Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Slow tiny stitches sat in the garden

The garden suggests there might be a place where
 we can meet nature halfway. –

  Michael Pollan

How I am loving our summer days working in our garden right now.  Some days are warmer than others but that does not deter me at all.  If it is chilly I take a vintage quilt out there to pop over my legs.  Our chairs on our outside dinning set are large with very cosy and thick cushion that not only cover the seat but the back of the chair too.  This means no cold air can get you snuggled up in the corner where we have it situated.  Our house is an L shape back and front and the back L is where we have our cosy nook.  It gets full evening sun there until the sun sets .... also having a half brick house the heat goes into them and that permeates through the bricks and we get heat from them all evening.

Miss Muddy Beak has got used to me being out there and yesterday she flew onto the table.  I could not believe it.  We sort of startled each other I think and she only stayed a minute but I am hoping she will return again and stay longer.  I am going to pop some bacon bits in a tiny saucer on the table and see if she will eat it.  That or I will be attacked by a gang of seagulls who are not frightened in the least ... It could all be like a comedy of errors if I am not careful.  The seagulls here are large.  A baby one came into our garden and when I say baby I mean a monster child!  I have never seen anything so big.. It was not scared either and shimmied around the garden picking on all the little birds .. that was
until the Chuckle Brothers arrived, yes the magpie boys sorted out the pecking order and the seagull knew it.... I was proud of them, they maybe growing up I thought as they defended the garden.  That was until they started playing in the elderflower tree and through peanuts at one another!!!  Oh well my husband has maintained they fell from the nest and are slightly simple... they must be three years old now and no signs of parting company or having their own families...  They are amusing to watch and like have two of the stooges
in the garden...

There are baby starlings in our garden and they are noisy little youngsters, bathing in the bird bath and crying to their parents to be fed the mealy worms, which Momma and Papa are doing and look worn out..  Unfortunately I had to bury one yesterday afternoon a cat got one and through my tears I managed a large hole and to wrap it carefully in kitchen roll with some flowers.  It is buried deep with a large stone over it too so I know where little floss is... I called it floss as I did not know if it was a boy or a girl but I now can let our gardener know not to dig there.  I know it is nature but I can not bare it....

So yesterday after that not much work got done as I was on patrol in the garden and waiting with the hose if a cat came near... It just startles cats as they do not like getting wet at all.  I had only gone inside to fill my water glass and look at the spaghetti bolognese sauce that was on low cooking nicely.

So today is a real catch up and I need to get stitching.  We have our friend from Devon here for the next Bank holiday but from the Wednesday before until after the Bank Holiday Monday so I need to get my nose down in my stitching ...

This weekend we are going to Eridge Park to The Decorative Living Fair I am really looking forward to it, meeting some friends there too and as always it is such a wonderful social occasion as well as a good truffle and treasure hunt in the gorgeous countryside.  The weather looks fabulous and the marquees will be filled with the most beautiful displays and dressed stalls.

I have put away my lovely antique quilt pieces that I bought from The Dorset Brocante and I am getting ready to stitch on two of the pieces that I purchased from there.  I have managed to get a work basket ready and waiting so that is good.  I have been designing some new things in the last few weeks and that means my design journal will be outside with me today so that I can pop any notes down when they come into my head.  It is always good for me to be able to write it down straight away and sometimes do a little sketch initially..  That way I can develop it on my design days.

And if it was not enough to have to take care of a baby bird well then break the lid from one of your Susie Watson teapots...... So I went out and bought a bunch of white tulips and white roses and have now used the bit that is left as a vase!  Good job it was not the other way round not sure what I could have done with just a lid!!

Some days do not go to plan but never the less I try and find joy and beauty in every day so today I
am resolute that lots of stitching will be done, with one eye on those baby birds!

I hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy this most gorgeous weather, we have had two weeks now of wonderful weather and I am going to enjoy working outside and with nature along side me.

