Thursday, 12 March 2015

Spring Floral and Fabric Pop Up with Sarah Moore and Friends

Hush, Can you hear it?The rustling in the grass,
Bringing you the welcome news Winter's day is past.
Soft, Can you feel it?
The warm caressing breeze,and
Telling you the sticky buds
Are bursting on the trees.
Look, Can you see them?The primrose in the lane,
Now you must believe it -
Spring is here again.

Author unknown.

Spring is well and truly here now if you look in the gardens bursting with snowdrops, crocus and stunning primroses and what better way to celebrate its arrival than a very special vintage fair.  This wonderful event is to be held at Sarah Moore's beautiful home The Old Dairy in West Sussex.  Sarah is inviting people to come to her pop up fair and to add to the excitement those people who let her know via Sarah's facebook page will get a freshly baked scone as well.....

Now before I continue, for those of you who are wondering, yes it is the Sarah Moore who did a whole series in the magazine Country Living of her stunning designs and makes with vintage and up-cycled materials and the same Sarah Moore who wrote the books Vintage Home and  Homemade Gifts Vintage Style.... 

(the picture on the left is one of Sarah's fauxidermy animals, this one being the seated hare ... isn't it stunning!)

Sarah's vintage floral and pop up fair will be held in their big flint barn and she tells me it will be dressed  like one whole beautiful potting shed!

There will be vintage garden finds, plants, interior pieces and the most amazing textiles and wallpapers.  Rather than lots of individual stalls the place will be dressed as one beautiful room.

On the team attending this splendid event there will be Goose Home and Garden, The Old Haberdashery, Sue Meager, Liz Van Hasselt, and Antoinette O'Sulivan plus Sarah's own archive of fabrics and wallpapers.

The event is open over two days and you can come along to dip into Sarah's own archive to make corsages and pick up a little goodie bag of fabric to take away with you on the Saturday.

You will be able to have homemade scones and tea in the dairy and anyone wishing a good lunch can walk 300m down the hill to The Royal Oak, a beautiful 16th Century Inn just off the South Downs Way.

In addition Lucy from Love Lane Vintage will be bringing along some of her beautiful garden smocks and Sonia from The Old Haberdashery some fabulous pieces to complete the fabric side of things...... There will be bigger pieces of furniture for sale as well and delivery can be arranged if you are tempted.

This event proves to be such a must on any vintage, fabric, garden lovers calender.  So the following details are for you to save the date!

Spring Floral and Fabric Pop Up with Sarah Moore and friends
The Old Diary
Hill Lands Farm
North Marden
West Sussex
P018 9JY

11th - 12th April 2015.

I will be going to this amazing event and of course I will be taking lots of beautiful photo,s for those of you that are unable to make it, especially my lovely readers who do not live in Britain...

I can not wait to see the flint barn dressed like one big beautiful potting shed and all the stunning fabrics and goodies that will be part of the display, yet you are able to purchase them.

This is purely a wee taste of what is come and to wet your appetite.  I would like to thank Sarah for giving me all the details and permission to use her photographs that she forwarded to me so that you all may see what will make this April so special.......

Happy Stitching!