Saturday, 21 February 2015

Stitch of the week ..... Rosette Chain Stitch by Mary Corbet

The only place that stitching comes before housework
is in the dictionary!

Good morning

Today the stitch of the week is brought to you by the ever talented Mary Corbet and is the rosette chain stitch. 

This stitch is very pretty and obviously based on the normal chain stitch but yes, with a twist!

This is a picture I found of the stitch ( not my embroidery) could not find the name of the person who stitched it so beautifully BUT it shows you what can be achieved with the stitch and colour thread change and some normal chain stitch included.....

It can make a beautifully different way to embroider something, it would make a lovely border on something.  Maybe a cloth or a child's piece of clothing or indeed on a pillow case.

I hope you enjoy this tutorial, so make a warm drink and settle down to the lovely Mary Corbet and the way she makes everything look easy!

This little bit of stitching here is by Mary Corbet and just shows you needle position and how different this stitch looks in a straight line....

Have a great weekend. I hope you enjoy this tutorial, make a warm drink and Happy Stitching!

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