For every minute spent organising
an hour is earned!
Benjamin Franklin
(lets hope he was right!)

Where exactly do the hours go in a day. I am forever busy. As you ladies out there reading this will know with working ( whatever it is your job entails) there is the garden, housework, cooking and cleaning not to mention family or extended family. Gone are the days, for me at least, that my day is
nine to five ....
If I am sitting sewing and see dust or a cobweb, I need to tackle it there and then! I know it probably should not bother me but it does. I have decided to do a bit of a time table for myself.
(Image from google)
I used to follow something like it but life sadly just gets in the way sometimes and things go by the by. So from now on I am going to get up and of course have my coffee ( its a given if I want to open my eyes!!) then when I have washed and dressed I am going to do an hour or so housework, then this blog and then only then will I start to stitch. This followed from Monday to Friday should free up my mins a lot more. My lovely mum used to iron for me, as I have said before but unfortunately this is no longer possible so now its back at me again.... although I have now got a guy to mow our lawns and a lady that comes every two weeks to garden for a few hours ...

Mind now able to stitch, design and create ..... well I am hoping this will help at least. I think that is
why I suffered so badly last year with my health and I do not want a return of that this year at all. I am still tired from it and the infection in my chest took a toll.
I have managed to keep some order lately in my sewing room but have rather taken over the dinning room table ... oops so going to have to sort that out and just do one thing at a time rather than have a cutting mat out, laptop, work diaries and a stash of fabrics, buttons and threads ... We have been eating in the kitchen for two weeks now so I must sort it out a bit. Clutter actually clutters my mind and I chase my tail instead of achieve! My husband did make a comment along the lines of "if I rebuilt and engine in the dinning room, you would find that unacceptable I guess" so for him to notice, and of course he is right. So I am trying to get organised and re balance myself again. It was the Miss Muddy Beak vigil when it all went pants up! plus its the biggest surface of the right height to cut out on ... but normally when I have done that I pack away , this time I have rather added to it ..
So today is clear away the dinning room of my organised mess and which will not actually take too long (not as long as trying to find my scissors under a pretty little stack of fabrics the other day anyway) and then it is stitching.
I have a vintage fair coming up on Saturday 18th and it is The Country Brocante Summer fair in the grounds of Cowdray House in West Sussex so I am looking forward to that very much and I will no doubt come home with a bundle of vintage treasures so I really do need to organise myself.
No doubt I will take photos for you and report on it all the following week at some point when I have collated everything.

Well that is it for today and do not forget yesterday blog post and go there if you have not already and leave a comment to win my summer giveaway ..... Ends on Sunday night. Please leave comment on THAT blog not here because I can not check every blog for comments for the competition I am so sorry ...
Have a fabulous day all and as always Happy Stitching!
I always do the "horrible jobs" at the beginning of the day, housework and all that! In my case on the kitchen table is bits of radio and record-players don't ask....I have a husband who restores them, then once restored they are stored all over the house...... Everytime I clear a space he fills its, so I have to be quick and move my stuff around!
ReplyDeleteJulie xxxxxxxx
Well that made me chuckle! Even though it must be a bit annoying... That's why it had to be cleared! Lol xxx