Friday, 6 March 2015

Vintage at the village ..... beautiful vintage fairs.

Vintage goodies, Art Deco, fabrics, buttons and more!

Well this has become very popular on my blog .... Dates for your diary's ladies, that is what I am going to call it.  So grab your diaries and sharpen your pencil .....

Today's feature is about the Vintage at the Village This event is organised and run by the lovely Laura and her equally lovely husband Phil.  They organise this event as well as attend other vintage fairs. They collect themselves and sell Art Deco so if this is your passion look no further because they always have wonderful things to tempt you with.....

I have two dates for you so far for this wonderful vintage fair event and are as follows:

Vintage at the village
Puriton Village Hall

26th April 2015 - 4pm
Entry £1

Vintage at the village
Walton village hall
Meadow Lane
Near Street in Somerset
BA16 9LA

24th May 2015

10.00am - 4pm
Entry £1

The lovely Laura and Phil at one of their vintage fairs.

Laura informs me that there is a great selection of top sellers at this event and that there will be something for everyone!

So today I am away to keep stitching my latest sampler design and to stop myself from deviating to stitching the family tree journal until I finish the sampler.... I also have other ideas going round in my head so I am going to first take a moment to do some doodles and notes in my design journal.

Have a wonderful weekend and  do not forget that tomorrow is stitch of the week day and it is a lovely stitch too, by the lovely Mary Corbet.

Happy Stitching!


  1. Oh you are lucky to have all these lovely events nearby. Linda x

  2. Oh you are lucky to have all these lovely events nearby. Linda x

  3. Yes Linda I am ... This is around an hour and a half away for me But I do travel up to three hours for a great one ...
