For where there is treasure that pleases you,
there your heart will be also!
Ah! Treasure .. of the stitchery kind.. I enjoy truffling around and I love that my husband goes off doing the same. Sometimes looking for what he calls mantiques but mostly coming running and saying babe you have to come quickly and see this, its so you!! or even clutching a bundle of fabric that he knows I will love.
We had such a wonderful and relaxing Bank Holiday and I can not believe it was now a week ago either. Well what did I purchase I hear you ask.
At the Dorset Brocante held at the Larmer Tree I bought some really beautiful pieces. Lots of stitchery bits as well and I was spoilt for choice. So many gorgeous things there and the day with the warm weather is was a pleasure to take your time in the sun and then inside in the shade and just wander at your leisure and have a good look at every thing.

In no particular order this is what came home with us....
Lizzie Drake and Linda Clift had such a beautiful array of haberdashery and stitchery goodies that I went fairly mad here. I went back several times and made purchases ... I could not believe that there was such beautiful and unusual pieces of antique quilts.....
As you can see from the photos I got the most beautiful piece of old quilt and it is a star with old threads of time hanging from it. At the moment I am doing some embroidery on it.
Then on the left there is a pile of antique quilt pieces and they really are stunning. Along with some antique cotton/linen tape ( the kind you might use in bunting only this is very old indeed)
Then one of the pieces of the patchwork like the star needed its own photo and I have already earmarked what it going to be used for in the next week or so. The colours are outstanding and I am not sure on here it will do it the best justice but believe me it is stunning. The light green and the cream and faded pink it really is a show stopper and I personally have never seen one like this with these faded colours ... Happy Me!

Rescue and Revive as you may remember had some lovely haberdashery along with some
silver plated cutlery that has been hand stamped with words and phrases. Well we bought a few one being your pudding spoon and the other my pudding spoon ... but this is my favourite and my husband went and got it for me without me knowing. I love it and he smiled at me when he gave me this little brown paper bag and said .. saw this and thought of you!!
It is a sauce spoon and goes perfectly in our sauce jug and saucer... if you can not read it, it says 'Saucy'...

Artichoke had some really lovely and very unusual things on their large stand. They had a stone table with stone chairs and it looked like it might have been owned by Bilbo Baggins as some point in time. I however loved these fire tiles and I am collecting ones I love for our forever home as I have some ideas.... get them while you see them and what you do not use well being antique it is fluid and you can sell it on again.

Also I loved the hanger made from old wood and cotton reels along with some cotton real papers .
. This is wonderful and so well made. It is not for coats you understand although it would take the weight as they are screwed in from behind but I think to hang pretties from ... well its just the thing.
The Shed at Tenby had some of the little french Chemists hangers that used to be used for prescriptions. They were on a roll around system and the medicines were hung on there when made up. When someone came to collect they pharmacist would flip through and find the right one.
In addition there were two large antique keys and these have so many uses - no not unlocking our doors we do not live in a castle! but believe me they will be used as I have stitched so many things and used these along side ...

The last purchase here was a very old coal scuttle galvanised bucket with a lovely lavender plant in it
and now it sits with pride in our garden along side our table and chairs. When it is warm the smell is divine and it will not be long before the honey bees will be collecting it nectar from the sleeping buds right now ...
Black Dog Vintage has an eclectic mix and I bought a few bits here ... Mostly it was antique book plates from old book. They are great for staging to take photos, mixed media projects and of course journaling or sending to pen pals ... Also a tiny old clock face and these are wonderful to add to embroidery pieces as well.

In addition I saw this dear little cotton real and it is a Coates make and of course in memory of my much loved and much missed neighbour I had to bring it home to my collection. I wonder what he would make of it. He would say if he felt is should have never been made or indeed it was good quality... It makes me smile and I am sure it would him as well.
That was all on the Sunday, then we went out and about on Bank Holiday Monday, the weather was even hotter. We roamed around the countryside and went to Tisbury to their vintage street market . I loved the day but it was a day off for me so I did not take photos. It was the whole village, outside some houses on greens and along the streets and in village halls... it was vast.
Well we parked in the Station there and there was a wonderful shop called Station Antiques and we had a wander in there and I came across this simple beautiful carved mother of pearl spool holder and it is Victorian. It has now come home with me and will have a spool of thread put on it for display purposes. The intricate work is simply stunning.

