a treasure and not see the light of day or indeed be just for me to look at, they are too lovely for that.  There is a little girl playing with cats with her reel of cotton from a window.  Then a little boy dressed in finery playing with geese and a reel of cotton and finally another little girl doing the same but with frogs.   The colours that they are dressed in blend totally too, Light blue, brown and pink and I think they are divine.  On the back of the trade cards it is

advertising The Best Thread for sewing machines and is Clark's Mile-End spool cotton.

I would like them in a picture frame but did not want them 'just framed'  ... so I have been a playing and when I have finished I will show you the results.  I have not started the proper piece yet but it is in a basket to do so this week I hope.

I am particularly fond of the one with the little boy with his ruffles and decorated hat.  It is such a beautiful picture on a trade card.

I have a thing for trade cards as you may have noticed and been collecting ones that I love, like the one with a little girl who is stood catching cotton reels falling.  I could not believe she is now mine and I have to find a way to display her

too and not just have her in a drawer.  I want them all for my new sewing room when we move so I am busy getting things ready for that.

I love frogs ( I know some of you will be thinking "really!" but it is ever since Beatrix Potter did Jeremy Fisher in his waistcoat and striped tights .... can not help it so I particularly love that this one has frogs in the picture.

Well I am away to pack some more baskets and sort through the little pile of vintage tray cloths that I have now to cover journals with.  As I said I will have journals coming out of my ears.  But I might be able to part with some for sale as I have opened a trade account to buy my Daler-Rowney blank hard back journal/sketch pads at a cheaper price so if anyone is interested please let me know.

Have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching!


  1. I love those advertising cards they are so pretty, can't wait to see what you do with them.
    I love the daler-rowney hard back art books, I used to buy them when I worked in a craft shop, they are absolutely lovely to use, I used mine as scrap books and dairies, so may I be cheeky and say I would be very interested.

    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. Hi Julie

    I am just doing some more covered journals .. Next week I will email you some photos and you can choose . I will finalise the price and you can decide.
    These trade cards are particularly fine and I am putting the finishing touches to my design before I make so watch this space.

    Sarah xxxx
