Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Hand embroidering a sampler

Make a wish.........

I have started hand embroidering a new sampler design of mine.  I am so pleased with how it is coming along.  I have chosen a piece of antique French linen sheet to stitch it on, which is C1900.

The French linen is really beautiful, the weave and texture, everything about it.  It makes a big difference when stitching, to have a wonderful canvas.  I like to cut out my piece of linen and then press it.  I then draw lightly my design on there.  This then goes into a large embroidery hoop ready to begin.

I have chosen some lovely muted colour threads from my shaker hand dyed range and because they are hand dyed they are variegated and when you are stitching you get natural shading somehow.  If I have some antique threads and the colours are correct for my stitching I incorporate some in as well.

When I design what I stitch, I draw it in my design journal and then by free hand I actually draw it onto the antique linen so mistakes are not good.  Although a little tip for anyone wanting to give the process a go, and artists putty rubber can help (but draw lightly in the first instance, then it is easier to erase a mistake)  Although in my book there will be traceable patterns of my drawings....

I have been doing lots of French knots and also split stitch .... There will be other bits going on the sampler and I have to say I am in love with this design (even if it is mine).

I have given you a little taster and a little look at what I am up to, although the whole picture will look so different when it is all stitched and everything comes together....  I am not allowed to show the finished products but little bits here and there are ok .... I hope!

Enjoying my stitching today and because it is all embroidery I like to do it in natural light as well and it can be done in a cosy chair by the fire, which quiet frankly is wonderful.  I can not seem to warm up at at the moment.  I can also watch the birds in my garden and they are going to feature in my next design.  They are loving their bird jungle gym and it is hilarious to watch on occasions with the pecking order.  I have a pair of Jays that come and feed now as well and they are a very pretty bird... my favourite is my blackbirds and my fluffy robin who a very handsome chap and also very friendly....

So I am away to get my stitching, doing a pit stop for a large black coffee and settling in my chair with my embroidery hoop.....

Have a wonderful day and Happy Stitching!


  1. Sarah,
    Your work is always so beautiful....wish I had your talent!
    Diane x

  2. Thank you Diane that is very kind of you......