In addition I found some more fire tiles and there were six of them and so they came with us too. They blend perfectly with the ones I bought at the Dorset Brocante but there were five in that bundle only.

Then I saw Jane of Kiss the Book fame and she had a little stall in one of the Church Halls. I purchased a old map of Lyme Regis and Taunton ... great for seeing how things were and also for using in mixed media depending what condition it is in. Great for journealing as well. Also a little antique Italian hand stamp with the letter H on it ... well for obvious reasons!

Then I came across a little stall with lots of different bits on it and some haberdashery and bits of old
linens. There was also a very old flour sack and on the back there are recipes. This of course will be stitched on to something and I am thinking one of my dresses in the making ... I love it and think it would be fun and of course it would be seen by the world once more and not in a bag or drawer....
We bumped into Emma of Little Wren Vintage fame and had a warm drink and breakfast together. She was there helping and opening up halls etc .. from 6.30 am !! It was lovely to have an hour or so together chatting and laughing with out her being behind a stall herself. The weather was so wonderful and sat chatting and catching up with the beauty of the country side behind the town of Tisbury was a lovely way to spend a few hours.
We said our goodbyes and walked back along the high street and found this most gorgeous shop. The things are sourced from all around but the two bits that I fell in love with came from Italy and it was the best ever garlic jar I had seen with stunning colours to its glaze. Then the most unusual and pretty bowl. It is a red cabbage leaf and I think with a lot of homemade coleslaw in it at a gathering at our home it will be a fine display.. I think its beautiful on the kitchen table with nothing in it as well.. what do you think? My groaning dresser is in the back ground with lots of antique and new china pieces on there. Everything is used on there and not just for show. I love my dresser and I do say sorry when I walk in with something else for it to house... I am sure I can hear it sigh!
We decided to go on home with all our loot and with a drive through the Dorset villages and road
sides we did stop so I could cut a huge bundle of cow parsley.. technically it is a weed so I am sure it is ok. As you know you should not pick the wild flowers but I really do not think this weed is under that protection and so many of us all do go pick it. It may be a weed but its a true favourite of mine and I like to fill my large antique enamel jug with it and pop it by our table and chairs and pots .. it makes a beautiful display and the bees are buzzing around it, although they do not seem to like its nectar if it has any as they move on very quickly. Still in my eyes cow parsley is beautiful.
It is still very much alive and well and loving its sunny corner. When it goes over I will be stopping and cutting another big bunch.... all the summer long.
When we got home I cut the stems again and put it straight in the jug with fresh water to drink. We then sat in the garden with some wine and had our supper... such a lovely end to a truly relaxing and wonderful three days together...
Well that is it from me today I hope that you have enjoyed the read and a look at my treasures from May Bank Holiday weekend.
I will be back here tomorrow and all that is left for me to say is...
Happy Stitching1 XX
We had such a wonderful and relaxing Bank Holiday and I can not believe it was now a week ago either. Well what did I purchase I hear you ask.
At the Dorset Brocante held at the Larmer Tree I bought some really beautiful pieces. Lots of stitchery bits as well and I was spoilt for choice. So many gorgeous things there and the day with the warm weather is was a pleasure to take your time in the sun and then inside in the shade and just wander at your leisure and have a good look at every thing.
In no particular order this is what came home with us....
Lizzie Drake and Linda Clift had such a beautiful array of haberdashery and stitchery goodies that I went fairly mad here. I went back several times and made purchases ... I could not believe that there was such beautiful and unusual pieces of antique quilts.....
As you can see from the photos I got the most beautiful piece of old quilt and it is a star with old threads of time hanging from it. At the moment I am doing some embroidery on it.
Then on the left there is a pile of antique quilt pieces and they really are stunning. Along with some antique cotton/linen tape ( the kind you might use in bunting only this is very old indeed)
Then one of the pieces of the patchwork like the star needed its own photo and I have already earmarked what it going to be used for in the next week or so. The colours are outstanding and I am not sure on here it will do it the best justice but believe me it is stunning. The light green and the cream and faded pink it really is a show stopper and I personally have never seen one like this with these faded colours ... Happy Me!
Rescue and Revive as you may remember had some lovely haberdashery along with some
silver plated cutlery that has been hand stamped with words and phrases. Well we bought a few one being your pudding spoon and the other my pudding spoon ... but this is my favourite and my husband went and got it for me without me knowing. I love it and he smiled at me when he gave me this little brown paper bag and said .. saw this and thought of you!!
It is a sauce spoon and goes perfectly in our sauce jug and saucer... if you can not read it, it says 'Saucy'...
Artichoke had some really lovely and very unusual things on their large stand. They had a stone table with stone chairs and it looked like it might have been owned by Bilbo Baggins as some point in time. I however loved these fire tiles and I am collecting ones I love for our forever home as I have some ideas.... get them while you see them and what you do not use well being antique it is fluid and you can sell it on again.
Also I loved the hanger made from old wood and cotton reels along with some cotton real papers .
. This is wonderful and so well made. It is not for coats you understand although it would take the weight as they are screwed in from behind but I think to hang pretties from ... well its just the thing.
The Shed at Tenby had some of the little french Chemists hangers that used to be used for prescriptions. They were on a roll around system and the medicines were hung on there when made up. When someone came to collect they pharmacist would flip through and find the right one.
In addition there were two large antique keys and these have so many uses - no not unlocking our doors we do not live in a castle! but believe me they will be used as I have stitched so many things and used these along side ...

