Thursday, 3 May 2018

Truffled Treasure!

Treasure of the 
vintage kind... 
is there any other kind?

Now they say one mans rubbish is an others treasure and this is so true.  When I think back to what was thrown out when my Grandparents died its a crying shame.  I was young and had no say what so ever.  Both my parents were from large families being one of five children on both sides.  We were sheltered from it all and I would never have thought to question them.  I look back though and wonder where my Maternal Grandma's button tin ended up ... I have the shivers over it, knowing it went in a bin and on to land fill somewhere.   Both my Grandma and Nanna had gorgeous old table linen and I just dread to think as none of the children were interested in it... I of course would have jumped at it even in my later teens....

Now even the younger generations are into the 'vintage scene' so things are being bought and treasured.  I myself am a custodian of some wonderful pieces.  Not family pieces but things bought at great fairs like The Vintage Bazaar.  I do now though, have a few bits from my Mum that were my Great Grandmas, a beautiful china cup and saucer and tiny jug that match, some beautiful linens and a very old and pretty book .. all treasured and much loved.

So what did I purchase at the VB well I was over the moon with my plunder and so without further a do here is what I purchased last Saturday in Frome.

From Daisy Darling I bought this beautiful piece of gorgeous paisley fabric, I mean how on

earth could I resist this ... The colours are outstanding for its age and just look at the pattern.  It is now safely tucked away in my paisley drawer and ready for use in the not so distant future...

The Potting Shed yielded some treasure too.  I found some most gorgeous little bags and some French antique picture papers for my other love being journaling, pen pals and mixed media pieces.  I am particularly fond of the old gypsy caravan - what a find indeed.

There was also another pack of ephemera as well and little bundle of envelopes with birds on them.  These will all do very nicely for my pen pals and my private journals ... When writing it is always nice to make it look like eye candy as well as the words that you scribble with your pen.

All Things Vintage and Beautiful I was not able to resist this piece of pretty fabric.  This is going to be a cushion for one of our Lloyd Loom chairs for the garden .. It is just the right thing so lovely and summer like.  Each Lloyd Loom chair will be painted a different light colour and have a different cushion in it out of vintage fabric and this is just the ticket!

Belinda Sharples had a gorgeous piece of old lace wrapped around some card that I loved and also tucked into it was two little French paper figures for my journaling it was a win win situation and for only a few pounds I was more that happy with this find ...The way that this lace was presented though, it is so beautiful, who could resist?

Hannah Whyman as you know has lots of gorgeous haberdashery and in particular for me
buttons.  Mother of pearl buttons still on their original card.  Tiny little shiny buttons with a little carve in them, how on earth could I possibly resist.  In addition there was some gorgeous lace with a interesting pattern to stitch on to things.  It is a beige colour and I thought it was unusual and exquisite.  Along with some milliners flowers a total and great little haul I thought.

There was a great antique piece of quilt and I loved it and it will be fabulous to embroider on to.  Just adding to its history with my tiny hand stitches and making something to actually frame and look at.  Dorothy Stivens gorgeous stall and it came home happily in my basket.
No longer in a draw or cupboard but on show once more.  I found this on

It was not a bad little haul was it, I was very happy indeed.  It did not stop there though!  I was meeting up with friends as I told you and I was given gifts.  It was such a wonderful surprise and I was over whelmed.

Firstly Dawn who I met had hand made me a beautiful pin cushion which is in a basket ( she does not know me well now does she!!)  with paisley fabric!!! also inside the pincushion there is lavender and I am fond of
lavender for two reasons.  Firstly I adore the smell and secondly 'the munchers' do not!

Isn't it beautiful, such a beautifully hand made gift with so much thought that went in to it as well.. 
Thank you once again Dawn XXX

Then my lovely friend Jo of Hesta Nesta was there and she came up to me with this beautiful book.  It is a vintage Country Living book on quilts and oh my! be still my beating heart.. the quilts!!!
What a beautiful gift and I really feel very blessed that I have such generous friends.....

The quilt book has lots of quilts in there dressed over beds and stack piled in shaker cupboards and over chairs too...
In addition to that there are also the patterns to make some of them in there.  I have had a read of this beauty every evening and just staring at the stunning photography of quilts.... My husband said I have a huge smile on my face when I am looking through and I do not doubt him.  Books like this make my soul sing.
  Thank you Jo so very much XX

How lucky am I to have such friends and to go to such beautiful events.  I am off to another fair at the weekend .. The Dorset Brocante.  I was sent a ticket by Sally the lovely organiser.

Well that is it for today as I am off to visit my Mum.  Thursday I spend more time with her and meet up there with my sister too.  We always take in lots more nuts for her squirrel feeder as she has double doors from her room to a garden and we have put up feeders and the birds and squirrels gather and she loves to watch them.  Always fed them when she was at home and I guess its where I get my adoration of it too.

We had her sofa and chairs brought to her care home and the lounge part of her room we have made all cosy with them and cushions, quilts and throws along with some foot stools.  So today think of us sat there with our warm drinks watching the wild life antics go on whilst we all chat about the old days!!

Have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching! XX

The little envelopes from the potting shed
with the birds on them .. I have 6 ...


  1. sorry been away from the computer a couple of days... I know what you mean about grandparents stuff being chucked because we weren't allowed to have a say. Things my grandfather got rid of, and then my mother got rid of without asking if I wanted it. Charity shops weren't big when we were young everything went in the rubbish!

    Have a good day with your mum

    Julie xxxx

    1. Morning Julie
      Hope you are well. As you say charity shops were not on the high street everywhere! All in land fill! Makes me shiver!
      Thank you off now to spend some time with and my grab bag!
      Hope you enjoy the sun.

      Sarah xxxxxx

  2. Oh if all that memorabilia could tell and converse....sometimes if you remember something really special you can find one. I fear that will happen with some of my things too 😣 We have had gorgeous weather here finally!!!

    Enjoy your Vintage much like our antique shows here. ❤❤

    1. Ah Lora I always say that, especially about antique fabric.. stories contained with in the weave!
      Lovely weather here today ..
      set for our long weekend too.. happy days!

      Sarah xxx

  3. Lots of lovely treasures, you did do well. I'm glad you liked my little gift, not much skill in making it but kind thoughts a plenty. The quilt book looks super.
    Hope you found your mum in good spirits today. I'm pleased you have some precious family treasures. Sad to think of all the things that were thrown away, I do that too!
    Enjoy your weekend xxx

    1. Hello Dawn
      I really do love my gorgeous gift and it makes me smile when I look at it. Thank you again.
      Mum was smiling so it was a good day thank you.

      Have a wonderful long weekend and I hope you are enjoying this gorgeous sun shine we are having.

      Hugs Sarah xxx

  4. So pleased to hear that you found some treasures at the VB. Lizzie xx

    1. Lizzie I always do find treasure there it is wonderful.
      Have a lovely weekend and hope to see you very soon.

      Sarah xx

  5. Lovely to see your treasures. I'm thinking a lot about how I can use the things I bought too. Your mum's roomounda lovely and I know what you mean abou list treasures...I have a few bits and bobs that were my nana's an I treUr them dearly- sadly much was likeY just thrown out - very school to think about that. Enjoy the Brocante tomorrow. Mo xxx

    1. Hi Mo
      Thank you I was pleased with my little haul. Brocante on Sunday and Monday so think we will go on the first day Mo.
      Beautiful weather here .. it’s so lovely.
      Mums room looks great and she is pleased...

      Have a great weekend.
      Sarah xxxx
