Friday, 5 June 2015

My Embroidery and Stitching is going well..... but new designs keep popping into my head!

 No one is an artist unless they carry a picture in their head before painting it and is sure of their method and composition!

Claude Monet

Having a few bits of stitching to complete both professionally and personally I had to stop myself from cutting out another project!  Yes a design came to me so I did a little sketch and it is so difficult to be this disciplined at the moment.  Its my artist nature, we who are of that ilk understand totally how each other feels..... I am wondering if I should be a designer and design patterns for people to buy and make ( they could buy there own fabric and threads and make it there own but it would be a Homespun Stitchworks Design!)

I keep getting ideas so I do quickly sketch it (roughly) so as not to forget what popped into my head. I am constantly seeing new things to stitch and re create and it is so hard not to get all fired up over it... So discipline is the order of the next few weeks for me.

Along the way I am getting a vintage goody bag going for the end of the competition on FB next Friday.... Already there are 30 names so this is a great one.  I have had such wonderful comments on there about this blog as well and it really does help me continue, because I know people are reading this and most of all liking what they read!

I showed you all a snippet of some embroidery that I am doing and that is what I am continuing with today in the hope that I will break the back of it, so to speak and then I can start the other one that I am anxious to start... then this new one I have thought of.  Over the weekend I want to cut some strips for the quilt that I want to make as well.  My husband has some things to do on Saturday so it is a perfect time to get it all on my dinning room table and do some cutting ( I will take some photo's for you and report on the log cabin ruler!)

I was sorting some vintage threads that I have bought and some of these will go into the prize goody bag... they are really beautiful and have a slight sheen to them.
 I am using some on my embroidery today for some more flowers.... daisies in fact and some cow parsley....  Talking of cow parsley, when I was in Devon the other week the lanes were filled with it and I picked a little snippet to study.  I like to do that so that you can look at it closely and then decide how best it would be to stitch it and what stitches to use.

Well it is off to my stitching and I am looking at the clouds waiting for this thunder storm that is predicted.  I really wish I could sit in the garden and stitch but having said that there is something to be said about stitching when the rain is beating against the window and I am cosy and warm inside...

Do not forget tomorrow is Stitch of the week day...So please come back and have a look at this beauty I have lined up for you.  It is by the lovely Mary Corbet and she really is a very clever teacher.


No great artist sees things as they really are.  If they did they would cease to be an artist.


  1. I love cow parsley. So delicate it is lace like.

  2. Me too ... It is stunning and of course Free! Looks fab in a jug on kitchen table with fresh cut Rosemary and mint ...