The last purchase here was a very old coal scuttle galvanised bucket with a lovely lavender plant in it
and now it sits with pride in our garden along side our table and chairs. When it is warm the smell is divine and it will not be long before the honey bees will be collecting it nectar from the sleeping buds right now ...
Black Dog Vintage has an eclectic mix and I bought a few bits here ... Mostly it was antique book plates from old book. They are great for staging to take photos, mixed media projects and of course journaling or sending to pen pals ... Also a tiny old clock face and these are wonderful to add to embroidery pieces as well.
In addition I saw this dear little cotton real and it is a Coates make and of course in memory of my much loved and much missed neighbour I had to bring it home to my collection. I wonder what he would make of it. He would say if he felt is should have never been made or indeed it was good quality... It makes me smile and I am sure it would him as well.
That was all on the Sunday, then we went out and about on Bank Holiday Monday, the weather was even hotter. We roamed around the countryside and went to Tisbury to their vintage street market . I loved the day but it was a day off for me so I did not take photos. It was the whole village, outside some houses on greens and along the streets and in village halls... it was vast.
Well we parked in the Station there and there was a wonderful shop called Station Antiques and we had a wander in there and I came across this simple beautiful carved mother of pearl spool holder and it is Victorian. It has now come home with me and will have a spool of thread put on it for display purposes. The intricate work is simply stunning.
In addition I found some more fire tiles and there were six of them and so they came with us too. They blend perfectly with the ones I bought at the Dorset Brocante but there were five in that bundle only.
Then I saw Jane of Kiss the Book fame and she had a little stall in one of the Church Halls. I purchased a old map of Lyme Regis and Taunton ... great for seeing how things were and also for using in mixed media depending what condition it is in. Great for journealing as well. Also a little antique Italian hand stamp with the letter H on it ... well for obvious reasons!
Then I came across a little stall with lots of different bits on it and some haberdashery and bits of old
linens. There was also a very old flour sack and on the back there are recipes. This of course will be stitched on to something and I am thinking one of my dresses in the making ... I love it and think it would be fun and of course it would be seen by the world once more and not in a bag or drawer....
We said our goodbyes and walked back along the high street and found this most gorgeous shop. The things are sourced from all around but the two bits that I fell in love with came from Italy and it was the best ever garlic jar I had seen with stunning colours to its glaze. Then the most unusual and pretty bowl. It is a red cabbage leaf and I think with a lot of homemade coleslaw in it at a gathering at our home it will be a fine display.. I think its beautiful on the kitchen table with nothing in it as well.. what do you think? My groaning dresser is in the back ground with lots of antique and new china pieces on there. Everything is used on there and not just for show. I love my dresser and I do say sorry when I walk in with something else for it to house... I am sure I can hear it sigh!
We decided to go on home with all our loot and with a drive through the Dorset villages and road
sides we did stop so I could cut a huge bundle of cow parsley.. technically it is a weed so I am sure it is ok. As you know you should not pick the wild flowers but I really do not think this weed is under that protection and so many of us all do go pick it. It may be a weed but its a true favourite of mine and I like to fill my large antique enamel jug with it and pop it by our table and chairs and pots .. it makes a beautiful display and the bees are buzzing around it, although they do not seem to like its nectar if it has any as they move on very quickly. Still in my eyes cow parsley is beautiful.