See you back here on Thursday.  Happy Stitching! XX


  1. I know what you mean about getting my nose down I have a piece of knitting to finish and start some embroidery.
    Sorry to hear about the poor little birdy. I keep one of those childrens very large water shooter by the back door. The neighbours cat used to take great delight of leaving little packages of the poooooo kind by my backdoor one morning I stood watch and sure enough it came back but it didn't stop for long after being sprayed, and never came back because I leave the shooter by the door, it knows what it does!

    Julie xxxxx

    1. Morning Julie

      Oh I was so sad! Thing is it’s a friends cat! Tibby who visits me, well at least I think it was. Thankfully I did not see the attack but ‘floss’ was by the conservatory door and there Tibby sat too. He got told off but I only think it was him.
      He has started to bring me ‘presents ‘ and his mum is a friend around the road. He spends a lot of time with me and I am thinking he has visions of moving in!
      I am going to stitch stitch stitch today though..
      That pump water gun sounds powerful! Lol I can just see you now with that.
      Take care

      Sarah xxxxxxx

    2. OH it was! I surprised myself too, but the cat was quite wary after that!

  2. Oh dear, I do love cats but could never own one as I couldn't cope with those sort of 'gifts'.
    The flowers looked lovely in the teapot but hopefully you can replace the lid. I like finding unusual vintage things to put flowers in, adds a touch of charm.
    Let's hope you don't end up in a scene from Hitchcock's film The Birds when you put those bacon bits out!
    It always touches my heart when a wild bird trusts enough to come near. Hopefully Miss Muddy Beak will feel braver and pinch your bacon next time.
    Have a lovely day xxx

    1. Morning Dawn
      I love all animals but could never own I cat I think, it’s the gift thing for me too. Both you and I wear our hearts on a sleeve where nature is concerned and it floored me yesterday!
      Miss Muds is getting nearer and nearer to me .. it’s a honour to be trusted by animals in my opinion.
      It’s like a scene from birds anyway .. feed time I look around and all different species perched waiting.. Lol
      So today I am trying again. Sat stitching in the garden ..
      Hope you have a lovely day too .. kisses to Monty and Skye.
      Sarah xxxx

  3. Yes hard to see the Cat do that. When I was growing up I saw a cat kill a baby rabbit....remember it to this day.

    The birds are fortunate to have you on patrol.

    Love the teapot idea...occasionally we break things precious to us and always good to find a use. I love the white tulips.

    Enjoy your day.

    1. Morning to you Lora

      Yes I patrol the little birds, I am a very big animal lover so it’s second nature to me.
      I was so upset breaking or rather dropping the teapot lid but cheered myself up with the flowers .. I love white flowers!
      Hope you have a good day.

      Sarah xx

  4. I just love your sweet colorful descriptions of your day! And to sit and enjoy your handwork along with nature is delightful! God Bless You!

    1. Thank you Marlynne for your kind words, I am so pleased that you enjoy reading my ramblings.
      I love all seasons and Summer stitching in the garden is so wonderful after our long cold Winter. I love cosy Winter stitching by the open fire but am so ready now to be outside with nature.

      Sarah x

  5. Hello Sara
    so sorry to read about your little bird. We HAD 5 baby birds rushing around after their parents in the garden yesterday, till?? 6 Magpies descended on the garden and snatched them all. The parents are so sad today, it was horrible.I just hope they did not suffer too much. I rush up the garden banging 2 saucepan lids together to try and keep the Magpies away, but they could not care less and just keep coming back.They hide in the trees behind us.
    Enjoy your garden office, its cold dull and windy here again today.
    My Hexagon Quilt is calling so will do some sewing for an hour.
    Love MumXX

  6. Forgot to suggest you try CHINA SEARCH for a replacement tea pot lid. They are absolutely fantastic and helped me out recently. I had to wait 5 months but they came up trumps with a replacement tea pot. Second hand but in excellent condition. Might be worth a try SarahXX
