Friday, 15 September 2017

Coloured hand dyed threads with a Autumnal hue.

Autumn carries more gold in its pocket
 than all the other seasons. 

Jim Bishop.  

 Today's little rummage around in my sewing room whilst drinking my coffee and with the candles on was in my precious box of hand dyed shaker threads.  I can not help it and as I am up really early when my husband leaves to for work at silly o'clock when in London then I have extra time to potter in my beloved stitchery room. I sit with my first coffee of the day and ponder, looking at the birds busy scrubbing around out there, although they had there seeds, nuts and meal worms I put out plus I  cut up some pear and blackberries too .... Miss Muddy Beak becomes Miss Berry Beak at this point!  Anyway I got to thinking of threads, as I do and Autumn colours danced about my brain so when I had finished my coffee I started going through my thread box, pulling out colours that had the most  stunning of colour hues. Today though my husband is working from home but I still had to get up quietly and watch the birds about their breakfast that I popped out for them.

With the most gorgeous of names  to entice you as well like ... pumpkin patch, toffee apple, corn husk you get the general idea here - so delicious!
I was undone and in my own little stitchery world of wonder it happens an awful lot, well daily actually.. grin!

Then you see I had to look through my paisley draw and fabric stashes and sort all sorts out that felt like Autumn and what I needed to look at to get my inspiration.  I feel a lovely long walk through the New Forest this weekend coming,
 looking at the mushrooms, leaves and changing colours with my camera and then I can refer to that along side all the vintage treasure that I have been pulling out and photographing this morning.  Keeping some bits out to create with too or add to my creations.

I am looking forward to having this weekend at home and hopefully we will go out to the New Forest for a lovely long walk and a pub lunch after.  It all depends on the weather.  Cold, frost, snow even I am OK with but I do not like hiking in the rain .. so it remains to be seen if the weather plays ball for us.

The camera will come with me and I will be snapping lots of things hopefully that will become inspiration for me when I design at a later date and I am really hoping we get to do that.

Next weekend we are at Daylesford vintage fair and we will be meeting up with our friends again the jolly six will be making merry once more and I am looking forward to that very much indeed. Although trying to be good before America I have made a little list and it will be the last fair before we head out as not going to go to any more.  I will make the most of the photo opportunities for you so that you can see it if you are not attending.

Today I have a full day designing and stitching, well what I mean is I can do what I feel like doing today and I will keep going on my mixed media but if I want to walk away from it to ' let it speak for its self' then I have a design journal at the ready to be able to go to and work on as well.

I thought with getting out some of my beautiful threads today and some other lovely treasures I could gather some inspiration and also it would help me think of new and exciting designs for next season for my design journal - and besides which I love doing it! ha ha....
I mean how could you not love stroking these sorts of colour palettes .. its impossible for me!

In addition to that they have been moved in to a larger box in readiness for the others that will be flying back with me.  I have, as you know, pre ordered some threads so I thought is best to decant what I have and to make space for some more upon our return.  With jet lag it helps if I just know where to put things away and not have to then hunt about for bigger real estate for the hand dyed beauties to live in...

The acorns and leaves that are pictured at the top of this page will be stitched to a Autumn sampler that I am stitching as well, as you see its like when I read books ( generally two or three at a time and choose daily which I am in the mood for as they are never the same genre)  its the same for projects I like to have a few on the go and then I finish that little cluster before moving on ....  The oak leaves cut from old paisley will be embroidered for texture and just to add depth to them.  Little stitches will secure the acorns firmly in place and hold the cups there too.

With all this talk of Autumn and the cold spell that  has started to come in (sunny but cooler) I decided that if today stays nice I might sit in the garden in a chair with a blanket over my lap and take some stitchery outside to catch some of the beautiful Autumn sunlight.  We still have b b q's in the Winter if it is dry with throws on us and it is so much fun, plus it is usually colder then than now so even though it might only be 14 degrees out there right now I think it might be rather nice.  The tame Monsieur Robin may come up and sit near me too and then I can snap some more photos of the handsome chap. I think the vintage red wool thread would be perfect for his breast poking out of his jacket ....

Well that is it for today and all that is left to say is have a very Happy Weekend all whatever you are up to and as always Happy Stitching! XX

See you Monday ....


  1. I love those acorns

    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. I cannot cope with the wind, I think it's from living in Mauritius and having cyclones every year - the noise of the wind rushing freaks me out. I can cope with rain, and cold just about. If you have time, please drop into Jayne's Vintage and Retro Fayre at Whippingham Community Hall Isle of Wight in 1 Oct from 10 til 4. It's the first time we will have all got together after the summer break, you would be very welcome. xx

    1. Hi Sandy

      I can understand not liking high winds after that explanation!
      About the fair I am not sure that I can but will try Sandy, will advertise it for you all. Honestly will try. Would love to see you all again.
      Sarah xx