It is still very much alive and well and loving its sunny corner. When it goes over I will be stopping and cutting another big bunch.... all the summer long.
When we got home I cut the stems again and put it straight in the jug with fresh water to drink. We then sat in the garden with some wine and had our supper... such a lovely end to a truly relaxing and wonderful three days together...
Well that is it from me today I hope that you have enjoyed the read and a look at my treasures from May Bank Holiday weekend.
I will be back here tomorrow and all that is left for me to say is...
Happy Stitching1 XX
Sounds like you had the most wonderful busy bank holiday. Ours was quite quiet in comparison
ReplyDeleteJulie xxxxxxx
Morning Julie
DeleteYes it was sort of busy but done in a way that we were not rushing or clock watching. It was lovely just bumbling hand in hand in the sun and countryside.. away from the beach and maddening crowds of litter bugs! ..
Hope you are well.
Sarah xxxxxxxx
Wow! Some very unusual finds. Love the cotton reel hanger. I like to buy the 'baby' cotton reels when I see them, they're dinky and cute.
ReplyDeleteThe red cabbage leaf bowl is really unusual and would look great with lots of coleslaw in it, like you said; I love coleslaw.
Rare to see you buying blue and white, not the usual red but not surprised as it is a lovely flour sack and letters.
Andrew is just as you say he is, I saw him busily finding pieces for you at The Vintage Bazaar in Frome. I don't know how you've managed to train him so well but I need some tips! 😊 xxx
Morning Dawn! ...
DeleteLOL, you made me chuckle! ..
He is great, and no training was needed he loves truffling too, always has.
The blue flour sack was too good to leave, I mean!!!
Yes it’s my coleslaw bowl, well at the moment it has fresh ginger in it but wow it’s a beautiful bowl.
Still love red and white .. it’s my favourite I can not help it! ..
Have a wonderful day.
Sarah xxx
Hello Sarah
ReplyDeleteso glad you both had such a lovely break from all your hard word.
Your write up is so informative and lovely to read.
Andrew has always been keen to find out what is under the piece on the top!!!!!!!!! He and His Grandfather spent hours in my Fathers garage sorting tools, screws, nuts, bolts and engine parts. They were very close to each other.
We have Cow Parsley growing at the bottom of the garden, its so lovely and is called Ladies Lace round here.
We have had to move the Crab Apple tree we planted 3 weeks ago as the Farmer, Andrew, called me and said, "COOOOOOWS be coming in 'ere nexta week, should move it I were you or they eat it all", so its now moved.
My Today's Quilting magazine has just been delivered and OH DEARRRRRR shall I down tools?? NO had better finish all the things I need to do first.
Have a lovely day in the sunshine.
Love MumXX
Good Afternoon
DeleteI am glad you enjoyed the read. The fair was amazing and the treasure was sublime.
We had a wonderful weekend indeed and it was just lovely weather as well.
My office right now is the garden under the umbrella so that I can see my stitches.
I am glade the farmer phoned you first before putting the cows in .. nice of him.
We do not get many days like these so if I were you I would go in the garden and find a spot and read that magazine for an hour....
Hope all is well with you.
Sarah xx
Such wonderful finds...the prescription reels were awesome too.
ReplyDeleteIf only all these pieces could talk.
A blessed life you have Sarah!! 💕💕
Hello Lora
DeleteYou took the words right out of my mouth, I often say that... I wonder at the time worn and pre loved threads of time and think about the tales they might tell...
Hope you have a wonderful day...
Sarah xx
Oh how I love all your little new found treasures! So many possibilities!
ReplyDeleteHello! And thank you.
DeleteI know it’s exciting when you find treasures to turn into something, so they are loved and seen once more..
Thank you for comment and glad you enjoyed the blog today. ❤️