Monday, 1 June 2015

Important news about this blog!..... I hope you will all support me.

 If June could talk it would probably boast it invented romance!

Bernard Williams.

Oh dear! June! already!..... what is happening to this year and where has it flown to!... I have so much to finish and so much to achieve.  I have taken a hard decision and will not be writing my blog every  day for a while as it does take up an awful lot of my time and thought.  This month I am going to get my head down and really work very hard indeed.  So my blogs will not be every day. I thought about doing a schedule for my blog and then thought better of it.  I love writing and especially I love writing this so I just decided that some days if there is nothing much to report to you the next day will be a longer chattier one instead and also do more on history of things as well.... What do you think? I would love to hear what you do think so please leave me some comments to help me with this dilemma! it would really be helpful to me.

I hope that you all will continue to support it and myself whilst I get some more hours in stitching and less on social media.  I am lucky enough to have a lot of readers daily although not too many who have actually joined .... But I really do hope  that when some days there is no blog , that I will have a lot more to show and talk to you about as I will have been more productive with in this time....

I am pleased to say that my hare sampler is speeding along and that my ruler has arrived safely so I can start that personal project soon as well at weekend and evenings ( if summer starts and we get long light evenings that is)

I have to get some pieces out for publication and have to do some design work as well.  I have written a kind of schedule for myself for this month and hope it helps me keep on track.  When I have got back on track and my stitching has caught up then normal service will resume.  I love writing this and I really hope that you all enjoy reading it and do not leave me.   

Recently I have spoken to other bloggers and they only blog as and when, some it is months in between each new post so I do not feel too bad.

So today I am going to start my schedule and I will see how it goes. Do not worry I will be back here tomorrow as I have some interesting bits for you all to read........  especially anyone who loves quilting... hint hint x

Have a great day and Happy Stitching!


  1. I always wonder how you manage to fit everything in. I recently (well I say recently it was 10 months ago!) left my paid emolument to concentrate on my handmade wedding stationery and greetings card business and each day just flies by. I thought I would have lots of time for my personal projects but that is not the case. But I'm very happy to be spending my days doing something I love. A blog was also in my plan but that hasn't happened yet!! I'll look forward to reading you blog posts as and when they appear. They are always so full of interesting info. Keep up the good work. xx

  2. Thank you so much! .. I am happy to know you enjoy the blog ( and it takes some doing!) and that I am so happy with support from lovely readers like you!
    I really appreciate you taking the time to comment x

  3. Sarah,
    I always enjoy your blog and look forward to seeing your creations and all your beautiful fabrics. I understand what you are saying because blogging does take a great deal of time. I don't blog very often because of my website. I would rather put the time to creating. It's nice to know that we can still hear from you. You're such a nice person and a talent!! God bless!

    1. Thank you Diane for you wonderful words and encouragement. I am so pleased you like the blog..... Take care xx
