Sunday, 15 February 2015

Needle Felted Pumpkin Tutorial 3: Finishing Details by Sarafina Fiber Art

Finishing touches and lots of fun!

This is the final part to felting a pumpkin.  I hope you have enjoyed this series.  It does teach you techniques that are so very useful when tackling other projects.  As the ladies who do this say, this is the perfect beginners project and having done one myself I totally understand that statement.....  Again the final part is as quirky as the last two but go with it.... The tutorial is very useful.

I would love to see anybodies pumpkins please mail me your picture and if I do get some I will feature them on a blog..... Go on give it a go!!

 You do not have to do faces on them you can in fact make a pumpkin and use it as a pin cushion or just decoration......

I am going to make some more.  White ones with brown and some face ones with light orange faces instead of the one with the brown face..... I use my first one as a pin cushion.  I am going to make more to decorate with....  These tutorials helped me do Bonnie the bear because they taught me techniques.  I made my pumpkin first before I made my bear....

Or indeed go with a cute face!

Enjoy the last bit of the tutorial....... Happy Felting!

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